Feb 12, 2010

Teleworking 在宅勤務

The Friday was the first day to work from home, logging in to company's server and work as if I were there in the office. Not completely the same but it is enough comfortable to work properly. Every programmer in our developping team is allowed to work from home one day a week. It is said that it is for the efficiency and concentration, but as for me I usually do not have any problem to concentrate to work in office, until now I prefered to work where they work. I am thinking of commuting from Vienna and it takes me about two hours one way, it is necessary to have at least one day at home and I can sometimes do private issues to be finished during the day.


My old friend in my hometown in Japan has been working from home since almost 15 years, when he first started it was still rare to work from home and he was interviewed by a job magazine. He is also programmer, and sometimes he goes to customer's side. He has two children and it is surely nice to be at home and have much time with his children. To live close to old friends and work what he really likes to do seemed to me very nice. I wish that I can manage my work and private life in a good balance, and I am very thankful that my companny offers such the opportunity.


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