Dec 27, 2010

Making angler nabe アンコウ鍋を作る

A friend of mine called me if I would like to join a dinner at his place, saying that we can maybe cook some Japanese dishes, especially one with fish. Yes, it means I am supposed to cook for that. He called another two of his friends whom he got to know in his Russian class. So by chance we were all connected to Russian language. He is Iranian but he loves Japanese dishes, loves natto very much. He once asked me to demostrate how to make natto, I procured for him a heater for making natto.


He called me in advance what he would buy for the dinner, I thought for a moment which fish we should take for dinner. In Japan there are lots of possibilities in this season of the year, but in Austria fish is very expensive and no many choices as in Japan. I told him to buy angler, chinese cabbage, leeks, carrot and mushrooms. Honeslty I wondered if he was able to, I told him later that I would buy and bring shimeji and enoki mushroom. And the most important thing, ceramic pot, I brought the one with me which I brought back from Japan in my suitecase. I also asked him if he had rice and eggs at home, he had healthy one than white rice. After eating nabe, rice or udon noodle is especially necessary.


The other day, he asked me to go to a Japanese restaurant together with me. He could have ordered sushi there, but he wanted to follow my advice what to order. I ordered beer and edamame, grilled dried horse mackerel, tempura soba which all became his favorite. So this time I brought edamame with me and started to cook edamame for others while waiting for main dish, angler soup. To my surprise he bought dried horse mackerel by himself, so we grilled it for the starter.


After taking soup from kelp, added bonita flakes, then I put cut vegetables in the pot. Unfortunately he did not have any soy sauce at home but condenced soup. I tried to mix it with salt to have the proper taste. For others, too, edamame was the first experience. I explained to them exactly as same as I told my friend at the Japanese restaurant some days ago,  that these two are not seperable. They ate edamame as Japanese would do, bit and ate only the bean inside.


We did not have sake to drink but a bottle of Riesling, a typical Austrian white wine with full aroma. It seemed to me that they somehow liked the angler soup. After finishing it, I added rice and rest of vegetable into the pot and cooked again. To finalize it I added eggs into the pot after putting out the fire and covered with the lid. This may be also the first time for them to see how I cooked so-to-say risotto. We enjoy the risotto until the last grain of rice and there was nothing left in the pot.


Dec 26, 2010

Christmas Hiking クリスマスハイク

A friend of mine asked me if I would like to go hiking on the Christmas day. Usual people would stay at home with their family, it was actually very cold outside.


We met at Charles Church and then took metro and street car to Wienerwald. There are lots of hiking courses there which would take from 2 to 4 or 5 hours. I went for hiking for sometimes in fall. Mountain treck was coverted with snow or partly icy. We took care not to slip on the ice and went up the mountain path.


We had a lunch break at the mountain lodge including sweets. There are several families there, maybe they drove up here by car. We had a view over Vienna and then came back to city again.


Dec 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

After coming back from my vacation in Italy, I had been very busy for my work. On weekends I had many appointments and I did not have time to write any Christmas or New Year card. This year I would stay in Vienna and spend Christmas and the New Year, would work from January 3rd. I wish all of my friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Nov 7, 2010

Rusky vecher ロシアンナイト

I joined the Russian night event to enjoy Russian food and talk. There is a "language evening in Vienna" group where they organize a event every week for different language in turn; Russian, Polish, Spanish and French. I do go often to French one and Russian. Actually my Russian level is still far from enjoying conversation with others, but I do not care if I can just stay there without being able to talk a little. It is just a trivial matter, to be there, eat the same thing and share the time with others is what I think very important. I did learn other languages in the same way and I had the same period with my German and other languages when I hardly spoke something.

ロシア料理と会話を楽しむイベントに参加する。 "ウィーンの外国語の夜 "グループでは毎週ロシア語、ポーランド語、スペイン語とフランス語のイベントを順番に企画している。フランス語とロシア語のイベントには定期的に参加している。実際ロシア語はまだ他の人と会話を楽しむというレベルになっていないが、そういう細かいことは一切気にしない。一緒に同じものを食べて、時間を共有するということが一番大事なことだと思っている。他の言葉も実際そうやって身に付けてきた。ドイツ語にしても他の言葉にしても、ほとんど何も話せなかった時期が同じようにあった。

The host had already started to prepare cooking when I arrived. He lives in an apartment with other people which is quite popular styple in Europe and called WG, Wohngemeinschaft in German which means living share. The merit of this is of course, to live in a big house with less expense. It should be harldy accepted in Japan but it is quite natuarl that people would put an add in the Internet sites to look for living share partners from both male and female. The host lives with two girls and share the kitchen, bathroom and living room.


We prepared pelimeni from dough. He already prepared the dough in advance, it is the mixture of flour, water and olive oil, I rolled the stick to thinner the dough and make a form with the mouth of a glass, then other girls stuffed the fried mashroom with bacon or smashed potato with leeks. Actually there are different names for the pelimeni which has meat or vegetable inside. I did not pay much attention when I tried Russian local food in St.Petersburg or in Moscow. It is a very casual food in Russia as same as Gyoza in Japan.

みんなでペリメニを準備する。彼は事前に生地を用意していた。小麦粉と水にオリーブオイルを混ぜたもの。それを伸ばし棒で薄くしてコップの口の部分で型を抜く。他の女の子がそれにきのことベーコンを一緒に炒めたもの、それからジャガイモと葱を混ぜたものを詰める。 実際ペリメニは中に何が入っているか(肉か野菜か)で名前が違う。サンクトペテルブルグやモスクワで現地の食べ物を食べて回っていたときにはあまり注意していなかった。ロシアではごく一般的な食べ物で、日本の餃子のようなものだ。

Some people including a Russian girl brought some Russian "snack" to the event. Quite interesting one was calamari, dried squid which is generally called surume in Japan, and they would be eaten with beer. And the other is smoked cheese. I should have talken a picture of the package.


To serve pelimeni sour cream is indispensable. I was not sure if I could add some more olive oil to the dough to avoid being harder by cooking in the water, but it was actually very delicous. We enjoyed the conversation with other guests who ariived later till midnight. Subway running all the night surely influenced our weekend life in Vienna.

ペリメニにはサワークリームが欠かせない。 生地にもう少しオリーブオイルを足していたらあまり硬くならずにすんだのかもしれないが、それでもとてもおいしかった。遅れてきたゲストも一緒になってみんなで真夜中まで会話を楽しんだ。夜中でも走るようになった地下鉄のおかげで、ウィーンの週末の過ごし方は確実に変わってきている。

Oct 30, 2010

Revuild Vision Program - continued 視力回復プログラム 続き

I started rebuild vision program in June. If the training brought me a huge effect for improving my vision, I could have written here that now I am wrting this blog without glasses, but it was not so easy. I wake up at 5:30 or a little earlier every day, but to take 30-minutes time for training before going to office was rather hard, I was not able to do the practice every day, or honestly saying I did that two or three days a week.

6月に視力回復プログラムを始めた。トレーニングの効果が現れていれば、 今このブログをメガネなしで書いている、と書くことが出来たかもしれない。朝は毎日5時半かそれより少し前に起きるが、仕事に出かける前に時間を取るのはなかなか大変で、毎日というわけには行かなかった。正直に言えば、週に2、3回というところだ。

But since then I do not ware glasses nor contact lenses. I usually walk outside without glasses and ware them only when I have to read something or when it gets dark. I still have to ware contact lenses during sports like badminton or baseball, or I cannot have a proper sense of distance. I take vitamin pills for my eyes every day. I still have to ware glasses during work, but I read books without glasses in the train. Every 15 minutes I relax my eyes without glasses for about 10 or 20 seconds, see outside. I see worse and worse with my glasses and I pull the monitor on my desk toward me twice. My glasses do not match my eyes.


Maybe I have to train my eyes during my winter vacation; I have much time at home and do not have to work, I do not have any plan to go somewhere. It might be the ideal occasion to do the program intensively. I try to continue further, any way without forcing me too much.


Oct 19, 2010

Energy treatment エネルギー療法

Almost about a half year ago, I happened to go by a book store in Steyr when I was to relocate to Vienna and needed to subject some documents at city hall, I found a book piled up high in front of the store. It was the book written by an Austrian who has been working with sport people with his "energy", so-to-say "chi", sensing what might be wrong with the patients. He was going to hold a small lecture at the book store.


As I mentioned in some previous posts, I strongly believe that our body cannot be easily "fixed" by cutting and sewing since my experience fifteen years ago. Since then I got much more careful about my health condition. I stopped to take medicine even for headache or stomachache, tried to listen to what my body wants me to tell. This is quite similar to what I have been doing for meal much before then; I listen to my stomach, not my tongue to decide what to take. This kind of idea might seem to be lunatic for most of Westerners, although they would never mean it directly, just laughing and say "ah, then I can never stop eating Schnitzel, hahaha"


I made an appointment soon after reading the book, I strongly agreed to what he wrote in the book. We want just to avoid having problems or pain without knowing why, while current European medicine always tries to explain what the cause of it. And they have to ignore everything that scientifically cannot be proved. I had to wait for about 4 months.

本を読み終えた後、すぐに診療のアポを取った。彼が本に書いていることには大いに賛成だ。「我々は、どうしてかという理由が分からなくとも痛みが消えて欲しい。」 ところが西洋医学では全てにおいて説明を試みる。それで科学的に説明のつかないものは無視をする必要がある。診療まで4ヶ月待った。

I took the early train to go down to Wels in upper Austria, from there I got a taxi to Weißkirchen. The author's son is now working on that, he is in the similar age. He used to work on programming, it should be a very challenging career change from my point of view, I talked with him about anything why I was there. After he examined my body by touching, he told me if I have some problem noticed about my lung and kidney. And actually I may have a strange feeling on kidney or somewhere around there for some months but still no clear phenomenon nor symptom. He massaged my body especially back, down to waist, legs and knees which I feel very cozy by that. I know that our body parts are interacting each other and some symptom cannot be explained just looking locally. I had some massage services in Austria until now, but this time I remembered some Japanese one.


It seemed to me that I had tension about my head, possibly due to my desk work, the to shoulder and waist, which could also influence knees. And I could have had somehow twisted spine for some time. After almost an hour massage, I felt my shoulders very light and my waist where I sometimes feel pain after moving a lot. Our body is to be maintained and not to go to the hospital when we feel bad. Maybe I need to take yoga stuff into my life to relax my body, not just have them work hard by training or daily tension during the work.


Oct 4, 2010

Vienna photo marathon ウィーンフォトマラソン

One of my friends asked me if I also want to join the "marathon", and of course I say yes to such the situation as usual. Actually I had no idea about it, but why should I hesitate to have fun? After I enrolled to the event she told me that she was not able to come, I met up with an another friend to get start number and theme list for the day: we have to take 24 pictures within 12 hours due to the theme list in the specified order. The themes were following.


2.Opposite, difference
3.In Au-garden
6.Climate friendly transfer
7.Save energy
8.Daily climate protection
9.From the different view point
10.I love Vienna because...
11.Miracle energy
12.I am natural
13.Forest of signs
14.Street art
15.Graben (place at the very center of Vienna)
16.Show window
18.Carved in stone
19.Doors and gates
21.Close to water

15.グラーベン (ウィーンの中心)

The wather was not suitable to stay outside whole day, it was rather cold and windy. If it had rained, I had no chance to shoot with my broken hand. This event is the 7th one this year, I actually did not read much about this event in the Internet.


That was really hard. I did not take any thing but a compact camera, no tripod nor special lenses that many others had. I just walked and walked to find mathing spot for the shooting. But I understood very well that I am not an artist. But I do not want any trick to take pictures. To stop the moment "now" in the picture, this should be a picture. Maybe next time...


Oct 3, 2010

Long night of museums 美術館の長い夜

The annual event came again. I went to many different minor museums till now through this event, this time I wanted to visit a post office which was designed by Otto Wagner. I see his his other building almost every day now at Karlsplatz. The "post office" does not look like a usual one. And it was just a luck to find a jazz concert there and it turned out to be a very nice one.


There are two other museums I wanted to visit but I was afraid of how crowded they woudl be: Piccaso and Frida Kahlo. There is no need to explain about Piccaso. The Albertina museum was packed, it was warm inside with people. I expected that but it was much more than I thought of. In the end I felt slightly dizzy.


I went further to Kunstforum to see Fida Kahlo. I still remember the shock when I first saw a painting of Frida Kahlo more than 20 years ago, she herself with her broken spine. I had to wait for a line for about 40 minutes to enter the museum. Her paintings, pictures and sketches. I was very happy to choose this from long long list of museums for the day.


The biggest difference this year was that subway was operated during the night. So comfortable and no need to care how to be back home.


Sep 23, 2010

One summer experience ひと夏の経験

Before the summer really ends, I had a small break. At the reception of my accomodation I subjected my card and everything was treated very smoothly. At first, they asked me of some pictures and took me into a shooting chanber. They took pictures of me but just a certain part of my body from some different angles. A female staff came out of the shooting room and asked me with excitement how I could have done with it. I just answerd to her that I just played with balls. Maybe it might have been rare for her. Other people also took a look on my pictures and accepted me to stay there soon and for a while. Then they asked some questions how I like to feel the pain, this time I prefered not to be painful as they recommended to me; I was kjust a beginner, and they signed up with my signature. For the first night they told me to be naked except while net stockings and white net brief, I was very surprised and somehow ashamed of it, but eveything is experience, There are not many chances to do that in my life.


They told me that they would call me to the bed as soon as they got ready. I waited and waited. From 5:00 in the morning till 21:00 without eating nor drinking. Everybody who sometimes showed up told the same, "I do not know, I am sorry". I really thought I could have been the wrong place. It was just after 22:00, they called me finally. It seemd that they had very many customers and had problem to entertain them all.


When I lied in the middle of a bed under dazzling light, surrounded by two men and two women, one of the women asked me to get naked. I set up my mind. They did not seems to be tired at all, they started businesslike to touch my swallen part, tried to strech the crooked part and so on. Some time later I felt comfortable and slightly tired, I felt asleep. It was my first experience in Austria.They were very professional and I did never have fear for that. When I woke up, one of the women told me that I am very slow and was very surprised.


I went back home satisfied. My broken thumb was connected with bolts and I have to wait for some weeks to heal. I learned somwthing new during this experience: How to ask "when to go to the rest room last time" in German in academic way, "When was the last stool?". And my heart seems to beat much slower than average people; about 44 times a minute. Every nurse who took my pulse asked me if mine is OK with this, and they took me as a marathon runner.

満足して家に戻った。折れていた親指はボルトで止められ、数週間もすれば治るようだ。この経験で新しい発見があった。ドイツ語で、「最後に便通があったのはいつですか」をどうやって学術的に聞くかということ。 (最後の椅子はいつ?) それから、普通の人よりもずいぶん脈を打つのが遅いらしいということ。1分あたり44拍くらい。脈を採りに来た看護婦全員がこれで普通なの?と聞き、マラソンランナーということになったらしい。

Empty stomach / 絶食

Sep 19, 2010

Wachau marathon ヴァッハゥ=マラソン

I joined the marathon held in Wachau, one of the most famous places for producing wine grapes in Austria. I did not well train at all and I run quarter marathon; half marathon was actually fully booked when I enrolled via Internet.


8,500 people enrolled to the marathon; full marathon, half, quator and team. Also Nordik walking. Early in the morning it was cold and it was still enough cold when we got there at the start point in Dürnstein. There was a special train arranged from Vienna to get there, train ticket fee was also included in the entry fee. The connection train delayed more than 20 minutes from Krems.We walked down to the Danube through the vineyard from Dürnstein station, and when we get to the start point, it was already just 15 minutes before the start.


The path along the river for the first 1km was very narrow, it took me almost 7 minutes to reach 1km point where we came into a wider street, it was so crowded and very hard take over other runners by then. I was already not quite sure if I qualify my aim for the day, to run within 50 minutes, then I raised my pace to take the delay back.


The weather was very fine by then, sun started to shine and got warm, ideal for marathon. The course just led us directly to Krems, there was almost no curve nor up-down. Danube on the right hand, vineyards on the left hand. This scene continued till 8km point. When I arrived at 5km point, my wrist watch showed me the time of 24 minutes from the start. I thought then I ran maybe too fast and I slightly lowered my pace. After leaving the course by Danube at 8km and we headed toward the center of Krems,The last 2km was not very easy this time. I wanted to pace up again but I do not think that I was able to.


The official net time was 51.49, I was not able to reach the goal as I expected. There was no measured lap time as in full marathon and I was not sure how I run the last 2km. Maybe the reason of this might be that I actually did not count the last 500m at all and thought only 10km. It seemed that more than 1,000 people joined the quarter marathon, it was at least nice to be able to keep the last number within 200, 199 / 1550. Further information: 52nd place / 206 from male 40's, 175th place out of 753 within whole men.

公式タイムは51分49秒。残念ながら目標のタイムには届かなかった。フルマラソンと違いラップタイムは計測されていないので最後の2kmをどれくらいで走ったのか知る由もないが、おそらく最後の500mを全く計算していなかったのも原因だろう。ずっと10kmで考えて走っていた。クォーターマラソンには1000人以上の人が参加したようだが、なんとかぎりぎり200番以内, 199 / 1550位に入れたことは喜んでもいいかもしれない。更には40代男性の部で52 / 206位、男性全体では175 / 753位。

There were eder runners, too, really surprised that winners of 60 or 65 years old class ran the quarter marathon within an hour. Honestly I will not try that for sure.


Sep 17, 2010

Street festival ストリート=フェスティバル

I was working from home as usual on Friday. It was around 17:00, I heard people were singing to the music from outside, it was from the direction of Bulgarian embassy. I thought they had some special event then.
I was working hard on debugging our software program, worked and forgot that time passed. It was almost 20:00. I tried many things that day and finally find a clue to the solution. So I went out to have something to drink; where there is a festival, there should be something to eat and drink.


It was actually from the Croatian center about 30m away from my apartment on the same street. The festival was organized by the district's cultural event organizer, Burgenland Croatian festival. Burgenland is one of Austrian states which lies on the border between Austria and Hungary, and also touches a part of Croatia and Slovakia. This area is famous for its wine. Many people there were talking in German and also Kroatian, possibly. Some words are similar to Russian.


It was after sunset and already cold outside, I sat at one of the tables on the side of the street, finished my bean soup and two glasses of red wine. Then I once returned to my room and fetch warmer clothes; it is much nicer to enjoy live music with others than from my room, although I can listend to it from my apartment. The festival finished at 23:00.

もう日が暮れて少し肌寒かった。通りの脇に置かれた机に座り、豆のスープと赤ワインをグラスに2杯頂いた後、一旦家に帰って暖かい服を取ってきた。家からも聞こえるが、そこで周りの人と一緒に音楽を聞くほうがいい。 お祭りは23時でお開きになった。

Sep 4, 2010

Night ride 夜間運行

The Vienna subway started to operate 24 hours a day for weekend from Sep.3rd, and the "Foreigers in Vienna" group gathered to celebrate this event together. In Europe there are cities where they operate subway all the time and there has been discussion in Vienna since years. During the night we would have trains every 15 minutes, it is surely better than the night bus especially in winter. We do not have to wait for the bus outside.


We met up in front of Burgtheator and ordered some drink at bars opened in front of city hall. For the day, there was a special Internet site to get the combi-ticket for the ride and entrance fee for bars. Almost all of us printed it out and took with us, but actually it was never checked at the entrance of any bar in the list of this event. There were new faces in the group but they recongnized me very quickly as a Japanese baseball guy. They were talking about seeing me play baseball last weekend even without knowing the rule at all. A  Lithuanian girl came up to me saying that she wanted to talk with me. She talked about a Japanese supplier's visit in Vienna some weeks ago, was really impressed by the perfectionism of Japanese working mentality. I talked about some of my experience in Japan, the USA and in Europe. There was also an American guy who lived in Japan for three and a half years as English teacher, I talked with him for a while and then we all took subway to go to Karlsplatz.


I seldom go out late to go to bars but I can make some exceptions. Group members are very easy going and fun to talk to, maybe I can join the monthly brunch again from the next time which I skipped for several times due to baseball games on Sundays.


Certification 認定証

Living in a modern society, we actually rely on benefit of cars and cannot deny the fact that we are somehow dependent on it. There are some types of people about cars; those who do not drive at all, those who can drive fast and even earn money for that and those who can pay money by driving fast. People in the last category may earn money in the future if they can drive much much faster.


I did not belong to any of these until last Friday, I had been just a people who sometimes drive. I finally successfully got a certification for the first time in my life and joined the last group. But if I could have known it much earlier, I would feel much easier.... It was a month ago when I drove to Salzburg and back to Vienna on highway. I just paid 60 Euro to join the group, but there are much more generous people in the world...


Sep 3, 2010

Classic guitar festival クラシックギターフェスティバル

My Hungarian teacher asked me if I want to go to the guitar concert held at the conservatorium and I would never hesitate to say yes to such the offer. Her boyfriend is studying classic guitar at the conservatorium. The festival is actually a competition and there are some concerts by invited guests.


After my private Hungarian lesson, we went to the conservatorium near the Naschmarkt. I have passed the building many times to buy something in Naschmarkt but have never been there actually. While waiting outside of the building, I saw some Japanese students talking. I do now know the detail but there are lots of Japanese students living in Vienaa majoring music. In my baseball team there are also some students; they are studying trumpet, violin, opera and so on.


The player of the day was Carlo Marchione from Italy. The concert started from 19:30, he mixed some contemporal music in classical ones, fascinated us for more than two hours including pause. It was amazing. He appeared four times due to our encore after he had finished his program of the day. I was very happy to be there.

その日のギタリストはイタリアのCarlo Marchioneさん。コンサートは19:30に始まり、クラッシック音楽に最近のものを交え、休憩を挟みながら2時間以上に渡ってすばらしい演奏を披露してくれた。予定終了後も観客のアンコールに4度も応えてくれた。行ってよかった。

In the concert hall I happened to find a familiar face; a badminton club member. I heard that he works as a tour guide in Vienna, but he told me that he finished his study at the Kunitachi musical university and studied at the conservatorium, then teaches playing guitar in Vienna. I remembered that I happened to see him last time at a guitar concert held at the Japanese embassy two months ago, so it was not a coincidence.


Sep 1, 2010

Borsh party

There was a borsh party organised by one of my Russian friends. People gathered together were the regular members for monthly Russian evening, where we try to communicate in Russian as much as possible. Other people studied the language at school or in university, most of them speak Russian very fluently. I still speak the language awfully despite almost two-year online private language course. At least I noticed my change in the ears, I can pick up words they speak well.
Any way, the first hurdle is very high for Russian; to be able to speak in some easy situations, I have to know a lot. How to conjugate numbers due to case, which verb of presence or perfect to use and first of all, the cojugation of verbs, nouns and adjectives are very intricate. It is too much for the beginning.


Borsh is originally from Ukraine, but many people do not know it and think it is Russian. I tried some variations in Russia, I generally like Russian soup. Well, some day I will add these to my repertory. We emptied two entire pots of borsch with 8 people, enjoyed the mafia game and Russian conversation, promised to meet again for Russian movie evening for the next time. It is a benefit to live in Vienna to meet up easily for such the event.


Aug 30, 2010

Final 4

Our team finished the Landesliga Ost B block at the second place as I mentioned in previous entry, there is another Landesliga Ost A block. Top two teams from this both liga block gathered together to decide which team is the winner of Landesliga Ost last weekend.


Saturday morning, in spite of the bad weather forecast since the day before, it seemed like it once stopped raining in the midnight and sun sometimes showed up from the thick clouds and sometimes it showered. It was rather cool, unusual in the end of August. We had three games planned in two days, and it was the first time to play baseball games in double header. Surely it might be our problem, our team do not have many enough members and we are above middle 30s and other teams are in early 20s, 10 more years younger.


I had problem with my right hand, maybe I could have twisted or hurt by hittig; a regulation ball is much harder and heavier than the one of Japanese version of baseball played with a hard rubber ball with which I played until the end of my junior high school. I needed taping on my hand to do anything or I was not able to use a cooking knife.


The first game on Saturday with the match between the winner of Ost A block. My hand slowly healed but was still very hard to fully swing the bat. I watched the game in the bench. It was a very good match, until the 6th inning it was a see-saw game from the beginning. But maybe a lack of concentration just for a while, we gave them 7 points at the latter half of the 4th inning. We were not able to point in the next inning and the time limit (2 hours) came. We lost the game for 9 to 17.


The following day was very fine and sunny, became an ideal day for playing. The first game on the day was with the team, winner in our block. We lost all of two games against them in this season, all of us wanted to pay that back. Actually we played very well. Nobody thought of losing the game, at the 7th inning we went to defend and the score was 10 to 8 for us then. They had two runners on bases, the batter hit the ball and flew over the right ourfield fence, which is entitle second base; right outfield fence is not far enough from home. They got 2 points with that. It was already 7th inning, the last inning. Suddenly all of the came out from the bench and started to celebrate as if they tunre over the score and won. We first know that the score our team kept and the one official keeper did were not the same, one of them should be wrong. There was a break for about 15 minutes. In the previous inning, while they were defending, all of the started to come back to bench when they got 2 outs from us. They took the out count for wrong then. One of our runners came back to home base when they abandoned playing and went back to their bench. Of course it was their mistake and the game was on ply. It was corrected and we offended further after our protest. After all we did not get any further point. But the point we got then, was not noticed by umpire or the official scorer. There is no way how wrong they keep the score, there was an electric score board equipped at the ball park but not used then. We had no chance to correct them until the very end of the game.


In our score, we finished the game even with the team, reported our exception with our score to the federation. We still do not know how the official result would be, at the moment we allegedly lose the game as they insisted that the runner on the third base stayed there until the inning end.


The last game was with the team number 2 in the other block. I fully joined the game from the beginning, I hit with my broken hand, but we were not able to get any point in the game.


Aug 20, 2010

Season is over シーズン終了

We finished the season with the game held last Sunday and won the second place out of seven teams. Here is the link to the official Austrian baseball federation site.


Actually we are able to proceed to Final 4 match; top two teams both Landesliga Ost A and B will match again for the title. I heard that we were at the second from bottom last year out of five teams. Of course there are lots to reflect, we can be satisfied that we got better result than last year at least.


My private result is not really satisfied; I needed much time to recall my feeling to play games, fielding and hitting. However it was true that head coach used me as the top batter because my survival probability was relatively high, and I hit relatively often when I got a chance, runners at bases.


The end of this month, there will be held Final 4 match. My condition is not perfect, but I wish that I can do my best and finish this season with nice feeling.


Aug 17, 2010

Looking for salonpas サロンパスを探す

Everybody doing sports sometimes needs salonpas, pain-relieving cooling pad when they get hurt. I was not sure at all what the cause of the pain in the hand might be, but had a problem with my hand even to hold a beer glass (of course full one) after the last game. In Japan there are lots of pharmacies even discount ones, and they have lots of different kinds of cooling pad. I expected to find something like that here too and asked at some pharmacies.


"We only have it for warming." That was the answer. There I found the gel in plastic bag which can be warmed or frozen and can be applyed where it hurts. But there is no further effect to relieve pain. Only thing I was able to find was paste in a tube, but it is not like methyl salicylate which is also very popular in Japan. It seemed to me that they do not need something like that at all here, or they do not import them from some reasons.

「温湿布しかありません。」が答えだった。そこでは暖めたり凍らせたりして患部に当てる、ビニール袋に入ったゲルは見つけたが、それ以上の痛みを和らげる効能はない。そこで見つけたのはただひとつ。チューブに入った塗り薬のようなもの。でも日本で一般的なサロメチールでもない。 どうやらここでは全然需要がないか、それとも何かしらの理由で輸入されないようだ。

The last chance was tiger balm. I thought of looking for it in some Chinese shops in Vienna. I have never noticed but the shop I often go and buy Asian vegetables like bamboo sprouts or daikon radish actually had that. Yes, this is the right one for me! At least for three more games in final 4 match in the end of this month I have to be able to play the games...


Aug 15, 2010

Festspiel in St.Margarethen フェストシュピール in サンクト=マーガレッテン

Two years ago in 2008 when I returned to Japan to spend New Year vacation there, I just happened to sit next to a couple in the plane to Narita from Vienna. It is quite unusual to see that foreigners would travel to Japan for the New Year. I sometimes talk to my neighbors but not always. I felt this time somehow that I should not disturb them; they spoke to each other in English.  I just read Austrian newspaper I took at the entrance of the plane.


After I finished my paper, the woman asked me if she can read the paper I had just read. Saying "Sure" I gave it to her. That was the first time I sat at the seat in the front row of the middle of the plane; nobody is in front, just a foldable seat for flight attendants on the wall. It was very comfortable that I was able to strech my feet during the flight for more than 11 hours. I started to read Economist and read some interesting pages then I took my book which I had just bought in Paris where I stayed a few days during Christmas before returning to Japan. Then she talked to me seeing what I was reading. "Do you read all of these?" So I honestly asked her my first question which came to my mind. "I think it quite rare to go to Japan in this time, are you going there for holiday?" Then we started to talk about anything in Japan. They seemed to know well about Japan and travel often.


I did not ask them what they are doing for their job in detail because I felt it rather "odd" to ask such the question while we have lots to talk about or I had lots to explain to their questions. I got that they sing for their living. I mentioned that I was of course interested in any kind of music and she told me that she will invite me to one of the concerts in Japan. I had no idea which kind of concert but I often enjoy such blind opportunity without asking. As she promised me, she really reserved a concert ticket held in Nagoya for me. It was the New Year concert by Volksoper Philharmonie and she joined the concert as a solist. What a surprise to listen to an Austrian concert live in Japan!


In August last year, I went to St.Margarethen, a small city in Burgenland province which is close to the border between Hungary and enjoyed Rigoretto, open air opera and she played the major role in the piece. And this year her husband sang in Magic Flute at the same place.

昨年の8月に 、ハンガリーとの国境に近いブルゲンランド州にあるサンクト=マ-ガレッテンという小さな町の野外劇場で、リゴレットを楽しむ。主役を彼女が演じていた。そして今年は彼女の旦那が同じ場所で魔笛を歌う。

The weather the day before was awful and actually the play had been canceled due to the heavy rain. The following day, on the day I was, it was really fine until 23:00, then it started to rain. The audiences and also performers wore rain jacket and the show went on until the end. It was an amazing play, I really enjoyed it.
Where I would go to see open air opera next time??


Aug 8, 2010

First time abroad 初めての海外

As for me, it was just 10 years ago when I first went abroad, but it was on business to the USA. There was not really a surprise; actually I did not have any problem with the language to my great surprise. It was maybe because that major part of my life was "work" and I did not have any private part then. After having lived in Europe for more than 9 years, slowly I noticed that I seldom encounter something "new" to me. So it was a very fresh moment that I had my parents and relatives from Japan, for most of them the first overseas travel in their life. There were something happened within my family-relatives circle since last two years and just aftet that I was back in Japan. I told one of them that I can arrange everything when they visit me in Vienna. Life is short and anybody should enjoy while when they are fit.


I arranged direct flight from Japan to Vienna, but I was not able to book domestic flight to get to Narita the day before the departure, I arranged Hotel in Tokyo. And of course the one in Vienna. My boss once told me about his trip to Italy during his vacation and he proposed to me that he is willing to show my guests our company's facility. There are lots of things to see in Vienna or in Austria, but they have only whole 4 days. What to show or not was hard to decide. They are in their late sixty, they cannot walk so much to see the city. The issue I cared the most was where to eat; they surely cannot eat usual Austrian dishe for every meal. Before they feel bad they have to eat rice and some Chinese or Japanese dishes. Now I have some Japanese connection in Vienna and I wish that I can visit all of the locations if the time would allow us. To show Vienna or Salzburg to our cusomters was much easier.


I worried if they can fetch their suite case at the airport and come out of the exit, I gave them advice to find some other Japanese in the airplane. How to get to the conveyor where they can fetch their suitecases. I felt very relieved that they looked so relaxed and not so tired after the 12 hour-flight. It is very bright in Europe, until 21 o'clock. In Japan we can start firework festival from 20:30. I took them to the music film festival which was held in front of the city hall where we can also take something to eat and drink. I have not met one of my aunt and his husband for more than 10 years. I was too busy to come back home in New Year vacation when I was working in Japan, and they did not have time to visit my hometown due to many reasons. I have never imagined that we were able to meet in Europe after many years.


I was very interested in their reaction to any single matter; I have surely lost such a fresh surprise to see some unusual thing. I was observing them during their stay. My parents have been always telling me that their dream to travel to Hokkaido, northern island in Japan. It was their dream for long time since I was in junior high school as far as I remember. They actually came to Austria before they went to Hokkaido! They could have never imagined that.


Jul 17, 2010

AIDS 2010 international conference エイズ国際会議2010

I hosted a friend from Taiwan over the weekend at my place who is attending this conference from the next week. Due to his assist I was able to enjoy dinner party and pre-conference sessions which were concentrated on children who are suffering from AIDS in the world. I saw lots of people from many different countries in the world. While I was listening to some presensations a certain idea came up to me. Many organisations spend lots of money to improve current situation and sometimes (or many times) it will not work as expected. And many concern how to get financed. When I went to have lunch with him, seeing many cooks were working there and people serving for the guests. Dishes are very good and may cost more than 30 or some including sweets. I remember the dinner party the day before that many food were left uneaten when I left the place. My feeling finally told me that it is actually the wrong direction to hold such a conference in a city like Vienna. I heard that attendees from Africa or India were invited. I told him honestly that why they did not think of holding such the conference in Africa or in India, where people are really having problem with the disease and can maybe build some buildings which can be used for educational reasons afterwards. They can hire people there for the conference and money will be infused in the country any way. And exactly then, he stood up and took pictures of dishes and told me that he wants to show other people how people are spending so much unnecessary money on that. He fully agreed with me and also mentioned that countries such as Hungary or Romania might have been the right place within Europe.

This kind of issue is quite different from what I usually treat, but there is a common rule. Resources should be used in proper and right way, time, money, human and etc. With technical or scientific issues, many this are quite clear; if we would procure a wrong tool, it can never be used. We cannot dig a hole when we buy a slicer. But this kind of human issue, success factor is highly dependent on human for their behavior or motivation. Which kind of help is really expected at the site will be sometimes forgot and people would just discussing for their own benefit. Most of the cases, just a small help is enough for people living there. It was a very good experience for me to think about something totally different from the one I usually do.

Jul 12, 2010

Vineyard ブドウ畑

Hiking through vineyards around Grinzing. Of course we would not take grapes ;)


Jul 11, 2010

Jazz and film festival ジャズ、フィルムフェスティバル

On Friday, after working from home I felt like going to the festival held at city hall. They offer there a lots of kinds of food from different countries and huge stage in front of the city hall building, and also huge screen for the movie for free.


There are lots of "official concerts" which we have to procure the ticket during Jazz festival season, but we can also enjoy such music free of charge. The band is from Italy, big band with about 20 funky jazz men, who were holding brass instruments.

ジャズフェスト期間中は所謂お金を払ってチケットを買う "公式のコンサート" もあるが、こういったただで楽しめるものもある。イタリアから来たこのバンドは20人ほどのジャズメンの全員が管楽器を演奏した。

Recently the day light stays almost until 21:00, but slowly it started to be dark when the movie was about to start.


From 21:40 the movie started, the program was Puccini's Tosca.


I think it great that we have a chance to spend long evening wihout paying lots of money, not only for tourists visiting Vienna.


Jul 5, 2010

First hit first point 初ヒット初得点

Last Sunday it was very hot. Our baseball team had a game in Traiskirchen, not very far from Vienna airport. Head coach told me last time that I slowly start to train offence, I joined the game in the last half, infield second base and 2nd for hitting position.


Our team was not playing very good; we were 9 points behind at the 5th inning, 5-14. We could have lost the game by cold, but actually there were almost no clean hits from other team. We made many small mistakes. Then I joined the game from 5th inning and my first batter chance came in 6th inning. I had runners on bases, it was a very nice occasion to contribute to the team. I did not train hitting the day at all, but I was in very relaxed mood. I had a very nice relaxed weekend from Friday night, I felt myself very calm from inside. We were behind and I should play for the team, I hold the bat some inches of the grip end and tried certainly to meet the ball. The pitcher controlled the ball not very well, I waited and let him throw more balls.Strike count was 2-2, then the pitcher threw easy strike ball in the very middle of strike zone. I bat back to the center direction which let two runners return to home base. It was my first official hit in this league. I did not think that I can be so relaxed to play at all. We got 4 points in the 6th inning. I thought that we could be able to change the game flow if we would not allow any points from the other on the next inning, it consequently finished without any point. The mood was slowly moving to our side.


At the end of 8th inning, the score was 14 -18, it was not the difference to give up the game. Maybe nobody was able to imagine what would happen in the 9th inning. Again my batting turn came with runner on every base. The second pitcher of other team was trying hard to throw strike balls but he allowed us to proceed runners by many four balls. Now is the chance. So I had to avoid hitting a fly but at least grounder and hopefully survive by myself. I selected one four-balls after my first hit, then I tried to hit balls toward right field to let the runner on the second base run easily to the third base. It did not become hit but I was able to hit the ball to the direction of my thought. I had a very nice feeling, I was able to see balls very well. This batting chance, I hit the ball to left outerfield and added two points. Our team got 16 points in the inning, we finally turned over the game, I selected one more four balls in the same inning and it resulted in 30 to 19. My personal result of the day was,

five batter boxes, three hitting chances, two hits, two four balls.


5打席 3打数 2安打 2四球

I was very satisfied with the result any way, more over, I made hits exactly when our team wanted to add points. Two hits are well met and I was totally happy with them. In two weeks, we will have a game with a team which once beated us a month ago. That game we played very well in the latter half, since then we play very well. This time we have to get it back in order to participate in play off in August. Now our team is in the second position, 5 wins and 3 losts.


The beer we had after the game at Schwechat brewery beer restaurant near the ball park was... one of the best in my life :-)


Jun 24, 2010

Rebuild Vision Program 視力回復プログラム

I have a colleage who has just had a LASIK operation in the eyes and he does not ware glasses any more since a month. He was asked by almost everybody when he just had his operation, how were his eyes, if he sees more than before and etc. I know the operation is getting more and more popular. But I have no idea to let me cut at hospital, after having suffering from operation in my head.


The other day, a good friend of mine told me about contact lenses which we ware while we are sleeping. It will form our eye balls and correct it when we are closing our eyes. It is very logical, eyes will have less oxygen and does not matter if we ware lenses. I looked for some information about it in the Internet, then she again sent me a link to an Internet site. It says that a man who wanted to be a pilot was not able to pass the vision qualification at first but after eye training we became a pilot. Quite interesting story. I was very impressed by that. As I felt it quickly the right one when I first experienced Bio resonance therapy, I had a similar feeling.I am very sure that I am not afraid of having an operation, but I do not want it. I believe my body and its natural healing power. Our body is not a part of a machine.

先日、友人が寝ている最中に眼球を矯正するコンタクトレンズの話をしてくれた。目を閉じている間に眼球の形を整えるというもの。目を閉じている間はどのみち酸素が少ないから理にかなっている。それについてインターネットで情報を収集していたところ、彼女がまたあるインターネットのリンクを送ってきた。それは視力が悪くてパイロットになれなかった男性が視力回復トレーニングをしてパイロットになったという話。とても面白い話だ。とても興味を受けた。バイオレゾナンス療法を始めて受けたときにこれだと思ったように、これをすべきだろうという気がした。 別に手術が怖いわけではない、したくないだけだ。自分の体と自然治癒能力を信じている。我々の体は機械部品ではない。

I stopped waring my contact lenses in the morning, I ware glasses so that I can easily see without glasses every time I want. I started eye training even in the office. I installed a computer program to noticed how long I have been working, gazing at monitor. I am working as a programmer and I cannot avoid doing that, but I can also forget the time passes without diverting my eyes from the monitor. Now it tells me every 10 minutes that I have to look outside of the window and see something in the distance more than 10 feets for more than 10 seconds. I have never thought that I would feel so annoyed by that, but it shows that I just work so intensively and surely it is very bad for my eyes. But 10 seconds' pause every10 minutes would not bother me from working properly!


First some days, I was not able to step up stairs at station. After two weeks, I can hop up without fear, although I do not see the edge of each step very clearly. My eyes are strong astigmatism and I saw fireworks when I see traffic lights. But I got a feeling that it slowly even got smaller. Today I felt for the first time that my glasses, which I actually cannot see very well or I had headache if I would like to have a better vision, too strong in the morning. Are my eyes changing slowly? I still do not know but I believe that it is the right way for me. My friend helped me so many times in different ways. I can never thank her too much.


I continue the program and want to report after three months here again.


Jun 20, 2010

Hiking ハイキング

The weather was not really nice but I joined the hiking in Hermannskogel in Vienna where there are lots of Heurige wine restaurants. The group is from foreigner living in Vienna, 7 gathered together for the day; two from Poland, one from Ukraine, the USA, India, Japan and Austria..
We took the bus line 39A until the terminal and then followed the hiking course around there. Duration was about 3 to 4 hours, it is for beginners. We climed up the tower which was used as a difense controlling tower in Habsburger time, 557m from the sea level, the highest point in Vienna.


It is not very far from Grinzing, famous for Heurige wine restaurants, there are lots of vineyards around there.


Jun 16, 2010

Adjust treatment アジャスト施術

I got introduced to a Japanese natural therapist (advanced chiropractic) by my baseball team member. He visited Vienna for two days for the treatment. I always wanted to check my body at least once a year, but I was not able to find any of my wish until now.

  ATLAS lab

Obviously I am sitting all the time at computer every day during work, it cannot be optimal for my body. I always try to stand up as often as possible to fetch water or tea, intending to change pose frequently.



At first he explained to me the basic structure of our body and how our body will be distorted and will cause pain, local coldness or disorder. He stressed that the problem lies in our neck and it should be adjusted so that all information we need to / from our brain flows fluently to all parts of our body. Seeing that my right shoulder is higher than the left one and touching my neck for some seconds, he told me that I have stiff spot on the neck especially on my right side.


I lied on the bed on my back upward, he asked me to raise my legs in turn. My left leg did not go up as the right one. He also let me try looking side in the pose for both right and left side. I had more problems to head toward left than right direction. Here there is a disorder.


Then he let my lie with my left shoulder downward, told me to breathe slowly but deeply thinking the word "world" and "peace", "world" while inhaling and "peace" for exhaling. He told me that a team of Chicago University found out that we can put out alpha wave much quicker and produce more useful substance in our body by doing that. I like this kind of mystery within our body. Then after some minutes while I was relaxing thinking "world, peace" he pushed a part of my neck short but strongly downward which did not cause any pain at all.


I was asked to lie normally on the bed in other room, as I usually sleep. After some minutes I felt my neck especially on the right side where I had a stiff point started to get warmer. Maybe after 15 or 20 minutes he came back and checked my body again, tried some points and pushed there too. Looks like it got better.


Without disorder of a key part of our body, blood should flow smoothly and of course it causes better metabolism and improved and enhanced movement of joints and so on. Any way I have to care for my pose all the time. Our body changes slowly but constantly. I am looking forward to find some positive changes within some weeks.


Jun 6, 2010

Motivation and joy モチベーションと喜び

I first played baseball game on the day with my own uniform which was delivered from Japan just the day before. We do not have very many players and sometimes we would have problems to gather enough members to play. Or the team should pay penalty to the assosiation, it is not just the play for joy but is the official Austrian baseball league.


That day, we had enough members and I still do not have my fixed position. Actually we do not have time to practice, we have to play the games almost every weekend. I knew and told the member who asked me to join the team that I have long lost my sense to play baseball and am not ready to play properly. And I am still not yet. I can not control the release of ball at throwing, a member told me that my ball curves naturally without my intension. I cannot let my bat meet ball in the point, although I do not feel at all that he ball pitchers in other teams throw very fast. I clearly notice my current problem, there is no way that I will be chosen starting member.


But I like to watch the games in general, very glad to see fine plays, and moreover it will be my joy to be there and share happiness at winning the game or sadness or reflection for the next game when we lose one. Because I am still very new in the team, other members do not know me well enough. I did not contribute for some memorable win in my chace given as DH last time, one other game I played was for the upper league and I did not hit any.


It is of course nicer to be able to play the important role for games. But I was there as a member of our team and of course there are something I can do although it does not especially have something to do with game itself. We need to maintain play ground before and after the game, I can cheer my members up during the game. It was a sunny day and hot, I did not sit in the bench in shadow and cheered up all the time in front.


Our team let other team gain scores regularly and the score was 3-17 when the 4th inning finished. When we allowed them 15 points difference at the end of 5th inning, it means that we lose the game without playing full 9 innings. Within our team there were some mood to give up the game. The head couch told me that I would join the game as DH, only hitting, when the 4th inning was about to be over. I understood that he game me a chance to play in the game at least at once. My turn did not come in the inning, and the first half of 5th inning we gave them 2 more points and we had 16 points difference. If we did not get more than 2 points, the game would be over. Then my turn to play came.


I knew that I was still not good at hitting, but I wanted to go to first base at least, it did not matter how. This was not private performance but team play. The runner was on the second base and I tried to hit to the direction between first and second base to help the runner go to the third easily. It was not satisfactory and went to the front of second defender, the runner at the second base was successfully heading to the third, and I was very luckly survive because of the fielder's error. I came back to home base and we got 5 points in the inning and was able to avoid cold game.


Again we had the same problem when the first half of 7th inning was over. The score was 9-21. When we would have 10 points difference at the end of the inning, we would lose the game.


My turn came again. It was hot and the pitcher seemed to be tired, I tried to let him throw more balls as possible. I cut some balls and I successfully chose four balls, again we hussled this inning and got 5 points. I came back to home base again.


The score was 14-21, but we slowly started to think that we would turn over the game, defense of the other team was playing awfully, they were all tired but we were playing better and better. I really felt the feeling of united with all other team members and maybe others did, too.


Consequently we lost the game. But I was able to select two more four balls after that and I came back to home base every time for my turn. At least I did what I was able to do at that moment, to contibute to each one more point. I am sure that this will influence very possitively in our next game. A very long hot day, but we enjoyed the game very much.
