Jun 1, 2003

Austrian dialect1 オーストリアの方言1

I am still annoyed with the Austrian German, it could be at least interesting for whoever understands standard German. Most of Japanese have learned American English, they would be perplexed when they first talk with British people. What I can now tell about Austrian dialect is that there are some unique words and the pronunciation is far different from standard German such like the difference between American and British English. I found a book "Sprechen Sie Österreichisch" which handles Austrian dialect. The following sentence is written on the cover, shows how the people would speak.

これを端的に示すのが、"Sprechen Sie Österreichisch"という、市販のオーストリア方言指南書の表紙に書かれているこの一文だろうと思います。ちなみに発音が違うものに関しては、人がこのように話すと言うことです。そのように書くということではありません。

A Hetz fia Dasige und Zuagraste.

From this sentence, it looks like German only from "und" and no other words can be found in dictionaries. I do not explain them in detail but this is in German sentence;


Ein Sprachführer für Einheimische und Zugereiste

I bought this book after four months I came here, if it could help me to understand something from dialect, I already lost all my motivation to learn it seriously. The people who talk such "language" would say that they can never understand the people from Tirol. It is said that Austrian official language is German, but it does not mean everyone speaks German and everyone could be understood by anyone from Austria. Such situation could be possible only within old generation in Japan, if they can hardly understand what others are talking, my colleagues understand the sentence above in the book.


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