Dec 19, 2004

Good old times 古き良き時代

When Christmas season comes, many tourists rush to Steyr. There is a Christmas post and they can have different postage stamp and postmark each year. For transportation to the post office from center square in Steyr, post bus will take the role. The three ton bus with 24 passenger sheets produced by Steyr in 1950. Its engine displacement is 5320cc and also made by Steyr. The company Steyr does not have automobile production line now, (there are production lines in Graz) more than 50 years ago it enjoyed its good times. It was founded in 1864 and now I am working in the company which used to be called Steyr Daimler Puch AG. Since the World War I, Austria had been occupied by Germany ruled by Nazi. The the company was the production base of tanks or military vehicles and also was bombed during the World War II.

クリスマスのシーズンがやってくると、たくさんの観光客がシュタイヤに押しかけます。ここにはクリスマス専用の郵便局があって、毎年異なる特別切手に特別スタンプがもらえるからです。そのクリスマスポストへの送迎用に、シュタイヤの中心から郵便局の送迎バスが登場します。1950年製の24人乗り、3トン弱のシュタイヤ製バス。エンジンは5320ccのシュタイヤ製ディーゼルエンジン。今は自動車の生産ラインを持ちませんが(もちろんグラーツには生産工場がありますけど)、この会社は当時こうして栄えていました。1864年に創業して以来の古い会社で、それが今日わたしが勤めている会社の前身のSteyr Daimler Puch AGです。第2次世界大戦では戦火にもまみれました。オーストリアがナチスドイツの占領下になって、戦車や軍用車を提供する基地になっていたからです。

Against my expectation, it was comfortable during the drive and engines worked as if it were just a little old. It was but still sensible with this suspension design that the chassis bumped slightly up when it was almost empty. From the interior we found it aged. However, almost every people on the street found the car and waved hands to it and it made passengers very pleased. The driver intentionally demonstrated diesel knock which we have to miss now and delighted passengers.


Dec 8, 2004

Comparison of vacation 休日の比較

Japanese news which appeared on the headline of newspapers have been articles about continuing typhoons and earthquakes. A little ago, a comparison of vacation from countries. In Japan, there are about twenty national holidays and is the biggest within the world. If an European reads this article quite normally, he should think that Japanese would take much more holidays than European. However, this is the source of great misunderstanding. Almost all of them do not understand the background of the society. They have no chance to know that Japanese nation has to repeat to move all together during holidays. Sick pay system is too common to doubt it. European can of course enjoy this right and take this national holidays. Addition to it, any of them can have their own vacation for some amount. If European takes it for granted and would mean it loud to Japanese people, it can not help that Japanese feel misery or even get angry with it.


There used to be a TV commercial in Japan by Volvo that they have 5 week summer vacation in Sweden. It is definitely a life-time dream for Japanese. (Therefore it could be a commercial.) On the other hand in Japanese reality, those who works for a company would take 2 weeks vacation whenever he wants (10 working days and weekends), after having worked for fifteen years for the company, or it might be still a dream for others work for small companies or private company. It is hardly comprehensible for European that all employees would take holidays together, or almost all of Japan! and it just looks strange.


The most troublesome matter for Japanese is, how to prevent from being absent by illness and spending annual leaves (paid holidays). In Europe, as far as I saw in Germany, Austria and Czech, I have never seen people with masks who have caught cold. They can just take their sick holiday. They do not especially have to getting ill. They will never think of an effort for some Japanese workers to save their holidays during summer in order to go skiing in winter on week days pretending illness.


It might sound that in Europe everything is just much better than in Japan. My problem here is, if it is believable or not, that I am not able to work adequately to satisfy myself. For some Japanese it should be unbelievable, from my feeling, net average working cost is higher than in Japan in Austria. Amount of paid working hours are much more in Austria than in Japan. We will be paid not depending on if we got a satisfactory from results, how much we have worked. Then I have to care much more than in Japan how to work more efficiently. I can not work until I can satisfy myself. Although I know I can reach 95 points out of 100 with additional some-hours' effort, I sometimes have to let me say yes with 70 points.


It is necessary for Japanese to think how to use "given" time. It does not mean 24 hours a day, but eight hours. Not only to work frantically until getting satisfied but to think how much time is necessary to reach the goal is quite important. More over to estimate how much the effort may cost it is an essential point to admit Japanese industry real stronger than other countries on a same scale.


Nov 28, 2004

What could have happened in Japan? 日本だったら、どうなってたかなぁ

When I went shopping in the center of the city, I happened to see an incident. It should be quite usual case in a Japanese big cities. In the parking place along a river, two cars tried to pass by very slowly each other. It seemed that door mirrors of both cars are distant about five centimeters, and suddenly I heard they hit each other. I just wondered what would happen and kept watching. However, two drivers did not get out of their cars and they just drove out........... Huuummmm. How smart! Surely in Japan, they should have had very uncomfortable moment. Well, nobody would keep his car very clean like in Japan, a cars is just a tool for them.


People here are more warm-hearted than people in Japan recently. Walking on the street, children would cheat me shouting "a-cho-" with kung-fu gesture, but most of the times they would greet me in quite normal manner. Of course where I live now is country side as my hometown is, but maybe, my hometown will be no longer in the case soon. I left Japan with an idea to return after about ten years. Of course there is no limit and I can stay here as long as I want. Today, I felt like staying here for ever.


As a matter of fact, I had had a problem with an internet connection card for laptop and it would not work. I asked help for telephone support and still I was not able to find any problems with setting. Then I was told to go directly to the shop where I bought it. Some days later on a Sunday, I visited the shop and asked when I would have chance to let it check.. What I had received as an answer was; "Laptop setting needs much time and we can just offer the service only on week days until 16 o'clock. " and I was frozen, almost spoke out as if I were in Japan, "Hey, who can come on week days until 16 o'clock ?? ". I was just able to leave there without saying anything. How would normal Japanese react in such the situation? Such a shop can not survive for a month in Japan!


I believe that the quality of Japanese service is the best in the world without any doubt. However, when we have to stand on provider's side, we would get continuously stressed by being demanded or complained by customers about trivial things, having no chance to excuse and working sometimes limitless. If it is possible just to close eyes to some trivial matters, prices of products or services will be less expensive and addition to it, we would not have to sacrifice ourselves when we are offering side. In this sense, I think everything is well balanced here with relatively high level. Art of service is one of that we are proud of in Japan to any other country. But today I just wondered if we are hysterically critical just by calling ourselves customer. I had to think it over again.


Oct 2, 2004

Naive Japanese ナイーブな日本人

A Japanese customer who visited our company before once asked me, "May an Austrian company produce military vehicle, although Austria is a permanently neutral country?" Austria is a permanently neutral country, of course, but it is not like a certain Asian country who can not call her military as military. The country will not explain officially to countries that claims all the time for anything, for which purpose she needs the troop. She has even no idea to do it. As I wrote in ”Why Japanese can not English 2”, this is the worst and typical Japanese behavior to foreigners just expect others to understand her without explanation.


Austria is quite a normal country from a view that they discuss openly in TV or in papers to buy fighter jets and its cost. For most of Japanese, the word "military" is as same as "Pavlov's dog", they would suddenly imagine words suck as "Japanese imperial", "evil axle", "atrocity", which they are willing to forget as soon as possible. Actually, they should not forget, express ambiguously but learn properly from that. However the government even do not do that. The government would say only "I feel it very sad that it happened.”without confirming what had really happened, when she would be claimed by other countries.


When a disaster occurs, rescue activities by trained professionals are indispensable. They can not help even other people's lives if they would be in panic each time. I heard that more lives could have been saved only if the government had permitted to mobilize self fence forces in Hanshin-Awaji disaster. Many lives had been lost when politicians or governmental officers were waiting for papers to be processed. Needless to say about the abduction by Northern Korea, why do we have a reason to stay in Japan, if it is not safe to stay in Japan? In countries like Austria or Switzerland, or almost all of other countries in the world except Japan, it is quite usual to ask government to assure nation's safety. There are still some countries which oblige nation conscription for some period and in such countries they plan to shorten the period. However, none of them would think to abandon military of their own. They know it is dispensable for a nation. Does any Japanese would see on countries like Austria or Switzerland with prejudiced eyes? Of course not. That's easy. Many Japanese have wrong recognition.


Recently, American invasion into Iraq turned out that there were no concrete proof. Japanese government showed their support for US very quickly this time, just to be praised by US president. Japan is like a baby for America, just believing their words literally. When on earth can Japan behave as an "matured" country in the world between other countries? A liar could be also used somehow. It is quite surprising to know that a small Asian island dealt with "Prussian" before the WWII appropriately. Many Japanese recently feel resentful to hear "Japan should think more about her advantages", but I think she should be more deliberate to get along with a huge country in huge red.


Why Japanese can not English3 どうして日本人は英語がだめか3

It is impossible to learn English as English native learn because of the time. It might be the reason that there are so many books on market titled "Master English without effort". Some learning programs force learners lots of big words. But just remember it. Who will need a word in foreign language which he seldom needs in his mother language? It is meaningless to continue "T*ME Marathon" for whoever would not read magazines or newspaper about politic? It is just a time killing to try to learn phrases or terms which is not necessary in Japanese. It is definitely impossible to use foreign languages more than mother tongue.


How about shifting usual environment into English? It is ideal if usual papers or magazines are available in English. It is impossible to keep motivation if the content is not interesting. Although the English level is not very high, it is not the best to choose a text whose content is actually for children. I think it the best way to replace the environment completely into a foreign language because of efficiency, continuity and for the opportunity in the future to express thoughts freely. It is also possible to think loud in the language. If an electric dictionary is available, anybody can learn anywhere.


If anybody has his own specialty, it is very good to start with vocabulary in that field. Nobody expects a specialist on steel material to know names of special vegetables or original title of great writer's works. However, many Japanese would be puzzled. I can not image that an adult people can enjoy a text like "red, blue yellow, blue sky and white cloud", although it is written in foreign language. Those who does not read usually novels, it is not efficient to use novels to learn languages. Whoever likes cooking, it is the best way to use cooking books written in English of course.


What I have written in three times, I think it would be agreed by people who has learned non-English foreign language by himself. To go back and forth with mixture of such method and normal text book, the understanding of basis would be deepened and what have learned would be forgettable. The important point is to use anything matches real life and Japanese level. To replace usual life into other language is much more efficient than to stuff words without any connection.


What I can recommend for businessmen and engineers, I would take Nikkei Weekly and Nikkei Science. The former is the weekly version of Nihon Keizai Shinbun. Trend in Japan or in Asian countries are often introduced and it is useful to get information briefly. Actually I subscribe this newspaper and I put that in my company's lounge for my colleagues after having read it. The latter is an scientific magazine with figures. Original is Scientific American. This magazine is translated into German, French and other languages and it is suitable for engineers who are eager to master a certain language.

実際にお勧めできる新聞や雑誌として、週刊のNikkei Weeklyと日経サイエンスの2つを挙げてみます。前者は日本経済新聞の週刊英訳版で、日本やアジアの国々での業界のトレンドなどが頻繁に紹介され、短い時間で日本やアジアの情報を得るにはとても適していると思います。実際にはわたしも定期購読をし、読み終わったあとは会社のラウンジに置いています。後者は図解付きの科学雑誌ですが、オリジナルは英語のScientific American、この雑誌はドイツ語、フランス語やその他の言語にも翻訳されており、語学を真剣に勉強する必要のあるエンジニアには教材として最適だと思います。

Sep 26, 2004

Why Japanese can not English2 どうして日本人は英語がだめか2

Most of Japanese people would think that their English was bad, when they were not able to make themselves understood. But please think that over again. Isn't it impossible that we can not make ourselves understood at once when we are talking in Japanese? Do you think you had problems with your Japanese? From my personal opinion, it might be a disease typical for Japanese people. They are extremely sensitive just about English. Why can many young women buy brand bags and shoes in Italy? Do you think their English or Italian good enough?


In real life, there are no unrepeatable conversational situations which would often appear in tests. Despairing just after trying to hear once has no progress since student. Why can't they react like they are speaking Japanese? Just to change expression or aspects. It is clear for a listener if a speaker understood the point correctly or what was not clear for him, if the speaker says "I understood" in a context or reacts with a question. Without any word, speaker has no other chance but to take it that his listener has understood. It is as same as in Japanese. It is just a Japanese culture that one can show his feeling on his face without word, and the listener would understand it. It is never a globally effective communication way. One has to express it, mention it clearly.


English is still just one of the subjects to pass for entering school for most of Japanese people, but no communication tool. One of the typical problems for Japanese people is that they think listeners can understand what they want in mind without any word. Japanese share many same contexts. They share same cultural background, anybody in Japan can have almost same education and almost no difference. But such information is not available for foreigners. Japanese people are not get used to such a basic rule of communication. Any speaker should give listeners all information in appropriate way.


Sep 18, 2004

Why Japanese can not English1 どうして日本人は英語がだめか1

I would like to describe a certain issue in several times to which I got some reactions from my friends. Not especially in English, I often receive mails from my friends or customers would tell me that, "I want to speak but I cannot". In Japan there are lots of books titled as "Why English spoken by Japanese is bad..", "Why you cannot make yourself understood in English." and so on.


From my personal opinion, here we can find one of bad traditions of Japanese education systems. It is very sad to say, but in Japan or in Japanese tradition, whoever make mistakes would be made fun of by others. In primary schools, maybe many people would easily remember that whoever stammered or read lines incorrectly would be nicknamed due to this event. This idea is deprived from the reality that everybody learns in school that making mistakes is bad. Then it is quite normal to think that if one is not quite sure, one will avoid speaking and it is better than to say something and make mistakes. Even as an adult one would be afraid to be known and underestimated its English level by others, would be ashamed of making possible mistakes in front of others. Then such an odd case, "I wan to speak but I cannot" will occur.


In Roman Empire which once conquered whole Europe, anybody in the region originally from outside will be given a civil right as same as Roman citizen. It is quite natural to communicate with others by foreign languages and they know it is very difficult. But they also knew that content or what they mention is much more important than how they express. Therefore in current Europe, they do not have such a bad custom to laugh about mistakes. For them, language is just a communication tool.


Contrarily, anybody who has lived in foreign countries when childhood and whose pronunciation (it does not mean they speak English like natives. This is the very important point.) sounds like native speaker will be treated as bilingual hero or heroin. And other people would feel very stressful when they have to speak English in from of such "bilinguals", or their pronunciation will be corrected.


What does communication mean on the whole? I do not think that a fluent English speech without content is purposeful than halting English with full of interest. I think the communication is perfect if the context will be transferred correctly and not depends on how it has been expressed. Isn't it correct? Nowadays I can often find comparison of average TOEIC (Test Of English as International Communication) scores between Korea, China and Japan, but what does it mean? As far as I know about Chinese and Korean people, they are much keen on their aims and do not care what to do. How they speak or who is their pronunciation is, are not their interest. They would say what they want and what they do not want in very clear way. In any other languages, they would behave as same as in English and they would never have problems.


The solution is quite easy. Just to try to speak and if it will not be understood, try to find a common way to understand better by both of speaker and listener, but not to speak thinking that it might not be possible to be understood. Isn't this a real communication? Then I can hear someone says, "you are able to say so, because you can speak already!" But for me, it just looks like he just builds up a reason by himself not to speak. What is important, "want to tell or not." It is nonsense to justify not having spoken. Any effort to do so is necessary for everybody.


Only American or Japanese people would say, that English spoken by Japanese is awful. Only American or Japanese would be picky about the pronunciation of "r" and "l". In Europe, German spoken by French people, English spoken by Spanish people will not be openly made fun of others, or it will be rule breaking in the society. The problem of communication is not English by Japanese but the lack of aim and indecisiveness. As a proof, whoever faces toward Italy or Spain in order to train Italian dishes or Flamenco guitar would carry out their training well, even if their language is not good enough. Housewives living abroad who have married foreign men speaks local language after having babies, although they were not able to speak almost any word before. It is not only talent to learn languages. Necessity and objective. I have never heard, "I want to speak Italian but I cannot." or "I want to speak German but I cannot". They would have their own clear goals and they just learn if they want. On the other hand, there are lots of people who cannot speak English although they want. It tells us that the motivation to speak English in Japan is very superficial. To to speak beautiful and fluent English is the objective. What to speak is the objective. To speak fluent English is just one of means. How many Japanese are suffering from such an illusion!


Jun 11, 2004

Value of a company 企業の価値

When I think of ranking in Japan due to companies are: ranking according to customer satisfaction from J.D. Power and ranking which are rated by undergraduates who are to start working soon. Of course it is quite easy to compare companies with sales or net profit, however none of these do not represent her real figure, I think. It is possible to image such an equation, (profitable company) = (employees work efficiently) = (expected new employees wish to work in the company), but I feel that it lacks an aspect how employees rate their company.


Recently there are arising number of law cases in Japan that inventors sued their (former) company and they insist they should have to be deserved much more and ask for money equivalent to the value of their invention on the court. But did they really want money from the beginning? I am sure it is wrong. In Japan they try to avoid praising an individual in a group. The people who had greatly contributed to the company profit would rather keep modest. He would say that he had just been the project leader and actually their subordinates worked very hard together in their team. This is the behavior which is accounted to be a virtue of "adult" human. Whoever shows off his outcome can never win the hearts of the people.


In Europe on the other hand, there is a ranking according to employees. How satisfied they are working in the company. It is a big concern for many companies to keep an excellent workers, even if it is not as usual as to hop jobs in Europe than in the USA. People in Europe feel easier than Japanese to change their job. Then if a company gets a high rate in the index, it helps her to secure high quality human resource in a long term.


What a company pay should care the most, stock holder and then customer... I have read such order in recent Japanese articles or news, I propose that companies reconsider the value of employees. They are just like a hen which will lay an egg. With unnecessary stress or without regular feed they will never lay an egg. Giving them an reason that the company is under the financial problem and do not feed them, they will be dead without laying any eggs. "Directors or board members of our companies do not understand any of technologies...." such gossip comes from an organization which cares more stockholders and neglects employees. Even if a director tries alone to get same result which employees together will bring, it is impossible. How to use people? How they can work comfortably? I do not think it is only I who evaluates understanding of bosses or company more than money....


Mar 27, 2004

Concert and public transportation コンサートと公共交通機関

What is usually written on a concert ticket? Of course concert date, name of artists and seat number. Moreover maybe about which we ought to do in the hall, such as to switch off cellular phones, not to take video or pictures and so on. Last week I have been to Vienna to see a concert, I found very interesting words on the ticket for the concert; in a frame at the right corner, it is written "Valid as a public transportation ticket in Vienna".


On the other side of the ticket, it is described in detail that "This ticket is valid for public transportation from two hours before and until after six hours of the opening time." In most cities in Europe, as far as I know, we can just by a ticket only at once, even if we change transportation measures (subways, trams, busses and trains) except for taxis and planes. What I think it very kind is that the valid time is considered to include also dinner time after the concert.


I just remember a scene in Tokyo this year. A station attendants in subway station grumbled that I did not pass a right ticket gate when changed stations to the other company's, Eidan to Toei subway and was blocked by the automatic gate. What a service was that! How can it be so difficult to control tickets automatically, while most of ticket gates in bigger cities in Japan are fully automated. (In Japan, it is usually not possible to ride on a train without once feeding a ticket through a machine. We should take the ticket from the machine after passing the gate. And it is also not possible to get out of a station without giving a ticket to a machine. Machines at ticket gates control, if the ticket is valid. ) But the description which gate I should have passed... of course I noticed after that but there are so many information on the walls and so many people walking around me, it is almost not possible to my path to the gate. I should have known that in advance. Which gate to take is written only in Japanese, there is no chance for foreigners.


What I think it very kind of the system here is that we do not need to take out coins nor maybe wallet when we change trains or busses, once having buy a ticket to a destination. Of course when we buy a ticket, we can also use a back card which withdraws money directly from our bank accounts. It is said that tourists should take some amount of money with, when they travel in Japan. The biggest reason for that is to use JR (Japan Railways) or subways.....


Mar 20, 2004

Communication scheme コミュニケーションの違い

During working time, I sometimes have to join meetings for Japanese customers and interpret their conversation. I also forward e-mails from Japan in English or German. Then sometimes some of my colleagues would say, "What did they say?" or "What is written here?" They would think I had neglected or blocked some important information for them. When I was in Japan, I have never thought of an idea to have to control information somehow, when we speak with foreigners. If we put every word correctly into other language, it should be understood correctly, I thought. Of course I knew that I need to switch my idea: I ought to use passive form or non humane subjective noun occasionally.


After having some opportunities to attend such meetings here, in my opinion, Japanese conversation is most of the time, of course between Japanese, listeners have to pick up just important information from dozen within truly spoken and compensate what is lacking. So to say, if the over all vision is correct, it must not be very inconsistent in detail. It is quite important to understand Japanese correctly to understand the background of the situation or emotion of speakers than spoken words themselves. Therefore speakers also do not have to mention in detail. Even if the conversation is not correctly formulated or lacks information but it will be understood, because they are mutually compensate each other when they listen. In short, they just give listeners just component of ideas and ask them to understand it. "Just consider my situation and feeling now, could you please guess my real intent, take it in the right spirit!!"


European languages including English, it is comprehensible if each word will be replaced with proper word from other language. Literally and also orally. It might be because the fundamental of the way of thinking which is based on religion. And the how to agree and disagree is the same all over Europe (Not to say "Yes, I will not go." but "No, I will not go." for an answer of "Won't you come?"). Also an important point is not to expect listener's to compensation at all. Europe is mixed culturally and racially very deeply. It is not possible to expect others from different background to understand speaker's situation. Such history results in the formulation or styles of conversation or sentences in European languages. There are many multilinguals in Europe. It is needless to say that of course because of the necessity of speaking many languages, but they are using basically same alphabet, and origin of their languages have same root and it is easy to guess meaning of words. Moreover if they replace their words properly, they do not need to switch their idea in order to be understood. They can apply their own way of thinking in their mother tongue directly in other languages.


In spite of lots of time and money on English school, still many Japanese have difficulties to communicate in English. One of the reasons might be that they just apply their Japanese communication style when they speak English. I do not think it collapse of Japanese language, because a language itself can not walk around alone. Because there is a culture in Japan to let things keep gray or just be satisfied with not having fully completely understood. Such a culture needs such a language. However, it is also very important that one can speak or write in Japanese without asking others to compensate missing information also in Japan, even if others can understand without some information. If one has to lead a team, the importance will get much higher. Brief report for an busy boss must be very clear and short. I would say such Japanese training could be a royal road to English. It is too simplistic to introduce English education in earlier generation. In fact, just repeating Japanese for presentation or debate helped me to improve my English the most. For that reason, I have mostly problems here with Japanese spoken by Japanese customers. It is quite sad of me that none of my colleagues will understand my troubles.


Mar 9, 2004

Power supply affair2 電力事情2

Any country has problems. I told that there is no atomic power plant in Austria, and current German government plans to retreat from it. But in actual, how does the tendency of power consumption look like? It is a general matter all over the world that power consumption is getting more and more.


If Austria does not have to build new atomic power plant or not might be a question. Practically Austria buys electricity from abroad which is generated by atomic power plant in order to compensate domestic deficit. Due to Tokyo protocol, it is preferable to discharge less carbon dioxide for generating electricity. Atomic generation has a superiority than conventional fossil fuel regarding carbon dioxide discharging. As a result, to buy a little expensive electricity generated by atomic power plant and discharging less carbon dioxide from foreign countries means trading discharging right between nations. Well, will Japan, one of the major atomic power plant holders all over the world, be able to make good use of this energy which needs lots of care in use and also for disposal? And as a ideal resource for power supply in the future?


In order to achieve this, it is necessary to be informed every advantage and also disadvantage to Japanese citizen and fully understood so that we can choose it or reject it. If we pay higher attention to safety matter, we would have to accept some inconveniences in our daily life. But I think it almost impossible to accept such inconveniences for Japanese people. Therefore it is surely clear that it will never bring us solution, if we just avert our attention from unpleasant issuers as current Japanese foreign policy does now. How lots of people would be able to understand both good and bad on atomic power, would be the best help for solving power supply affair in near future, I think. Of course in a long run, we also have to develop alternatives for sure, at least I hope that Japan will be able to positively contribute to solve problems for other countries and also gain the initiative of it.


Jan 31, 2004

Power supply affair 電力事情

I would be sometimes asked "Is there any atomic power plants in Japan?". How many Japanese know exactly, that they can carry out their lives with the help of the atomic energy, even though they blindly refuse nuclear resources?


There is no atomic power plant in Austria. More than 50% of the power generation are covered by water plant, and the rest is by coal, wind power and biomass at the same level. In Japan more than 40% of power supply is covered by more than 50 atomic power plants. Many people would be surprised to hear that. In Europe, represented by the declaration of withdrawal from the atomic energy by the prime minister of Germany, there is a way without atomic energy. On the other hand, in France more than 80% of energy demand is covered by atomic energy and in some countries from Russian federation there is a plan to built more atomic power plants.


Taking the huge blackout in north America and in Canada and also in Salzburg last year, Austrian government has just started to build fail-safe energy supplying system for emergency to prevent energy supply convergence at main stream. It is said that the last summer was record hot, but still it is possible to manage it (for me, Japanese) somehuow without air conditioning. Surely there is no "night life" here such in Japan. Could it be just a infection after living here some time to think that it is also in Japan necessary to take "normal life style" back again?
