Oct 18, 2003

Children in Austria オーストリアの子供

If a friend of a father comes home, how can the children talk with the friend?
In Japan, the children can only greet them (maybe they will be forced to by the father or mother) and have to go into their room. Here it seems that there are not any ideas like, "tales within adult people" or "Children should not take part in talk within adults" which are quite normal in Japan.When the friend goes back home, the children will ask him to shake hands for good bye. What a country!! Perhaps it is quite common within European countries.
Maybe because they stay among adults and listen to their conversation and say what they think, they will be able to talk properly at the age of high school graduation. In Japanese society silence and not to say clearly has been good. Surely children did not have this training. It is apparent that only school education is not enough. Although it is our culture, not to say it clealy but people sould be able to say when it is necessary, or it endangers country's future. Added 12.20.2004

そうやって子供のころから大人の会話の中に身をおいて、大人同士のやり取りを聞き、自分の考えを述べる習慣があるからこそ、彼らは高校を卒業するころにはきちんとものを話せるのでしょう。ただでさえ物事をはっきり言わないことをよしとしてきた日本社会。子供にこの"訓練”が確実に欠けてきたはずです。学校教育だけでは足りていないのは明らかです。はっきり言わないのが日本文化だとしても、明らかに言うべき時に”言えない”というのでは、国の将来を左右しかねません。2004.12.20 追記

Oct 5, 2003

How to cook Wienerschnitzel ヴィーナーシュニッツェルの作り方

"Wiener Schnitzel" (Viennese cutlet)is the famous cuisine in Vienna, but it is quite common within Austria. It looks like Japanese "Ton-katsu". I learned by colleague how to cook it and introduce here.

Wiener Schnitzelと書いて、ヴィーナーシュニッツェルと読みます。ウィーンの名物ですが、オーストリア全土で好まれる食べ物。いわゆる日本のトンかつのオーストリア版。同僚の家で作り方を教えてもらったので紹介します。

* Meat 5x20x0.5cm for one person. Beef, pork or chicken anything is possible, but not fatty one)
* Flour, fine bread flour
* Beaten egg
* Olive oil
* Salt, pepper and mustard
* Sliced lemon
* Raspberry or blueberry jam (not very sweet one)

・お肉(5x20x0.5cm=1人分 牛、豚、鳥なんでもお好みで、脂の多いものはあまり適しません)

1. Unfold meat and season with salt and pepper evenly on both sides.
2. Paste mustard on both sides.
3. Put meat in order into flour, beaten egg and bread flour.
4. Heat enough olive oil in a rather big pan so that the meat can be soaked.
5. To fly both sides (roast) until it gets beautiful brown.


[Bon appetite]
The common relish here is boiled or baked potatoes with herb or butter rice.
The most important point is to eat meat with raspberry or if it not possible blueberry jam. It suits very much unexpectedly. Of course for the meat sliced lemon will be squeezed.
Then Guten Appetit!!


For original cutlet, lamb meat will be chosen, but it seems that anyone will suit for this cuisine. It is much easier than "Ton-Katsu" we do not have to care how we use used oil after that. When you cook rather much volume, maybe you must keep it warm in oven after you cook once, or use microwave just before you eat. Instead of mustard, in addition to salt and pepper some consommé could be possible. Putting herb in flour makes flavor rich, I think.


Jul 27, 2003

Business hour of supermarket スーパーの営業時間

I wrote before that the shops here will be closed soon in the evening, there seems to be demands to let the business hours extended. In practical in lower Austria province next to started to new regulation so that they can open their shops until 19:30. The problem with us is that the Steyr lies on the border between upper and lower Austria, shops near the border are fear of being got rid of their customers by shops in lower Austria side. Other provinces take a stance to keep watching for a while, in any case it will be extended also here, I think.

以前こちらのお店は夜すぐに閉まるということを書きましたが、こちらでも商店等の営業時間延長に対する要求というのは現実にあって、事実お隣のNieder Österreich(lower ロワーオーストリア)州ではこの8月1日から19:30までの営業が可能になりました。それで最近のニュースをにぎわせているのは、ここSteyrはOber Österreich(アッパーオーストリア)州にあっても、Nieder Österreichとの州境に位置しているため、その州境に近いお店などからお客を取られるから何とかしなくちゃという不安があるからです。しばらくは他の州でも現状のままで様子をうかがうようですが、これはどう考えても営業時間が延長になるだろうなぁ。

Jul 20, 2003

Austrian dialect2 オーストリアの方言2

I read books which say that Germany after the WWII could have been divided according to the spoken language. Not into East and West Germany, but North and South. The dialect here is similar as is spoken in Bavaria. What I could find until now...


1.Rule for vowels and consonants:

g => k
a => o
ö => sometimes ih
ei => "ah" or mere "a", "o"
l => "e" or "ö"
h => very week
s[z] => s

2.Basic word which sounds differently or completely different one:

neu => neich
alt => eud
bisschen => bisserl
Kartoffel => Erdapfel
Tomaten => Paradeiser
Sack => Sackerl
Kloß => Knödel
Brötchen => Semmel


ein Mal, zwei Male => ah Moe, zwoh Moi
ich => "ih" or "i"
auch => ah
gegangen => "genga" or "ganga" or "ginga"
zusammen => zaam


Es geht auch nicht. => Es geh tah neet.
Ich weiss auch nicht. => Ih waas ah neh.
Ich habe es gar nicht verstanden. => In hops goa net vadjenga.
Ich bin nach Linz gefahren. => Ih bin noch Linz kfoin.
Wir können es schaffen. => Mia kienan es schoffen.
Er ist schon nach Hause gegangen. => eA is scho Hoam ganga. (nach Hause = Heim)
666 => Sex hundert sex und sechzik

* but sieben is [zi:ben] for what reason.

※でもどういうわけか、sieben は シィーベンではなく、ジィーベンです。

Then I would like to say that you can understand the dialect perfectly with the tips, but unfortunately it is still impossible for me to understand them. I think it needs me at least five or six years or more, but I wonder at the same time I could possibly leave here before then.


Jun 1, 2003

Austrian dialect1 オーストリアの方言1

I am still annoyed with the Austrian German, it could be at least interesting for whoever understands standard German. Most of Japanese have learned American English, they would be perplexed when they first talk with British people. What I can now tell about Austrian dialect is that there are some unique words and the pronunciation is far different from standard German such like the difference between American and British English. I found a book "Sprechen Sie Österreichisch" which handles Austrian dialect. The following sentence is written on the cover, shows how the people would speak.

これを端的に示すのが、"Sprechen Sie Österreichisch"という、市販のオーストリア方言指南書の表紙に書かれているこの一文だろうと思います。ちなみに発音が違うものに関しては、人がこのように話すと言うことです。そのように書くということではありません。

A Hetz fia Dasige und Zuagraste.

From this sentence, it looks like German only from "und" and no other words can be found in dictionaries. I do not explain them in detail but this is in German sentence;


Ein Sprachführer für Einheimische und Zugereiste

I bought this book after four months I came here, if it could help me to understand something from dialect, I already lost all my motivation to learn it seriously. The people who talk such "language" would say that they can never understand the people from Tirol. It is said that Austrian official language is German, but it does not mean everyone speaks German and everyone could be understood by anyone from Austria. Such situation could be possible only within old generation in Japan, if they can hardly understand what others are talking, my colleagues understand the sentence above in the book.


Education system in Europe ヨーロッパの教育システム

It is always difficult for me to explain Japanese school system to European. The system here is not formulate in a integrated system such as "6+3+3" years in general, but it depends on in which way a student wants to go (to study at university or to be a technician etc.) and he has to choose the right way to do it at the age of 11 or 12 years old. It is usual to think that parents are responsible for their children's future, they need to observe what their children are good at or prefer. I wrote "Europe", as far as I know most part in Europe they have the similar system. I do not mention the small differences between countries here, I write here just what I got to know.

いつでも困るのが、日本の学卒はこちらの何に当たるのかを説明することです。こちらの教育制度は日本のような6・3・3だけで統一されているわけではなく、最終的にどちらの方向に進むかによって(大学で高等教育を受けるか、職人の道を選ぶかなど)すでに 11~12歳で進む学校が違います。そうした進路を選ぶのは親の責任であると言う考え方が一般的で、子どもの得手不得手を理解したり、向いている仕事を考えて進路を決めることは重要な親の役目です。

General education which we learn in the early years in university in Japan such like philosophy or something, will be learned in high school. Therefore only technical fields will be studied in universities. Bachelor or master title is also different between science/engineering and literal departments, there is no master title for engineering. It takes usually four years to get undergraduate title in literal department and five years in science/engineering department. It is called diploma engineer (DI). Such title will be usually written on name cards and used quite often in public. Additional three years they will get doctor title, it seems to me that the title "DI" could be similar as Japanese master title. Otherwise what is different from Japanese master is that most "DI" engineers experience to work in some companies, they learn at least three months in their technical field.


On the other hand, it is still natural to think that we experience real speciality after starting working in a company. I think it because it is still common not to change companies in Japan. It it not necessary to jump from "Kiyomizu" to change jobs. It comes from cultural difference, we do not think we can work in a company regularly as soon as we start.
Trainees are paid less than employee in total, companies expect the output too. In our company it could be CAD modeling or general programming. From our side, we can ask anything we could not do because of the time shortage. Added 07.26.2003

研修生については支払わなければいけない給料が安いため、会社もそのアウトプットを十分期待しているようです。例えばCADを使ったモデリング、一般的なプログラミングなどです。われわれにしてみれば、助手と言うかお手伝いが来てくれているような感じです。 2003.07.26 追記

Movies for children? 映画は子供のもの

I was surprised when I went to the movies in Germany at the first time, the price is far much less than in Japan. Six Euro everywhere. (in Japan 1800 yen for adult person) Addition to it there are many young children. It is certain that the children can also afford the ticket. Last week I saw the "Matrix Reloaded" on Saturday afternoon, there were merely about four school kids there. In the week before last week I watched "X-Men2" I saw only a family. When I suppose the situation in Japan, I still feel something wrong.

昨年、初めてドイツで映画館に入ったときにも驚きましたが、いまだにしっくりこないのが映画館の値段。どこでも6 ユーロです。それに子供が多いのにも目がつきます。確かにこの値段なら子供のお小遣いで問題ないはずだと思います。先週 Matrix Reloadedを見ましたが、土曜日の夕方にもかかわらず映画館には4人ほどの小学生くらいと思われる子供が居るだけです。その前の週にX-Men2を見たときにも、家族連れが一組くらい居ましたがほぼ同じような感じでした。未だに違和感を感じられずにはいられません。

May 10, 2003

Japanese anime in Austria オーストリアで放送されている日本のアニメ

Pokemon: Pikachu speaks also here only "Pika pika, pikachuu!!" I once saw a girl with a rucksack shaped Picachu. I heard that also on Amazon river they can receive the program.

Dragonball: We can find the manga books everywhere now. Kame-senn-nin is called here "Meister(master)".

Heidi in the Alps: It should be the most appropriate anime to see in Austria. The story in the Alm region north of Dachstein.

Carimelo: I still remeber the opening theme of this program clearly after 20 years.

Where the Heidi is. There are regions called Alm also in Switzerland, Austria and in southern Germany. Correctly it should be the one in Switzerland. Added 08.11.2003

ポケモン: ここでもピカチュウは「ピカピカッ、ピカッチュウ!」としか話しません。ウィーンでもピカチュウのリュックサックを背負った高校生くらいの女の子を見かけたことがあります。話によるとアマゾンの奥地でも毎日見ている人がいるそうです。

ドラゴンボール: 単行本もどの店でも見かけることが出来ます。亀仙人は「マイスター」って呼ばれてます。

遊戯王: つい最近放送が始まったものです。どうも最近のアニメのようですが、どんなものでしょう?

アルプスの少女ハイジ: オーストリアで放送するのに最も相応しいアニメでしょう。まさにダハシュタインの北側に位置するアルム地方のお話です。ちなみにハイジの名前は正しくはハイディ(Heidi)です。

カリメロ: 「たま、ごの、帽子をー、被ーっ、ちゃおー」っていう歌のフレーズは、20年近く経った今でもはっきり頭に残ってます。

2003.08.11 追記

Apr 19, 2003

How Austrian think about Austria オーストリア人のオーストリア観

I had something to do in Vienna, I have just bought the T-shirt. The one which is written in front "There is no kangaroos in Austria". Anyone can get it at almost all souvenir shops in Vienna.


Jan 26, 2003

Working time2 仕事の時間2

Some of my colleagues worked at our customers for a while, they would ask me why they work so much. The latest statistic tells us that Americans are more workaholic than Japanese. I do not think that the working hours with Japanese are not correctly reported. "Customers are god." Our mentality for services could be said in this phrase.
After once finished writing test, we would check them again and again within the given time. Such idea is quite common with us, I think. So it is not important how many hours we worked but if we can get 100% or not. we try to find problems before our customers find them in order to avoid troubles at customers. When it comes to efficiency it is much more efficient to fix them hereafter.  Efficiency-oriented society. It is quite usual to hire cleaning women in the office, because it costs cheaper. I understand it and it also helps to secure the employment in the society. But still I think something important is lacking with the idea. Not to be efficient does not mean unnecessary. It is quite usual to cleaning our office by ourselves after work in Japan. Added 09.07.2003

試験が終わったら、終わりになるまで何度でも見直す。この考え方が日本人にはもともとあるのではないかと思われます。だから仕事でも何度でもチェックして100%にしようとする。その点こちらは「間違いだったらそのときに直せばいい」というような考え方に近いかもしれません。効率という考え方がごく自然な社会。「掃除は給料の安い掃除婦を雇えばいい。給料の高い社員がする必要はない。」というのが「雇用」という意味でも一助となっているのは確かなのですが、だからあるかも分からない間違いを見つけるのに長い時間をかけることは彼らにとっては「非効率」で「無意味」なのかもしれません。日本で在職時代、毎日就業後に掃除をしていた自分にとっては、彼らには何かが欠けているような気がしてなりません。追記 2003.09.07

Working time 仕事の時間

In Austria the weekly working hours are limited up to 38.5. (cf.in Germany 38 hours) And what happens when we work additional hours, one possibility is to take "Gleitzeit" so to say to have a day off for eight hours and this will be subtracted from the overwork hours. Another possibility is to work seven hours a day for a while. Of course we would be able to additional pay for overtime, if it exceeds more than twenty hours a month, the plan itself could be the problematic. Basically we may not do any overtime work.
I can not say in general which is right, we work in Japan according to objective and here time. It is the exchange matter. When we want others to do exactly what we want, we also have to work what others want us. Therefore we have to work longer. I still believe that Japanese service is the best.


Address someone2 名前を呼ぶ2

In Japan when children grow up to about fifteen years old, they would call their classmates with their family name + "san" or "kun", and after that they would do so all through their lives. Therefore it sometimes happen that we do not know the first name of my colleagues or with which Kanji we should write their first name.
