Jan 26, 2003

Working time2 仕事の時間2

Some of my colleagues worked at our customers for a while, they would ask me why they work so much. The latest statistic tells us that Americans are more workaholic than Japanese. I do not think that the working hours with Japanese are not correctly reported. "Customers are god." Our mentality for services could be said in this phrase.
After once finished writing test, we would check them again and again within the given time. Such idea is quite common with us, I think. So it is not important how many hours we worked but if we can get 100% or not. we try to find problems before our customers find them in order to avoid troubles at customers. When it comes to efficiency it is much more efficient to fix them hereafter.  Efficiency-oriented society. It is quite usual to hire cleaning women in the office, because it costs cheaper. I understand it and it also helps to secure the employment in the society. But still I think something important is lacking with the idea. Not to be efficient does not mean unnecessary. It is quite usual to cleaning our office by ourselves after work in Japan. Added 09.07.2003

試験が終わったら、終わりになるまで何度でも見直す。この考え方が日本人にはもともとあるのではないかと思われます。だから仕事でも何度でもチェックして100%にしようとする。その点こちらは「間違いだったらそのときに直せばいい」というような考え方に近いかもしれません。効率という考え方がごく自然な社会。「掃除は給料の安い掃除婦を雇えばいい。給料の高い社員がする必要はない。」というのが「雇用」という意味でも一助となっているのは確かなのですが、だからあるかも分からない間違いを見つけるのに長い時間をかけることは彼らにとっては「非効率」で「無意味」なのかもしれません。日本で在職時代、毎日就業後に掃除をしていた自分にとっては、彼らには何かが欠けているような気がしてなりません。追記 2003.09.07

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