Jun 3, 2010

Baseball club team European championship 野球クラブチームヨーロッパ選手権

I went to Bruno in Czeh to see ganes if European baseball championship with some of my baseball team members. The day, on June 3rd, it is national holiday in Austria, we meet up at Kettenbrückengasse as usual at 8 and drove to Bruno. It takes us about one and a half hours. There were three games that day, we especially wanted to see was the one between Italy and the Neatherlands. Italian team is very strong. Other two games were between France and Spani, then again Germany with Czech, local team in Bruno. The fee for the whole day was only 2 Euro. It was cold and was hardly able to imagine such a cold weather in June.



I have not seen baseball game live for about 15 years. When I was in Horoshima I often went to see professional baseball games with my friends, after that I had had no chance until now. Actually I have never expected to see baseball games in Europe as I did not expect to play baseball in Austria.

かれこれ15年ほど野球の試合は見ていなかった。広島に居たころはよく友達と市民球場へ野球観戦に行っていたが、それ以降はこれまでその機会に恵まれなかった。 オーストリアで野球をすることになろうとは思っても居なかったのと同様、実際ヨーロッパで野球観戦ができるとは全く思っていなかった。

I heard from my team members that they would come to the ball park in winter for training. It looks new and very nice. It is not like many ball parks in Japan, seats are only at back net maybe for 200 people or some, the ground is very well maintained and the lawn looked very nice. Draci is the baseball club team in Bruno and there were many local fans in the stadium that day.


The games are of top level in Europe, we cannot compare with us and relatively hard to learn from their play, but I remember the image of fielding when I used to watch baseball games on TV oftener long time ago. Pitchers were very good and catchers had strong shoulders to avoid being stolen second base, it is surely not like games we usually play to expect games with the score more than 10 for each team. Especially the first game between Italy and the Neatherlands was one of typical "pitcher" games. Pichters of both teams were very good and especially the Italien stopper was the greatest in the whole day. Very fast controlled ball mixed with slow curves that were also well controlled at corners.

試合はヨーロッパではトップレベル。我々のプレイと比べてどうしようとか何かを学ぼうというようなものじゃないが、以前テレビで野球を見ていたころのフィールディングのイメージを思い出した。 ピッチャーは皆とてもよく、キャッチャーはやすやすとランナーに2盗を許すようなやわい肩ではない。我々の試合のように10点以上の試合になるようなことはありえない。特に最初のゲーム、イタリアxオランダ戦は所謂投手戦。どちらのチームのピッチャーもよかったが、特にタリア側のストッパーはこの日の最高のピッチャーだった。速い球をコントロールよく投げ、時折コース外れるか外れないかぐらいのぎりぎりのスローカーブを混ぜて来た。

The finale of the match was one of the most dramatic possibilities we can expect. Italian team hit home run and bacame X game. That was the only home run that day in three games.


By the way, the flag which looks like Austrian national flag turned out to be the city flag of Bruno.


We enjoyed watching game after luch time and until the last game finished at 20:30.


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