Feb 28, 2010

Winter is going to be over? 冬も終わり?

This weekend it was very warm and sunny. In the Belvedere lots of people were working to clean up pebbles graveled where people would walk to avoid slipping. The ground has been icy early in the morning and I avoided to run since weeks, but finally it seems to be no problem. The Belvedere, which is quite close from my house and where I often go for running has about 1.5km per round within the garden but it is much harder than you would imagine; it is not very steep but has a constant slope within that. I usually run a round in 10 minutes and keep the pace for an hour. Vienna city marathon will be held on April 18th, I will extend my training maybe for more 4 rounds from the next week until the week before the X-day. It could be 1 hour and 40 minutes if I could keep up the pace and it might suit for the training.


This year ist the 27th for the Vienna city marathon. There are some entries such as 1km run for kids, one for 4.2km, half marathon and of course full marathon. The full marathon starts from UNO city, a huge shopping center on the other side of Danube channel, then passes by Prater's ferris wheel, then goes further to Schönbrunn after passing Secession, coming back to Ring street and goes through the middle of Vienna. The goal is the Vienna's symbol, St.Stephens's Cathedral.

今年で第27回目を迎えるウィーンの市民マラソン。小さな子供を対象にした1キロのコース、4.2キロのコース、ハーフマラソンに、それからもちろんフルマラソン。フルマラソンはUNO cityというドナウの運河の外にある大きなショッピングセンターに始まって、プラターの観覧車の脇を通り、そしてセセッションを経由してシューンブルンへ。そしてリング通りに戻ってきた後にウィーンの中心を通り、最後は市のシンボルでもあるシュテファンスドームで終わる。

I have never tried full marathon until now, but I believe that I would reach the goal. With some training, it is only the matter of mental thing. I do not train very often, only for weekends at the moment, for I fear of damaging my knees. But I want to experience "runner's high" again after 20 ore more years. I have been very active since weeks, went to play badminton or squash. First time I was completely finished just after 20 minutes of squashing. Now I do not feel so exhausted after three hours' training for badminton or an hour's for squash, I even feel that I could do more. Surely this will help me for the marathon, too. I am very happy that I fell very healthy at my age and feel full of energy in the very inside of me.


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