Aug 17, 2010

Looking for salonpas サロンパスを探す

Everybody doing sports sometimes needs salonpas, pain-relieving cooling pad when they get hurt. I was not sure at all what the cause of the pain in the hand might be, but had a problem with my hand even to hold a beer glass (of course full one) after the last game. In Japan there are lots of pharmacies even discount ones, and they have lots of different kinds of cooling pad. I expected to find something like that here too and asked at some pharmacies.


"We only have it for warming." That was the answer. There I found the gel in plastic bag which can be warmed or frozen and can be applyed where it hurts. But there is no further effect to relieve pain. Only thing I was able to find was paste in a tube, but it is not like methyl salicylate which is also very popular in Japan. It seemed to me that they do not need something like that at all here, or they do not import them from some reasons.

「温湿布しかありません。」が答えだった。そこでは暖めたり凍らせたりして患部に当てる、ビニール袋に入ったゲルは見つけたが、それ以上の痛みを和らげる効能はない。そこで見つけたのはただひとつ。チューブに入った塗り薬のようなもの。でも日本で一般的なサロメチールでもない。 どうやらここでは全然需要がないか、それとも何かしらの理由で輸入されないようだ。

The last chance was tiger balm. I thought of looking for it in some Chinese shops in Vienna. I have never noticed but the shop I often go and buy Asian vegetables like bamboo sprouts or daikon radish actually had that. Yes, this is the right one for me! At least for three more games in final 4 match in the end of this month I have to be able to play the games...


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