May 25, 2010

Softball games ソフトボール大会

I join the softball games last Sunday which was organised by the assosiation of Japanese living in Austria. The weather has been so unstable and even there was a thunder lightning on the day before, the ground  condition was not prefect. But team deputies had been called to maintain the ground an hour earlier before we start games from 8:30.
I have never seen so many Japanese people at the same time, surely I cannot have any feeling that I was in a foreign country. Especially with radio gymnastics we did before the start. There were 9 teams this time, I joined the team out of people with whom I would play badminton on Saturdays.


There are some people from my baseball team in our team and also in other teams. Of course they are playing baseball regularly and should play much better than people who just play softball twice a year or so. I joined the baseball training last time for the first time; I did not play baseball nor softball for very long time, almost more than 10 years, I still did not recover my feeling on fingers at releasing the ball when I throw, actually I did not want to play in inner field where I have to throw to get out couts. However I would know later that I would play whole day at so to say "hot corner", at the third base.

バドミントンのチームには、所属している野球のチームの人がいる。また他のチームにも。もちろん彼らはいつも野球をしているから、年に2回程度ソフトボールをする普通の人よりは遥かにうまい。 前回野球の練習にははじめて参加したが、ソフトにしろ野球にしろもうかれこれ10年以上プレーしたことがない。未だにボールをリリースする際の指先の感覚が戻ってきていない。正直内野ではプレーしたくなかった。玉が転がってきたら投げなきゃいけない。1日中ほっとコーナーといわれるサードをプレーすることになることになろうとは、試合前には考えてもいなかったことだ。

After three games we had lunch break. One of our members brought curry he cooked and we shared with other members. It was great ! Looks like that it is tradition in our team. I ate three plates of curry rice and was fully satisfied. We got rain shower and we had to wait to proceed games, but all the games were carried out without big problems. The day, I hit some, was not really satisfied. For fielding too. I did not have my softball glove and I often missed to catch ball in the pocket, and I still had some problems at throwing. I have to recover my feeling about ball on fingers as soon as possible for baseball.


By the way, out team got 5th place among 9 teams that day.


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