Dec 19, 2004

Good old times 古き良き時代

When Christmas season comes, many tourists rush to Steyr. There is a Christmas post and they can have different postage stamp and postmark each year. For transportation to the post office from center square in Steyr, post bus will take the role. The three ton bus with 24 passenger sheets produced by Steyr in 1950. Its engine displacement is 5320cc and also made by Steyr. The company Steyr does not have automobile production line now, (there are production lines in Graz) more than 50 years ago it enjoyed its good times. It was founded in 1864 and now I am working in the company which used to be called Steyr Daimler Puch AG. Since the World War I, Austria had been occupied by Germany ruled by Nazi. The the company was the production base of tanks or military vehicles and also was bombed during the World War II.

クリスマスのシーズンがやってくると、たくさんの観光客がシュタイヤに押しかけます。ここにはクリスマス専用の郵便局があって、毎年異なる特別切手に特別スタンプがもらえるからです。そのクリスマスポストへの送迎用に、シュタイヤの中心から郵便局の送迎バスが登場します。1950年製の24人乗り、3トン弱のシュタイヤ製バス。エンジンは5320ccのシュタイヤ製ディーゼルエンジン。今は自動車の生産ラインを持ちませんが(もちろんグラーツには生産工場がありますけど)、この会社は当時こうして栄えていました。1864年に創業して以来の古い会社で、それが今日わたしが勤めている会社の前身のSteyr Daimler Puch AGです。第2次世界大戦では戦火にもまみれました。オーストリアがナチスドイツの占領下になって、戦車や軍用車を提供する基地になっていたからです。

Against my expectation, it was comfortable during the drive and engines worked as if it were just a little old. It was but still sensible with this suspension design that the chassis bumped slightly up when it was almost empty. From the interior we found it aged. However, almost every people on the street found the car and waved hands to it and it made passengers very pleased. The driver intentionally demonstrated diesel knock which we have to miss now and delighted passengers.


Dec 8, 2004

Comparison of vacation 休日の比較

Japanese news which appeared on the headline of newspapers have been articles about continuing typhoons and earthquakes. A little ago, a comparison of vacation from countries. In Japan, there are about twenty national holidays and is the biggest within the world. If an European reads this article quite normally, he should think that Japanese would take much more holidays than European. However, this is the source of great misunderstanding. Almost all of them do not understand the background of the society. They have no chance to know that Japanese nation has to repeat to move all together during holidays. Sick pay system is too common to doubt it. European can of course enjoy this right and take this national holidays. Addition to it, any of them can have their own vacation for some amount. If European takes it for granted and would mean it loud to Japanese people, it can not help that Japanese feel misery or even get angry with it.


There used to be a TV commercial in Japan by Volvo that they have 5 week summer vacation in Sweden. It is definitely a life-time dream for Japanese. (Therefore it could be a commercial.) On the other hand in Japanese reality, those who works for a company would take 2 weeks vacation whenever he wants (10 working days and weekends), after having worked for fifteen years for the company, or it might be still a dream for others work for small companies or private company. It is hardly comprehensible for European that all employees would take holidays together, or almost all of Japan! and it just looks strange.


The most troublesome matter for Japanese is, how to prevent from being absent by illness and spending annual leaves (paid holidays). In Europe, as far as I saw in Germany, Austria and Czech, I have never seen people with masks who have caught cold. They can just take their sick holiday. They do not especially have to getting ill. They will never think of an effort for some Japanese workers to save their holidays during summer in order to go skiing in winter on week days pretending illness.


It might sound that in Europe everything is just much better than in Japan. My problem here is, if it is believable or not, that I am not able to work adequately to satisfy myself. For some Japanese it should be unbelievable, from my feeling, net average working cost is higher than in Japan in Austria. Amount of paid working hours are much more in Austria than in Japan. We will be paid not depending on if we got a satisfactory from results, how much we have worked. Then I have to care much more than in Japan how to work more efficiently. I can not work until I can satisfy myself. Although I know I can reach 95 points out of 100 with additional some-hours' effort, I sometimes have to let me say yes with 70 points.


It is necessary for Japanese to think how to use "given" time. It does not mean 24 hours a day, but eight hours. Not only to work frantically until getting satisfied but to think how much time is necessary to reach the goal is quite important. More over to estimate how much the effort may cost it is an essential point to admit Japanese industry real stronger than other countries on a same scale.
