Oct 5, 2002

Celebration お祝いをする

The people who is on his birthday or newly joins to team will be invited to the party in Japan, here he has to entertain others.
There seems to be some countries which has the same tradition as in Japan.


Where is Austria? オーストリアってどの辺にあるんだっけ?

Of course it is in Europe, it could be difficult to tell exactly where in Europe. West of Austria there are Switzerland and Lichtenstein, in the north are Germany and Czech, in the east Slovakia and Hungary, in the south Slovenia and Italy, faces to eight foreign countries. The area of the country is 84,000km2 (Hikkaido, northern island in Japan is about 78,000km2), its population is something of 8 million with republic political system. In 2004 more ten countries including Poland and Czech, will join in European Union and Austria lies in the middle of new EU members.

ヨーロッパというのはわかっても、どこかと聞かれると分からないのが普通かもしれません。オーストリアは西にスイス、リヒテンシュタイン、北にドイツ、チェコ、東にスロバキア、ハンガリー、南にスロベニア、イタリアと8カ国と面しており、国土面積84,000km2(北海道が78,000km2)、人口800万人強の共和制国家です。2004年にさらに、ポーランド、チェコを含む10カ国が EU加盟を予定していますが、それらの国を含めた地域のちょうど真ん中に位置しています。

What is Austria famous for? オーストリアって何が有名なの?

What could be imaged from Austria... should be Hapsburg family and Hungary=Austria empire, Vienna orchestra, opera and so on. Otherwise the first image for most of the people seems to be "Australia". For sure it is easier to think about that a Japanese could find a job in the country, because they speak English there and a foreign language means normally English, and also Australia is one of the most favorite countries for tourists in Japan. Therefore the first reaction from my friends was "Australia" without any exception. Moreover their question would be "why?" when it turns out to clear that I had meant "Austria".
Such a tendency exists not only in Japan, there are some souvenirs in irony. On T-shirt it is written, "There are no kangaroos here." If I have a chance to go to Vienna, I would like to put the picture here.
What is also famous in Austria is sweets. Except for Sacher torte there are many kinds of sweets. Austria could be an ideal country for sweet-teeth holders.


Which language do they speak? 何語を話してるの?

It is so called German, but it is not standard German. The dialect in Vienna is for me rather comprehensible. The dialect from western or eastern edge of Austria, I have no idea what they are speaking. The native speakers would also say so, that they would like to ask a person with such dialects that they can never understand "German"... Therefore I do not have any slight chances to understand them. To have said that Vienna dialect is rather easier to understand turned out to be wrong. I think they are used to switch to standard German. I had less problem when I was in Vienna for three weeks. If they are really not able to communicate with the people from Tirol(western part) or Burgenland(eastern part), for which reason does the idea exist that official language is German here? I think it worse than in Switzerland. They know that they can not communicate in one language. Added 08.02.2002

ドイツ語なんですが、結構方言がきついです。ウィーンはそれにしてもまだ分かりやすい。オーストリアの南の方に行くとさらにまたきつくなってきて、もうほとんど何を言っているのやらわかりません。文章の中で単語のひとつもわからないということも有り得ます。こちらの現地の人でもそう感じるのですから、外国人のわたしにはなおさらです。なお、チロル地方ではイタリア語も話されています。ウィーンの方言が分かりやすいというのは大きな間違いでした。ただ単に、ウィーンには標準語をうまく使い分けられる人が多いということのようです。オーストリア人でさえ、西の端っこのチロル州、東の端っこのブルゲンランド州の人間同士では会話が成り立たないと言っています。これではいったい何のための公用語なのやら。追記 2002.08.02 

How about Austrian food? 食べ物はおいしい?

As many of our customers from Japan would often say, I personally think the Austrian dishes generally match Japanese tastes. Bread tastes really nice, as it also does in Germany, or Poland. When we order salad as primary dish, some pieces of bread will be also delivered. If we are busy trying bread with many kinds of butter which contain herb or pepper, we would soon get satisfied and be not able to eat any more. The portion of dishes is less than in the USA but surely much more than in Japan.
In general, it could be said that the balance among meat, fish and vegetable tends notably to meat. At supermarkets fish departments are rarely seen, instead of that there are huge ham or cheese departments. As for fish, some popular ones like salmon or trout which could be caught here could be bought. Most of them are chilled or already cooked and chilled. Sometimes it could be possible to eat rather fresh ones in Italian or Spanish restaurants, but they are rarely above our expectations which we can expect in Japan.


Oct 4, 2002

Living in Austria オーストリアで暮らす

After working for nine years in Japan, I found a job here and now live in Austria. I would like to write down what would be often asked by others or what I first find here. Does anyone know that the name "Habsburg" came from the name of a village in Switzerland and the family had come from there? I have heard that from the tour guide in Vienna.


These articles are written basically for Japanese people, who would get to know the different culture. Vice versa you would be also able to know, how it looks in Japan, from which I was surprised of or which I feel wrong about.
