Jun 11, 2005

Foreign policy 外交

Japan this year has rather many conflicts with neighbor Asian countries. "Neighbor Asian countries" is the usually used in Japan, but with deliberation, "neighbor Asian countries" that Japan problems with are actually just China and Korea. Although Japanese military was there then, prime minister of Indonesia, or India would not blame Japan. Contrary, they ask Japan to steadily lead Asian countries. Their countries won independence pushing armed suppression aside, although their suzerain returned to their countries (Holland and Britain) whose military was overwhelmed by Japanese. Taiwan used to be Japanese "colony" as same as Korea and was released at the end of the War, a group of the first men visited Japan and went to Yasukuni shrine this year. How many people would think calmly, what it does mean? Unfortunately many of Japanese media would forbear any "positive" side of past Japan, or it would be just a small article. They would be controlled. Many of European countries would have thought Japan did not have right because of her foreign policy without say against to "Neighbor Asian countries", but they tend to criticize too much insolence of China or Korea. Actually Japan has long relationship with the USA or European countries, and they know what is Japan. Japan keeps the rules in international society, provides complete freedom of broadcasting or publishing. Ironically it can be also the reason not to hinder activities of left wings in Japan. I wonder that the word "A-grade war criminal" strides just freely in Japan, even if many of Japanese do not try to understand what that really means.


Japan has an accountability to explain many points clearly. There are many historical matters that Japan have to reach the solution with "Neighbor Asian countries", but it was political mistakes of Japanese to send them money without verifying their emotional assumption at all. Therefore they have no reason to stop their claim. It is not very long ago that Japanese prime minister asked Chinese government to explain to their citizens how Japan had supported Chinese development after the war clearly, but I think they will never do it. It is just against their profit. The most profitable measure for Japan should be explaining it clearly to European that keep always to be rational. Any way the EU's common sense has a big influence in current world. Although the USA enjoys thier might now and control world politics alone, the EU always watches it. If European would admit that Japan has right to say so, the more the "Neighbor Asian countries" claim to Japan, the more they will be isolated in the international society and they would not be treated seriously. It is very pity to mention, but the only way Japan can expect is to wait such the situation. Japanese cannot rub people's fur the wrong way if they are very emotional. Then Japanese should be enough shrewd to explain to the third people, or Japan cannot survive as Chinese president told in a conference hold in Australia that Japan would disappear in thirty years from the earth.


How stupid current Japanese politicians are! They have to keep their stand points at first before they think about others, or nobody would trust them in this world. They have to insist their point clearly. They must not distort their insistences by just considering other's situation. Between democratic countries, they should at first insist their own issue and after that they would find a way to reach their compromise by discussion. Compromise should be shown after all of members told their points. If not, it cannot be treated as compromise. Therefore Japan would compromise before her insistence, no other country would treat it as a compromise of Japan. Nobody would thank Japan for that. Typical Japanese behavior against it, to show dissatisfaction with other's little understanding or evaluation, or to complain afterwards, looks just unfair for other people living in normal democratic countries. It seems them that Japanese say differently as they had told and they are quite dishonest. Japanese people should know their own quite rare mental structure which tends to be too delusional very well, and insist themselves to other people in the world. It is because Japan was not able to behave "normally" and was told, that she only has first-class economy but third-class culture and politics. A culture of a country which always looks down on herself, can never be first-class.


I would like Japanese government to rethink to try to become one of the regular members of the UN which was not able to do anything at American attack in Iraq, just to scatter money. They need just money from Japan. If it comes from taxes, there should be much more efficient way to spend which citizens can be satisfied with, which only Japan can do. This would be understood by foreign countries only if Japan's activities are consistent. But Japanese prime minister raised his hand at first to support America without any proof at Iraqi case.


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