May 25, 2013

Onigiri made in Vienna ウィーンのおにぎり

At one of the Austrian chain supermarkets in my neighborhood in ring street gallery, I happened to find onigiri at a snack corner. I took a close look on that, an Austrian company in Vienna makes that. Usually, it is available only at some Asian shops.


But isn't it too much for 2.99 Euro? Well, rice is not that cheap here. In Japan it should cost around 150 yen, so in half price.

でも2.99ユーロはちょっと高いんじゃないの? まぁ米が高いからしょうがないか。

May 11, 2013

Fire festival rice cracker 火祭り煎餅

I received a parcel from Japan.


The sender of the parcel was Mr.Y whom I got to know during my volunteer in  Ohtsuchi-cho in Iwate.


In Aomori where he lives is cold. Snow has just melted before Golden Week Holiday and it will be the best to see cherry blossoms.


He is eager to go back to Tono, where the volunteer work is arranged, it will be his 10th visit there.


He cares if I have found somebody, it was the first time since years to read such the heartwarming letter. It reminded me of his slow talking with typical Tohoku accent.


Wiener Beer Festival ウィーンビール祭り

After softball training in Donau park, I stopped by the city center. I heard that there is beer festival is held during May 3rd and 5th for free entry.


Lots of people were there,  I was back from softball and wore training ware. Maybe seemed quite strange there. But I needed to let beer through my throat.
At a cafe by the Donau park, a beginner waiter was very inattentive to our table. We sat there for more than 2 and a half hours but I had only one beer.

たくさんの人で賑わっていた。ソフトボールの練習をした後だったのでジャージを着ていたが、 さぞかし場違いに映ったろう。でも喉が乾いていてビールを流し込みたいところだった。ドナウパークの脇にあるカフェでは、新米?のウェイターがこちらのテーブルにまったく気を利かせることなく、2時間半居てビール一杯だけだった。

I was not able to find any free place to sit, first I tried some beer at standing table. A jazz band started to play, I ordered an Austrian pasta dish at my table.


Then I found a free space at a table, I took the bench. There were two old ladies by me spoken in Vienna dialect, then a young girl behind us just lowered her head under the table, she looked like she did not feel very well.


The ladies also noticed and started to worry about her, if she drank too much. Then I saw her making call with her cellular phone. I told the ladies about it and they started to laugh. And we somehow started to talk together.

おばさん方もそれに気がついたようで、彼女のことを心配しだした。多分たくさん飲みすぎたんじゃない? すると彼女が手に携帯を持っているのに気がついた。おばさんたちにそれを話すと笑い出した。そうしていろいろと話を始めることになる。

They did not ask me at all where I am from, we just talked about other beer festival; in Prague, or in Prater. They moved to Vienna and lived there for over 40 years, they really enjoyed the festival.


After they left the table, I tried other beer which I found very nice. One is the beer from Floridsdorf, this is the 21th district of Vienna, and the other is from Gols, Burgenland. Gols is quite famous for wine and I have never heard of such a nice beer there.


Next day, I heard from my friends that they were also there, the one I play baseball in the same team told me that the beer from Gols was really nice before I mentioned it.
