Jan 19, 2014

Morzart's tomb モーツアルトのお墓

When I returned to Vienna from Japan, I got a request from one of my uncles.  His wife whom I adored a lot died of cancer some years ago. He asked me to bring some of her ash to where her soul might belong to. She studied music and then she married my uncle in late fortieth, moved to my hometown in the mountain from Matsumoto, Nagano. She enjoyed country life with my uncle. She taught children to play the piano at home. I still remember that they had a huge effort to bring her piano to the house.


I would visit her every time I came back home. She cooked wonderful cafe, she definitely understood what I was doing then. Even after I left Japan for my work. She even understood my situation more than my parents; she had a wide view of life and was a doer. She would tell me that she wants to visit me some day.


There are lots of musicians' tomb in Vienna, I decided to bring her ash to Morzart. Most of musicians' tombs are in the Vienna Center Cemetery, but Morzart's tomb is in St.Marx, about 15 minutes by tram from my apartment. This area has been developed a lot recently, Vienna Bio Center, the biotechnology research center. And there is a huge T-Mobile Austria building near by. On the other side of the street from that lively district, there is a normal looking cemetery.

ウィーンには音楽家の墓は数えきれないほどあるが、彼女のお骨をモーツアルトのところに持っていくことにする。大抵の音楽家さんたちはウィーンの中央墓地に眠っておられるが、モーツアルトはサンクト・マルクスの墓地。家からトラムで15分ほどのところ。この辺は開発が進んでおり、バイオテクノロジー研究のメッカでもある、ウィーンバイオセンターがある。その隣にはT-Mobile Austria のビル。その賑やかな一画の道路を隔てた反対側に、ごく普通に見える墓地がある。

There are lots of tourists at Vienna Center Cemetery, but here there is nobody. I just walked along the center path.


My aunt, welcome to Vienna!


Jan 18, 2014

A letter from Palau (Embassy) パラオ(大使館)からの手紙

I donated 200 Euro for the Philippines via Red Cross in the middle of November last year. Japanese people would experience natural disaster for long time and Japanese government took the lead in the world to help any country suffering from natural disaster any other nation. At that time, I happened to find an article in the net that Palau Embassy started to receive donation for the typhoon victims. Unfortunately, Red Cross did not have a special category for the donation for the Republic of Palau. The nation is one of the most friendly nations to Japan with beautiful nature. I also transferred some money to their bank account.

昨年11月の半ば、赤十字を通してフィリピンに200ユーロほど募金した。日本人は日頃から自然災害を身をもって経験しているから、政府もPれまでどんな被災国に対しても世界に先駆けて速やかに支援を行ってきた。 フィリピンへの募金をしたときにネットで見つけた記事に、パラオ共和国が義援金の募集を始めたということを見つけた。残念なことに、赤十字の募金のページにはパラオへの送金がカテゴリー分けされていない。この国はもっとも親日な国のひとつ。ホームページの銀行口座にいくらかのお金を振り込んだ。

I went back to Japan for some weeks and came back to Vienna to find a letter from Embassy of the Republic of Palau.


Donating via Red Cross, an email will be sent for tax exempt. But this was not that kind; a thank you letter by Palau's Ambassador Mr. Francis.
Actually I almost forgot it. It said that individual donation from Japan summed up to 1.923 million yen by December 3rd. It is almost 10 times more than the Japanese government officially donated and two times as American government did.


The letter ends with a sentence that most touristic sites like Rock Island was not damaged by the typhoon and they are looking forward to seeing Japanese people there.


I have to go there! To Peleliu island. To meet my hands in prayer for Japanese soldiers who fought to protect Japan and local people. Many American footage about the battle just show the war winner's story. Only the amount of donation shows clearly what really happened there.

是非行かなくては! ぺリリュー島へ。日本を、また現地人を守るためにぺリリュー島で命を落としたたくさんの兵隊さんたちに手を合わせに。ペリリュー島での戦闘について記した、アメリカ側に作られたビデオはたくさんあるが、あくまで戦争の勝者の論理。実際に何がそこで起こったのかはこの義援金の額が物語る。