Dec 31, 2012

Silvesterlauf 大晦日リングマラソン

On the last day 2012, a marathon to run around Vienna ring street was held.
Traffic was limited and was in chaos. The marathon to run a round along the ring street (5.4km) is already an familiar event with funny costume or with their dogs. The fastest runner came into the goal after about 16 and a half minutes.


I saw cars with satellight antena by Musikverein, maybe they are preparing for the New Year concert tomorrow.


I wish you a Happy New Year and all the best.


Dec 24, 2012

Oden meets Austrian 外国人がおでんを食す

I was asked to cook something on the last day before Christmas holiday by the owner of my regular cafe bistro in neighborhood, I had been wondering what to cook for the occasion. I decided to cook oden and soba, which are very timely dishes.


I was told that they would have 15 or 16 guests, actually they are regular customers as I am there, I had to buy a lot. On the day, I went out from the middle of the day to buy ingredients. My backpack will not be enough to carry all what I would buy, I lent a bagger at the cafe. I had never bought so much at once at the Korean supermarket where I often go to buy Japanese ingredients.


The cafe will be open from 16:00 on Saturday, but I asked it open from noon. I brought ingredients and cooking tools into the cafe more than two times. Actually I started cooking from 15.30.


It is not very interesting to cook oden just to put ingredietns bought at the supermarket in a pot, I made kinchaku-mochi (mochi in tofu bag) and chicken ball by myself. I wanted to have atsuage-tofu (thick sliced fried tofu) or ganmodoki (fried mixed vegetable and tofu ball), but in the cafe I was not able to fry.


To begin with, I washed rice and then started to cook rice, then I cut daikon radish and gave them half cut, cooked in the water I used to wash rice. I do not know why but I saw my mother did so at home in my childhood. To cook oden in a short time, I brought my high presser cooker, too. I then put daikon radish, boiled eggs and peeled potato in the cooker in dashi out of konbu algae and bonito.


Then put all fried ingredients in boiled water to cut excessive oil. After that I started to make kinchaku mochi. Ewa, the Polish cafe owner came into the kitchen and saw the tofu bag and said "Wah Taschen, süß, wahrnsinn! (Wow, sweet and incredible!)" She told me more than once that she wants to hire me to cook in the cafe.

それから揚げ物を一度沸騰したお湯に入れて油切りをする。その後で巾着もちを作り始めた。エヴァが、ここのカフェのオーナーだが、キッチンに入ってきて巾着を見て、「あぁ、これ袋になってるの? かわいい。信じられない!」 彼女はどうも僕をここで雇いたいらしい。

For chicken ball, I bought 1kg chicken breast. I minced it first with food processer and then added eggs, fine cut onion and then mixed them well. I made balls in my hand and then dropped them into the cooking soup. Everything was cut and just needed to be cooked in the pot, I started to prepare for soba. Cooked spinach, soy sprout, mashroom, sliced carrot.


For dessert, it was very difficult, I bought yo-kan when I saw it at the Korean super market, then bought mascarpone after that. From home I brought green tea powder and cococuts milk. I did something similar to this recipe for the first time when I was in Moscow. I did not find anything there or too much expensive to make some Japanese sweets, I somehow created something tastes like Japanese. I also bought strawberry so that it might add some sour-sweet taste and would be fine with yo-kan's straight sugarly taste. Some experience is necessary for this kind of inspiration.

 デザートには何がいいのかずいぶん悩んだが、韓国スーパーで羊羹を見て、その後マスカルポーネを普通のスーパーで買い足し、家からは抹茶の粉とココナッツ ミルクを持参。これに近いものは、前回モスクワに行ったときに始めて作った。食材がなく、あってもものすごく高かった。そこで何とか日本の味に近いスイー ツをこさえた次第。スーパーで苺を見て、羊羹は下手に甘いだけだから、甘酸っぱい味があるといいかなと思って買い足す。こういうのはある程度経験しないと思いつかない。

I first mixed green tea powder with mascarpone, then made 1cm thick bed in the bowl, them but three different taste of yo-kan, topped half-cut strawberry in the middle and poured coconuts milk from the top.


Almost everybody was at the table when the clock showed us 20:00, actually only ten were there. I needed time to notice that table induction heater will not work with a porcelain pot, we actually started eating from 20:30.


Inspite of my worry I had in advance, oden seemed to taste fine for all of them. For rice, I mixed chopped umeboshi (sour plum) and bonito flake I used to make the oden soup, together with black sesame, this seemed to be also good. Nobody asked me for salt, maybe because of mastered I put for oden.
I was still not quite sure if I needed to cook rice once again, I just cooked for 10 people first and we did not know if more would come later.


I went back into the kitchen and started to boil soba, quickly fry spinach and carrot in a pan with sesame oil, then put them with soy sprout, mashrooms, then pour the soup for soba. Then two pieces of sliced kamaboko (fish cake). I told them that we would eat soba on the last day of the year. Ewa really loved kamaboko when she picked up and tried in the kitchen.


Ewa brought sweets to the table. They must have tasted yo-kan for the first time in their life, but their reaction was very positive to my surprise. I told them to mix them all together before eating, thus only yo-kan has sugarly taste.


Finally I sat at the table and ate oden, both daikon radish and potatoes were very soft, it was Japanese oden for sure. Then everybody together started to give me applause by Ewa's remind call. I did not especially adjust the taste for Austrian, I did what I would usually like, although I was not completely able to stop worrying that it is too less salty for them. So I was glad to hear that everybody told me it was fantastic.


I was fully exhaused after working for 4 hours, I sipped some glasses of red wine, listened to what others were talking and sometimes answered to their question about food. It was fine to be really a nice dinner, I just felt sad that some of the regular customers with whom I talk often did not appear.


As same as last time, I was not able to take any picture. I cooked oden and soba topping for about 16 people and I brought it back home. So this is what I am eating at home now, leftover oden for a several days.


I am now sure that almost none of the guests would remember what they actually ate.


Dec 15, 2012

Christmas party クリスマスパーティー

I used to live in Steyr until three years ago, but after then I have no reason to go there except user meeting event and company's Christmas party. Steyr was in white and cold.

3年前まではシュタイヤーに住んでいたが、それ以降、ユーザーミーティングと会社のクリスマスパーティー以外では 行く理由がなくなっている。シュタイヤーは真っ白で、寒かった。

One of the most beautiful city squares in Austria, as far as I saw until now, has buildings in different architecture styles from Gothic, Neo-Gothic and Barock.


Steyr has one of seven Christmas posts in the world.
And at the church by the post, not the Jesus Christ but the Baby Jesus is in the middle. That is the reason why they call Christchild market instead of Christmas market.


After a short walk in the city square, I went to the event hall, museum Arbeitswelt where the development of industry is shown, as Steyr was the center of industry from medieval time.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas.


Dec 9, 2012

At Christmas market nearby 近所のクリスマスマーケットにて

After cooking noodle at home and ate with friends, I went to Karlsplatz with one of them. From this year, they have original Karlsplatz mug for the Punsch or Glühwein. It seems that the place is one of the most popular Christmas markets in Vienna and therefore lots of tourists would visit. Especially interesting for those who has children, they can ride on ponnies in front of the church.


This picture was taken by my cellular phone. Actually the light contrast of the foreground and background is quite big, with a usual camera it is not possible to take such a shot without let it go through SDR post process software by taking two or three different pictures with different exposure value.
The development of the cellular phone (actually it is far more than a phone) is already beyound our expectation nowadays.


Dec 1, 2012

Austrian Wine is nice with sushi? オーストリアワインは寿司に合う?

I found an article on an Austrian paper about Austrian wine and sushi.


"- Those who wants a success in Japanese wine market needs endurance.-

Austrian wine export to Japan in the first half year 2012 developed 35 percents in the amount 735.000 euros. Each Japanese would drink wine about 2 litters a year, the market still has much room to expand. Wine lovers will drink Austrian, German wines and those from the New Zeeland.

The young wine costs 2950 yen in Japan, almost 30 euro which is three times as much as in Austria.

Austrian wines have an unique character and matches Japanese dishes. Also wine from blended filed in Zahel is also nice to sushi or other mild fish, rice dishes because of its sweetness. "





I think like Italian wines as for white wine, but I fully agree that Austrian white wine with delicate sweetness can match Japanese dishes or even sushi without disturbing.


On the other hand, Japanese sake is getting more and more famous in Europe, too. And yes, it costs almost three times as much as in Europe than in Japan, as is written in the newspaper.


Nov 25, 2012

Sorry coupon お詫び商品券

I have a bank acount at Bank Austria, one of the biggest banks in Austria and they changed their internet banking system a few weeks ago over a weekend. They seemed to have a lots of problem and some internet services did not work properly even after the weekend, they continued to work to solve them.
I, as an individual customer, did not have any particular problem, but I read that many transactions delayed and it caused huge loss for some companies. Then I got an email from the bank for a coupon with amount of 30 Euro! And I can select shops where I can use this for.


Without considering I got the coupon for the book chain Thalia.


Nov 18, 2012

Apartment issue in Vienna ウィーンの賃貸住宅事情

Today, I found an article about apartment price comparison in the world in a newspaper, I would like to translate a part of it into English.


"More expensive than in Germany, cheaper than in Japan"

In Vienna, to live in the city is more expensive than in a German city. But much cheaper than to live in metropole cities like London, New York or Tokyo. The comparison was carried out for rent of an apartment with three rooms, of about 80m2.


Vienna lies in this international ranking at about the middle of the whole 130 cities with its rent price of 1200 Euro at 42nd place, it is much cheaper than in Kopenhagen and more expensive than in Milan.

The most expensive motropole city is Tokyo, for its 3188 Euro for the apartment, and then London, the most expensive European follows with 2565 Euro.

一番賃貸料が高かったのは3188ユーロで東京。 ついでヨーロッパで一番高かったロンドンで2565ユーロ。

Frankfurt is at 55th place, Munich is at 57th. Especially people live cheap in German capital city Berlin, three rooms apartment in a good condition for only 775 Euro.


St. Martin's Day 聖マルティンの日

Actually it was a week ago, on November 11.


In Austria, this day is to eat goose. This is called Martinsgans (Martin's goose). This comes from the anecdote: St.Martin from Hungary hid himself in a stable filled with geese trying to avoid being selected to the bishop of Tours in France, but the geese started to be noisy and was found. So the history started to eat geese on the day. Usually roast geese will be served with potato dumplings and violet cabbage. Many restaurants will offer geese around this season of the year.


Even a Saint can blame others for his own selfishness. It seems that most of geese will be imported from Hungary. I am not sure it is because of the anecdote.


Nov 11, 2012

The Christmas is coming もうすぐクリスマスです

At the Charles Church, they have been working for the Christmas market from the next week. There are discussions all the time that people should not work, or not to have shops open on Sundays in Austria. But there will be surely no people complaining that workers are preparing for the Christmas market on Sunday.


At the Museum Quater, they started to offer Glühwein and Glühmost since last week.


Somebody had said, people are preparing for Christmas from too early. I think so, too.


Nov 3, 2012

Chan chan yaki meets foreigners 外国人がチャンチャン焼きを食す

Two weeks ago at my regular cafe in the neighborhood, the polish owner asked me if I can cook sushi. I said yes but then no adding that there are not so many fresh available in Austria to eat raw. Then she asked me, if I could cook something Japanese for her and regular customers. Ok, I replied. The most of regular customers are native Viennese, then some Polish or Slavish due to connection of the owner. The cafe used to have Polish draft beer, now they stopped serving the beer but I still go there once or twice a week.

On a free Friday, I brought my cooking tools and grill plate to the cafe, then went out for shopping. I bought rice, vegetables, mashrooms, seasonings such as miso paste, miron and soy sauce which was lacking in my house then, tofu and cabbages. Then the day's hightlight salmon.


I stated to cook from 17:00 for the dinner. The kitchen of the cafe was small but at least I can have everything I need. First I prepared for Takikomi gohan, Japanese paella. Chicken, carrot, hijiki seaweed, shimeji mashroom and soybean. Chicken was cut in pieces and slightly grilled then put in to rice cooker with all other ingredients, added water, sake, mirin and soy sauce. The owner was watching me and asked, "how much sauce?" "Well, something like that." and counted 1, 2 and 3 while pouring.


While rice cooker was working, I made miso soup, dashi from binito flake and kelp, then added Enoki mashroom. Shimeji, too, these mashroom are rarely seen in Austria. They are only available at Asian shops.


The owner came in the kitchen for the order of the customer, while I was cutting cabbage for salmon grill. I wanted to make chan chan yaki, Japanese fishermen's speciality. As I mentioned above, quality of salmon is very good even in Austria; they come from Norway. She picked up a piece of cabbage I cut and asked what that was. Usually, cabbage will be used to make Sauerkraut in Germany or in Austria, but the cabbage for Sauerkraut is very hard. Even cooking in water for some time it is very hard and impossible to eat raw. Some years ago I happened to find Spitzkraut or Spitzkohl  (spitz means keen, kraut or kohl means cabbage) at  Naschmarkt and it was soft and tastes exactly like Japanese usual cabbage. Since then I often use it for salad or for cooking roll cabage.


I cut or sliced everything, get rid of bones of salmon. 9 regular guests were already at the table and grill plate was on the table next to them. Put butter and then salmon on the skin side down. Added vegetables; cabbage, soybean sprouts, carrot, paprika. Then miso sauce made of miso, sake and sugar, wrapped whole plate with aluminium foil to steam. For them everything was something new.


There were not enough bowls for both soup and rice, I made rice balls and served on plates and took grilled salmon by that. To eat everything at once, this Japanese eating style is also new for them. Some one was giving salt in miso soup. Yes, Austrian are so used to give salt and pepper for everything they would eat.


I went back to the kitchen to make the second round of rice, then joined in eating table. On the same day, I was invited to a virnissage of an exhibition at a nearby gallery, I left the cafe for a while, then came back.


They all together klapped hands when I enter the cafe which surprised me very much. It seemed they liked the dinner tonight. Well, maybe there will be the next time of cooking Japanese there. This day, I asked the owner to ask all others to donate for Sandy victims in the USA, they gathered me the amount of 101 Euro.


Oct 27, 2012

Absorbed in music 音楽三昧

I happened to get to know an Austrian Jazz pianist at nearby restaurant to which I would bring my natto from time to time. I just asked who plays the CD, and they told me about his concert.


The cafe in 18th district is not open on weekends usually, but will be open when they have any concert.
Table and chairs, inside decoration look like unchanged since 50 years. The place was like a private space, non-smoking, I felt it very comfortable.


A female singer was there, too. She had a very clear voice which reminded me of Sheena Easton. All songs were arranged somehow jazzy, from German songs to Sting or Eurythmics. The man's voice was like Elton John, his piano was somewhat like the play of Bruce Hornsby.It was wonderful.


After two stages, I put my donation for the stage, then I talked to him to say words of thank you and how I was there to listen to his concert. I left the café and then went to another live stage of a rock band in which one of my friends sings. Rock'n Roll until 24:00.


It was Austrian holiday, the day of declaration of Neutrality in 1955, and there were lots of events held in Vienna. But for me it was a day of music this year.


Oct 15, 2012

Making soba 2 蕎麦を打ってみる その2

Unfortunately, I cannot call it soba. Besides I did not roll it into thin enough and cut it too thick, it has too hard texture. Maybe I have to add much less flour to reduce gluten next time. It was like fettucine with soba flavour al dente... :'(


Oct 14, 2012

Making soba 蕎麦を打ってみる

I happened to find buckwheat at a Bio shop in Vienna, I made my first try to make soba. Questionable is how it will taste. Can it be similar to Japanese soba???


Oct 6, 2012

Ultimate weapon arrived 最終兵器到着

In some bio market in Vienna, I can find flour for udon and also buckwheat for soba.
But unfortunately, it is quite painful that I cannot get real wasabi yet.


Oct 5, 2012

Flamenco guitar フラメンコギター

Please fetch your beer and watch this.


Then after that, please fetch your wine and watch this.


Then you have shared a night in Vienna with me!


Sep 30, 2012

Wiener Wiesn 2012 ヴィーナー・ヴィーゼン2012

This year's Wiesnfest started from last Thursday, I first went there on Saturday. In the Gösser tent, I paid 13 Euros inclusive 5 Euro's coupon and sat in front of the stage. Blasband from Salzburg was playing there.


They changed the system this year, it might be the big discussion for the next year, I think, that we have to pay for the entry to any tent whenever it is. The last year, at the first Wiesnfest ever in Vienna, they offered us free table until 14:00, then tables are reserved for concerts or any other events in the tent. I went there with my friends around noon and without paying table fee, we just took a table and ordered beer or some dishes until 14:00. It was what was the most irritating matters this year.

今年は運営の仕方に変更があったようで、おそらく来年にも議論になるだろうが、何時にテントに入っても入場料を取られるようになった。 去年はウィーンでの初めてのオクトーバーフェストだったが、14時までは入場無料で、その後の時間帯はコンサートやそのほかのイベントのためにテーブルの予約が必要だった。だから友達とお昼くらいに行って、入場料を払わずに飲み食いしただけ払って14時まで過ごすことができた。今回のこの変更が一番イラついたことだった。

I orderd a mass (1 litter beer = 8.4 Euro) and a plate of salad.


My friends were in outside to listen to the band in which a friend of one of my friends was playing, I got a phone call and then exit the tent. There were lots of people drinking at standing table. I also saw a female alcho-police checking if people were not drunk.


Last year I went there three times during the period, but this year, maybe not. Really pitty and many others would think the same, I think.


Sep 29, 2012

Listening to Gipsy Jazz ジプシージャズを聴きながら

I worked from home and I did not eat until I let me call the day. I went out to eat something and had noodle at nearby Chinese restaurant. I did not have money left and then went to a bank. Then I heard Spanish guitar playing somewhere around. It was from the bistro on the other side of the street. At the entrance, I saw Gipsy Jazz live. Actually they were standard Jazz or Flamenco guitar I thought, but I thought of sitting there for some glasses of beer.

在宅勤務の日、遅くまで働いて何も食べてなかった。何か食べようと外に出て、近所の中華でラーメンを食べ、お金がほとんどなくなったので銀行へ。 どこからかスペインギターの音が聞こえてきた。通りの反対側のビストロからだった。入り口にはジプシージャズライブとある。実際スタンダードジャズにフラメンコギターの演奏だったろうにと思いながら、ビールを飲みながらギターを聴くことにする。

Due to its location, there were many tourists. I took a table outside, it was not warm but still ok. The two guitarists played for some time, and then they took the rest. I had to wait for the next performance, I just enjoy my beer and replied some emails. A tourist group next to my table spoke and laugh loud even during the play, when a bar clerk came up to me and asked if I would like to have another glass, I told her that I would take the table in the front.


The guitarists started to play again after half an hour. Some customers stayed just next to the guitarists but they did not react to the music. I heard they were speaking Russian. Actually nobody clapped hands after each song. The guitarists played some standard jazz like Autumn Leaves or Beautiful Love, then the one quite familiar to me, I was not able to remember the name of the song but I thought I heard that at the Pace de Lucia concert a year or two ago. It was great and when they finished playing, I clapped my hands. Then all other guests followed me.


Summer is going to be over and we rarely sit outside, from October shops have to close their table outside. It was a very comfortable night.


Sep 23, 2012

Heurige ホイリゲ

"Heurig" is an adjective and means "current year" in German, and the word "Heurige" means "something from this year. It can mean "potatos of the year", or something else. Usually it means wine guest house where they offer wine from the year. Many Heuriges and vineyards are in 19th district in Vienna which is called Heiligenstadt (holly city), there are some in the city center, too.


I had my colleague from our company's Tokyo office in Vienna this weekend and went to Heurige together with him. From the center of the city to the Grinzing, it takes just about 35 or 40 minutes by subway/tram and bus. This Heurige is the only place I know where we have a very fine view of Vienna from the outside table.


In this area there are lots of vineyards and the city offeres many hiking routes through the vineyards up to Kahlenberg, the highest mountain (hill) in Vienna. You can even stop by a small cafe on the hiking route to enjoy local wines.


Sep 22, 2012

Street festival 2012 ストリート・フェスティバル2012

I came back home around 21:00, people were playing music and drinking, eating in the street where I live. Street festival (Ulična fešta) again.

夜9時くらいに家に戻ってきたら、前の通りで人が音楽を演奏して、飲んだり食べたりしていた。 今年のストリート・フェスティバル(Ulična fešta)。


I enjoyed band quartette playing and singing in Croatian while sipping croatian read wine, then the festival was over at 22:00. They had the festival on the street and police allowed them only until 22:00. I thought of going home, actually just 30m from there, but I still did not try white wine. Some people were entering the Croatian center in the building, so did I too this time.


The young quartette band played further in the building. People started dance, clapping hands and sing together in Croatian. I wanted to eat something and ordered sausage, then I asked the woman a question. Outside I saw some pieces of paper on that it was written that there will be some language courses hold at the Croatian center. Croatian and Burgenland Croatian language. Burgenland is one of the Austrian states which lies at the border between Hungary and Slovenia. So my question was, "why the mixed language or dialect between Croatia and Burgenland", because there is no country border between Austria and Croatia.


She seemed to be interested in my question, she came out of casher table and started to talk about some history since KUK time, Austro-Hungarian Empire. And the Burgenland where used to belong to Hungary became a part of Austrian in 1918 after the World War I.


In Hungary, there are lots of people from Croatia and it caused the language mixture. After she finished telling me that, she called other people and talked about me, all people started to ask me questions like what I am doing here, where I am from, why I speak German so good ........... and so on as usual.


Usually it finishes after people are all satisfied to fulfilling their own curiosity. Yes, I was the only one standing there with an Asian face and understood no Croatian. But this time it was something different.


A man told the story about this Croatian center. They want to keep their culture and it is not possible to do without the financial help of the government. They are minority in Austria and they get together all the time at the center. Actually I saw all the time that people are singing, playing and eating or drinking at the center, I was even curious what they were doing there.


Yes, they were all curious about me and I was, too. The man asked me then how the music and dance was, I told him that I just felt the mixture of Russian and Italian. Some music sounds like Naples song, very cherry and bright tone, some Polka with slightly sad tone, and it was interesting. I added that maybe living near the coast would add such feeling of openness and pleasure in the sound. He seemed to be glad to hear my answer.


The man asked me if I would like to teach Japanese at the center and learn Croatian in return. And I got a free beer from the leader of the group. It seems to be quite interesting. Actually it was the first time to be so welcomed from the first time to step into an unfamiliar group in Austria. They said that I can just feel easy to drop in the center and I told them all words of thanks and left there.


Sep 17, 2012

Sonaris ソナリス

After coming back from Rome, the next day, I went to a small village in Steirmark called Judenberg. There will be a techno dance party held and my Italian friend, he is a DJ, will be there. He told me that his Japanese DJ friend will come to Austria and therefore he will come to Austria. We could have met in Rome, he was on business there but had no time to meet me. When I finished my laundry and headed toward the event location next day, I really regret that I did not take any sweater or coat with me when I saw snow capped mountains from the train window. Two and a half hours from Vienna by train, there is actually nothing in this small town.


I waited for my friend from Italy in the cafe of the guest house, he drove to Austria from Italy with his two friends. I did not expected that.  But actually it is not so surprising in Europe.


We had some drink together and then his Japanese DJ friend arrived at the guest house who was going to play DJ at the event. He introduced himself Katsu. He told me that he was in the DJ tour in Austria, but for the first time. I honestly am not a big fan of techno music but according to my Italian friend, Katsu-san is very famous in Japan. He came to Germany sometimes. I met a German DJ guy, too. We ordered our dinner at the table before going to the concert from 19:30.

Inside the Sonaris building, I did never need a sweater or something. People were already very high in the gig.  It was very smoky in side, but I would accept that some times.


Then Katsu-san played. I liked his music instantly.


It is quite rare for me to stay up until 5 in the morning, but it was very fun. We drove back to our guest house shortly before six.


Aug 26, 2012

Waldvierteler Fest ヴァルドフィアテル物産展

After work I went to Heldenplatz to the Waldvierteler fest. Waldviertel is the name of the area in the Lower Austria, it means "forest quarter". From Waldviertel, my favorite Schrems beer, or Zwettel beer had their tent.

仕事帰りにヘルデンプラッツの ヴァルドフィアテル物産展に行く。ヴァルドフィアテルというのはロワーオーストリアの地域の名前で、「森の地域」という意味だ。ヴァルドフィアテルからは大好きなシュレムスのビールに、ツベッテルのビールがテントを出していた。

There are folk bands to play at the stage, singing songs in dialect. Honestly I did not think that so many people would be there. Some are in traditional Dirndl or Trachten.


Of course I first got a glass of Schremser beer, and then tried to find a place to eat something. There were tables and standing tables, but almost all were occupied. I happened to find a table and sat there. I could have asked people at the same table to keep watching while I fetch food, but I actually did not.


The festival goes on and on, they drink, eat and talk talk talk for three days.
