Jul 10, 2009

Making of Natto 納豆を作ってみる

As same as making tofu, first of all soybeans should bathe for some time. This time in the fridge for a whole day.

豆腐を作るときと同じで、最初は大豆を数時間入浴させる 今回は冷蔵庫の中で丸一日。

Beans soaked water and became bigger :)


After that use pressure pan to steam beans for about an hour. After that add natto germ to the beans while they are hot. The most important thing to make natto is to clean every thing with boiled water, or you will just get rotten beans ;)


Put the beans in green house ;) and keep the temperature about 40 degrees, ideal one for fermentation. And just wait for almost about a day.

大豆を温室に入れてあげる ;) それから温度を発酵に適した40度くらいに保つ。それからはほぼ一日待つのみ。

It smells slightly like "natto" already, put them into fridge to stop fermentation and keep them for a several days. Then the taste will become milder and deeper.


Status after 5 days :)



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