Jul 12, 2009

Bio resonance therapy バイオレゾナンス療法

My friend happened to diagnose me briefly a few weeks ago maybe just out of her interest or curiosity. Since then I got interested in that very much because of the concept. My first impression was, it could be the bridge between Western and Oriental medicine.


Usually we would go to hospital (not very true for me) when something is wrong. And sometimes it is too late and part of our body should be cut. This is basically the idea of Western medicine that part of your body can be replaced or removed where caused something bad to our body. But it will not change the source of the body which brought the patient to that situation.


In Japan we are so familiar to Kanpou, old Chinese herbology and existence of "Chi" as well as the one in martial arts, and how our mental status will influence our body ability and even sense. This therapy has to do with energy flow (frequency of your body parts) which reminded me of "Chi" and I saw a figure of our body parts on the wall which we can often see at acupuncturists.


I have a big scar on my forehead even it is not very conspicuous, since I had an operation on my brain 13 years ago. I had had really very hard time after that, I had been constantly suffering from terrible headache, tension of half of my face where and around where it was opened, sometimes even nausea. For first three years I possessed a special weather forecasting ability to predict rain very precisely. My body worked slowly but hard to cure by himself, the symptom got much lighter by now.
However when I I get very tired, such the symptom will appear even now.


My friend's mother is specialist on this bio resonance therapy. Therefore my friend also knows much about it, she also took the seminar on that. Yesterday her mother diagnosed me completely, it took almost about two hours. My friend told me all the time that my diet does not have any problem from what I usually cook. But the diagnose told me much more of my body tendency or current status and was very interesting for me.


What was very interesting to me was, the reaction of the instrument or in other words, reaction of my body to the action of the instrument around my old scars. I have some several scars on my hand which I got during my motorcycle drive or sports, and I have some others from operations such as appendix and tumor.


The instrument reacted so peaky when the electrode goes slowly on them, especially at my scar on forehead. And to her opinion, it still blocks my energy flow or even blood flow around my head. This is what I can easily understand from my experience in the past to see what happened to my body since then.


Around my scar on forehead, she treated me for some time to let the wave with the same frequency from the instrument as mine to meet mine. It was quite interesting, I started to get headache or the feeling of being gently pressed inside some time later as I used to have very often in the past and I felt some warmth all around my head.
The source of pain / feeling of being pressed started to go around from my right forehead where I had the sharpest peak on the instrument and passed through my right temple where I still feel almost numb partly. Then it went further to the back of the head where I sometimes tension when I get very tired until on the left side of my head where I usually do not have any pain. And it repeated twice, so it went around my brain twice clockwise within 3 or more hours.


I thought that my body reacted to the input quite sensitively and got fever exactly when I catch a cold. She told me that I showed the reaction very sensitively compared to other patients. After the diagnose I was with her for some hours, it seems that my face looked very differently in a short time. Today, I feel myself quite usual as if there was nothing happened yesterday.


I got helpful advice from her, it seems to be very natural for me. It was ten years ago when I decided myself to stop taking a sort of aspirin which asked for doctor to reduce my headache then, and started to take kale juice which made me feel much better in a long run. I have to help my body to cure by himself, not avoid it by antibody or medicine.


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