Feb 8, 2010

Moving to Vienna ウィーンへ引越し

Today I finally told my boss that I am moving to Vienna and want to work an hour shorter a day and want to start tele-working on Fridays. Found an apartment in Vienna in last May, I spent most weekends and holidays in Vienna. To pay for two apartments is not very cheap, but I thought it an investment for me to find a place where I feel more comfortable. My boss told me that there might be also another option to work at home in Vienna, as far as I would work for them. I do not want to make such the decision so quickly and I also had another reason that I would like to commute for some time. There were both good and bad sides, but I just wanted to keep them in nice balance. I thought Vienna is maybe better for me.


Many people would be surprised that I would commute in two hours for work. Definately it is not short. I thought of using this commuting time for studying. There are lots of people who would say "Ah, I do not have any time and cannot do what I want..." It may be quite usual that many people would excuse to others that they do not have time to do what they want. But it seems to me that there are not so many peopole why would ask themselves if they have to excuse to other people, or if they really want to do that.


People usually do not think of wanting seriously more than what they are given, just wish they had, because they know it is impossible. I am happy to have fixed time in train, more than three out of four hours of commuting time a day to learn languages and read books. Moreover here is not in Tokyo, I have enough place for me to sit and realx. I wish that my Russian and Hungarian would improve very quickly. It is quite hard to secure some hours a day. However, for some issues with a high priority, first deduct time for them from each day or each week and then manage to do everything within the rest of time. This is the key of creating time for something very important, and of course it can be still changed for a single day if something happens.


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