Dec 26, 2005

St.Claus サンタクロース

Santa Claus should play the main role for the Christmas, but here a small angel called Christkindle would take the role. In Germany it is called "Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market)" where people can buy candles or decorations and people can also drink warm wine. In Austria it is called "Christkindel market". It is quite interesting to know that in Russia or in Ukraine they have another heroin besides Santa Claus, "Snow girl", a grand daughter of Santa Claus, wearing blue costume in contrast with Santa Clauses' read. I wonder if the angel (Christkindel) and the snow girl have connection to each other. Well, Santa Claus does not just bring presents but has lots to do.

Paramour Prowler Crucified
Honey Drunk with his Child

And this is the image from the angel Christkindel.


Santa Claus would bring presents to children all over the world and make them happy. He is loved by the children. However, he cannot get any present. He is even made fun of by the angel. Really hard work for him. (It is written, there is nothing for you.) Maybe, in order to comfort such the pity Santa Claus, many children in the world would send him Christmas card to the Christmas Post in Steyr.


Dec 24, 2005

Shops on Sundays 日曜日に働くこと

There used to be a time in Japan that people enjoyed open discussion programs on TV, there is one in Austria and also invited audience can partly join in the discussion. Well, which kind of topic would interest them? "To open shops on Sundays" The topic can never been discussed or be never taken as a topic for discussion in Japan. The people invited to the discussion were Richard Lugner who cannot be forgotten to talk about business in Austria, the owner of a huge shopping center in the outskirts of Vienna, a person from Viennese tourism association and a representative from the Labor Ministry.


The insistence of the executive officers is as following; "as the EU expands it is meaningful to open shops on Sundays especially in Vienna or region close to the border to other countries to lure more customers. It is strictly limited how long can a person work in a week and it is just an inattentiveness of the Labor Ministry not to allow manager to settle the time table freely. Currently the domestic consumption is about to reach the ceiling, it is necessary to loosen the regulation to attract foreign customers coming to Austria by car. Besides of it, there are possibilities to offer mothers jobs on Sundays that cannot work during week days due to family matter." On the other hand, insistence from opponents. "There is enough time for shopping now. Even if the shopping time would be extended, sales would not greatly improve. It is questionable if the shopkeepers can afford to pay additionally to whom works on weekends." During the discussion, there were no points of view from customer side. Somebody fears if family would be destroyed by working on holidays, and the others insist that the nation should protect families somehow.


They have an idea deep in their original thought, that nobody may work on Sundays. Then they cannot answer directly to the question why there is a problem to comply with the market demand. It is no question that family would be destroyed by working without any holiday, but it seems that they have their own answer from the beginning. They may not work on Sundays. However, there are exceptions. It is quite difficult to hold a discussion with such people. How the people living in such a country would feel when they travel to Japan? Convenience stores opened every time every day, vending machines everywhere...


Nov 19, 2005

It happens all the time いつもの

At the time of the year, I always have to think about how I can reduce my overtime work. Our company would basically pay less than 20 hours a year, I have to talk with my boss how I concretely consume them. My current status is 82 hours overtime this year. If I consume the hours in general way, I can have two-week vacation. Many of my colleagues would be surprised when I would say, "82-hour overtime a month would not especially suprise any Japanese." Then they would ask me, "How about their family?"


As far as I observe my colleagues, they always seem to work at "their" pace. It is too natural to go back home regularly, they do not need the word for that. Of course sometimes they have to work overtime, but they do not receive additional pay but have holidays instead afterwords. It is quite natural. They do not especialy have to haste themselves, and customers would not neither. Of course line workers cannot work in such a style, but office workers admit the inconsistant volume of work, they have to adjust their time even through the year and would not be payed monthly for their overtime.


In my last job in Japan, I did not have to check in with my time card before working. They told that every worker has to control by himself, it really means there is no overtime work basically. How long they worked is not controlled but every worker had to report. I did not think that every boss can exactly control how their members are working. They have a "go-home-at-five" day once a week, but it just might cause that they have to work longer on the other day. What I feel here quite important is, how to plan within limited time. Sometimes I have to compromise quality due to time. In Japan, I did not have to. I was able to do until I feel satisfied. I was able to just do that I thought nice to do. But here I have to consider if I may do or not, considering other issues. I wonder if there is any landing point between Japanese way and European way.


Jun 26, 2005

Individualism found in BBQ バーベキューに見られる個人主義

Austrian night in summer is still bright at 21 o'clock. It is quite common to have supper together outside on lawn. Contrary to Japan, it gets very cool after sunset. They would do BBQ often and it maybe be because they eat lots of meat. Sometimes our colleagues would get together to hold BBQ. What I feel all the time is, they do not have tradition to go out together to buy for BBQ, so-called "Kai-dashi" which is quite common idea in Japan. In Japan, somebody would go out to buy for everybody, considering how many people would come. Then we split the expense. But here, everybody would just bring that he/she would eat. BBQ in Japan reminds me of more than here. European BBQ might be something, just eat outside together, talking, although they need fire for grill.


It was quite long time ago when individualism was imported to Japan from Europe, it seems that it has been used to only justify egoism in Japan. The logic to justify any activity, if nobody would suffer from it. There was a woeful tale that a mother was not able to persuade her high-school daughter from quitting "Enjo-Kousai", (middle-term association with elder men. Young girls would receive money and offer men their body), justifying herself that nobody would have problems from it and men are also pleased. But the real meaning of individualism born in Europe is the feeling to bring to BBQ what I eat. To think to go home directly after finishing my work is quite natural. To think that my behavior and other's are not the same, my opinion is not dependent of other's idea or behavior.


Japan has a long history to import and adjusted from foreign countries what is good, but this individualism should be very difficult to accept for Japanese. Briefly, it is much more important in Japan what I think than how others would see me. Therefore we can avoid conflict as many as possible, but on the other hand we have to be too careful to visit close friends not to let them cause too much effort, helping them for preparing or clearing after supper. In European sense, because of this individualism, anybody can say freely and clearly what he wants to say, nobody would take it wrong way and does not have to be careful too much and can be open to others. Many foreigners would say that Japanese would not complain, and this is from one side true. But it is not true that Japanese would never feel bad from what others have told, they cannot just say their feeling clearly and too straight, because of the lack of real individualism.


Jun 11, 2005

Foreign policy 外交

Japan this year has rather many conflicts with neighbor Asian countries. "Neighbor Asian countries" is the usually used in Japan, but with deliberation, "neighbor Asian countries" that Japan problems with are actually just China and Korea. Although Japanese military was there then, prime minister of Indonesia, or India would not blame Japan. Contrary, they ask Japan to steadily lead Asian countries. Their countries won independence pushing armed suppression aside, although their suzerain returned to their countries (Holland and Britain) whose military was overwhelmed by Japanese. Taiwan used to be Japanese "colony" as same as Korea and was released at the end of the War, a group of the first men visited Japan and went to Yasukuni shrine this year. How many people would think calmly, what it does mean? Unfortunately many of Japanese media would forbear any "positive" side of past Japan, or it would be just a small article. They would be controlled. Many of European countries would have thought Japan did not have right because of her foreign policy without say against to "Neighbor Asian countries", but they tend to criticize too much insolence of China or Korea. Actually Japan has long relationship with the USA or European countries, and they know what is Japan. Japan keeps the rules in international society, provides complete freedom of broadcasting or publishing. Ironically it can be also the reason not to hinder activities of left wings in Japan. I wonder that the word "A-grade war criminal" strides just freely in Japan, even if many of Japanese do not try to understand what that really means.


Japan has an accountability to explain many points clearly. There are many historical matters that Japan have to reach the solution with "Neighbor Asian countries", but it was political mistakes of Japanese to send them money without verifying their emotional assumption at all. Therefore they have no reason to stop their claim. It is not very long ago that Japanese prime minister asked Chinese government to explain to their citizens how Japan had supported Chinese development after the war clearly, but I think they will never do it. It is just against their profit. The most profitable measure for Japan should be explaining it clearly to European that keep always to be rational. Any way the EU's common sense has a big influence in current world. Although the USA enjoys thier might now and control world politics alone, the EU always watches it. If European would admit that Japan has right to say so, the more the "Neighbor Asian countries" claim to Japan, the more they will be isolated in the international society and they would not be treated seriously. It is very pity to mention, but the only way Japan can expect is to wait such the situation. Japanese cannot rub people's fur the wrong way if they are very emotional. Then Japanese should be enough shrewd to explain to the third people, or Japan cannot survive as Chinese president told in a conference hold in Australia that Japan would disappear in thirty years from the earth.


How stupid current Japanese politicians are! They have to keep their stand points at first before they think about others, or nobody would trust them in this world. They have to insist their point clearly. They must not distort their insistences by just considering other's situation. Between democratic countries, they should at first insist their own issue and after that they would find a way to reach their compromise by discussion. Compromise should be shown after all of members told their points. If not, it cannot be treated as compromise. Therefore Japan would compromise before her insistence, no other country would treat it as a compromise of Japan. Nobody would thank Japan for that. Typical Japanese behavior against it, to show dissatisfaction with other's little understanding or evaluation, or to complain afterwards, looks just unfair for other people living in normal democratic countries. It seems them that Japanese say differently as they had told and they are quite dishonest. Japanese people should know their own quite rare mental structure which tends to be too delusional very well, and insist themselves to other people in the world. It is because Japan was not able to behave "normally" and was told, that she only has first-class economy but third-class culture and politics. A culture of a country which always looks down on herself, can never be first-class.


I would like Japanese government to rethink to try to become one of the regular members of the UN which was not able to do anything at American attack in Iraq, just to scatter money. They need just money from Japan. If it comes from taxes, there should be much more efficient way to spend which citizens can be satisfied with, which only Japan can do. This would be understood by foreign countries only if Japan's activities are consistent. But Japanese prime minister raised his hand at first to support America without any proof at Iraqi case.


May 5, 2005

What service should be サービスの本質とは

I will not deny that Japanese service is more excellent than any of others, but I sometimes run across a situation beyond comprehension.


I have my bank account in Japan. My credit card is also connected to the account. I often on business and use my private credit card, I transfer money to my account in Japan after travel adjustment. Then it will be informed via envelop to my address in Japan with which I registered when I opened the account there, although I am not there any more. In order to open an account at back in Japan, Japanese address is necessary.


It has no sense that they inform my home in Japan where I return only one a year. Envelop is not free. I called the bank if they can send me via e-mail. A woman in overseas transfer department picked my phone. I explained my situation to her and asked if it could be treated. She told me that she has to talk with her boss and once hung up the phone then she called me after some minutes. What was the result? As I expected. She told me that they can not do that because it is against their internal rule. I told her that I did not want to receive the envelop or it just caused me trouble. It was also rejected.


No customer is really interested in how the rule in the bank looks like. Japan has been spreading "KAIZEN" since long which tells to improve rule once settled according to situation or demands. It is clear that they can be satisfied if they just follow the rule. However it is absolutely fault just to be keen on following rules. They should know at first, what can be assured if they keep the rule and when they know they can not assure that any more, they should again change their rule to be able to assure what they want. Nowadays it is just an anachronism that people can not contact via e-mail, might be not in the case for elder grandpa or grandma in pension.

正直その銀行のルールがどう決められていようが、客には興味のあることではない。一度決めたことをその後状況やニーズに応じて改善していくことは、”KAIZEN”として日本が世界に広めて久しい。決められた通りにすれば、もちろん自己満足にはなるかもしれないが、ルールを守ることにだけに神経を使うことは明らかに見当違いだ。ルールを守ることによって何が保証されるか、それが保証されなくなったら今度はそのルールを変えることもルールになっていなければ、ルールが存在する意味がない。年金暮らしのおじいちゃんやおばあちゃんならともかく、今の時代e- mailでコンタクトが取れないことなど時代錯誤も甚だしい。

Apr 17, 2005

Riot in China 中国の暴動騒ぎ

Recently I received questions as a rare Japanese here. Today on one of national senders in Austria, a text book "New history textbook" by Fusosha appeared on TV for some seconds. And the sender told that one of the reasons of the riot might be that the textbook just touch the Nanking Massacre only slightly. However, the faces of demonstration participants seemed like the ones of marathon "participants". Nowadays in Japan, it might be usually treated in books that there are both pros and cons about the "Nanking Massacre", if it really happened. What I do not understand is, that why such result from the research will not be sent to the world from Japan. It is not a matter only between China and Korea. Japan should inform what she has as material and what she has in her mind now.

現地の数少ない日本人として最近よく話を聞かれる。今日はいわゆる国営放送で、日本の教科書検定に通った扶桑社の” 新しい歴史教科書”が数秒映り、教科書に南京での虐殺について弱いトーンでしか触れていないことが今回の暴動の原因でもあるなどと報じていた。しかしデモに参加している人たちの表情は、はっきり言ってマラソンに”参加している”人たちのようなものだった。今の日本での常識としては、いわゆる”南京虐殺”と言われているものの存在は賛否両論あるというあたりではないだろうかと思うが、どうしてその結果というものが、完全ではないにせよ日本から世界に向けて発信されることがないのかということが理解できない。中国や韓国とだけの問題だけではない。その他の国々対して、日本が何をどう理解してものを言っているかを知らせる必要がある。

Precisely, why the authorized textbooks in Japan would cause such troubles? I will get the book from Japan this time again, but always textbook by only one publisher Fusosha is on the topic. I cannot help but feel some artificiality by someone. Surely every question and critic about the content of authorization must have been answered to both countries already. As far as such texts as "according to our generally accepted opinion..." and its reason and material do not reach other countries in English, Japan has not chance to be understood. This might be the quite common event such as spring labor offensive, it would bring usual people just a feeling, "ah, again". I wonder if the government really supports the research or its dispersion to the world.


To make matters worse, Japanese would be misunderstood by foreigners because of ambiguity. I prefer to be silent, but it is fatal not being ready to speak clearly when asked or in very need. Obviously fatal to negotiate with foreigners. Japanese tends to feel that accusation or criticism is same as disregarding personality. But it is in other countries completely different. It is impossible to survive in the world, being too innocent. It is definitely indispensable for Japan who exports products or technologies to the world. Japanese should be conscious that Japanese way of thinking is away from world standard. It is impossible for others to understand Japan. Japan should stroke forward and communicate in world standard way, or it will never succeed.


Apr 10, 2005

Non religious 無宗教

Not only in Japan, there are many people who call themselves as non religious. Last Friday, there was a funeral of John Paul II in Rome. Watching TV on Saturday, I just remember the scene I watched through TV in an apartment in Sangenjaya, Tokyo 1993, when Showa Tenno died. Was it on 4th, January? Every TV sender had a special program for him all day long. I expected that in Austria whose major religion is Catholic, that many people would take Pope's death as Japanese did at that time. ORF2, one of the Austria national senders had a special program, but the other senders just treated as a news. The ORF2 returned to normal program soon.


Sometimes I hear of some Europeans who criticize Japanese religion that it does not have holy god and not very sophisticated or directly primitive. This was one of the official reasons for the Crusades. However, at least the Tenno's death was treated in more respective way than the Pope. Catholic church has more than a billion believers and the top people died. If Tenno is god or not, this is not the point to discuss, I actually expected more in broadcast and frankly to say, I felt European are cool. The existence of Tenno in Japan, I felt it is just important for Japanese people without reasoning its connection between Shinto. Of course the truth that rental video venders earned very much in the week, until the TV programs got normal, should not be covered up.


I think that faith is not a question if something really exists or not. Before we believe or not, it might be a mentality which we can never avoid, I believe. For example, most of Japanese can not say something which may get others upset. If Japanese were in the situation, would it be possible to burn the national flags of a certain country so often and easily or assault supermarkets by opposing to join in the United Nations?


Jan 25, 2005

Mask マスク

I have lived in Europe almost three years, but I have never seen people with mask. In Germany, in Czech and neither in Austria in winter. I wondered why. I came back from Japan with cold and went to my office with a mask. Everybody asked me what happened. Those who goes to Japan often on business knows it, but they have seen it only in Japan.


In Japan, any people cares to infect cold to others and also to be infected by others. That might be because there is no sick pay system in Japan. It is quite usual to cure cold before it gets bad and not to be absent from office. To have a day off for illness is quite normal for European and it can be never special. (please refer to comparison of vacation)


Moreover, there are no "general medicine for cold" here like in Japan, which calms symptoms of cold. We have to pay some amount of money for the medicine during winter. On the other hand in Europe, it is quite natural to stay at home, cure cold with rest and nourishment. They do not think to continue working by deceiving body by taking medicine. As a matter of fact, when I caught cold in Berlin, my host family did not give me "medicine for cold". At that time, I just wondered why....
