Mar 6, 2010

Chocolate fondue チョコレートフォンデュ

On last Friday, I was invited to the birthday party of one of my friends, she wanted to make chocolate fondue for her birthday party. When it comes to fondue, actually I have never tried when I was in Japan. My first experience was in the Switzerland and was cheese fondue. Or I am not quite sure if I once put marshmaro on fire and dipped in melted chocolate. It I did, it should be thousand miles away from me in my memory anyway.


Many of guests were French including the host, the first dish was quiche.  Now I sometimes cook some international dishes, but when I was in Japan I seldom went out to try out foods I have never had. I have to confess that I did not know the difference between pizza and quiche at all until now. The simple quish out of bacon was really good. When I was learning French in Paris some years ago, I had to look for a proper restaurant course menu of regional dishs from Aquitaine, France and present others how they would be cooked. I usually cook some mixture of Japanese and Italian, I also want to know some of French cuisine. I once cooked "coque au vine" chicken in red wine by reading recept for others, maybe I will try and learn more other recipes.

ゲストの多勢はフランス人。それで おつまみはキッシュ。今でこそいろんな国の料理をすることがあるが、正直これまでピザとキッシュの違いを知らなかった。シンプルなベーコンのキッシュはとてもおいしかった。数年前パリでフランス語を勉強していたとき、アキテン地方の郷土料理をつかってレストランのコースメニューをみんなの前で発表して、作り方を説明するという課題があった。普段はイタリアと日本料理を混ぜたようなものを作ることが多いが、フランス料理ともお知り合いになりたい。一度コックオーヴァン(鶏肉の赤ワイン煮)をレシピを見ながら作ったことがあるが、ほかのものも試してみたい。

The main event of the day: chocolate fondue. She prepared some fruit like strawberry, pineapple, grapes and bananas, it is really fun to take chocolate as if I were playing. I usually do not eat chocolate very much but I like fruits. I like the one with strawberry or pineapple with chocolate, the combination of sourness of fruit and sweetness of chocolate.


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