Apr 24, 2010

Go to the ball park 野球場へ行こう

I have never thought that there might be so a beautiful ball park in Vienna; I was asked to join a baseball team playing for Austrian baseball league and went to see the game. The end of tram line 1 there is a ball park. Players in the team are all Japanese, some of them were with their wives or children. When they spoke loud to encourage themselves, as it quite usual in the game, it reminded me of the time when I played baseball until the end of junior high school. Almost every night I hit the tire tube which my fater fastened to the pole in the garden. The green of the field looked fresh, dazzling but something familiar to me although I never played on the green field before.

ウィーンにこんな綺麗な球場があるとは思いもしなかった。オーストリアの野球リーグに参加しているチームの人からメンバーにならないかと誘われ、試合を見に行った。トラム1番の終点に野球場がある。チームの選手はみな日本人で、何人かは奥さんに子供も連れてきている。試合ではありふれた気合の掛け声で、中学卒業まで野球をしていたことを思い出した。 毎晩父親が柱に取り付けてくれたタイヤチューブをたたいて練習した。球場緑が新鮮で目にまぶしく、芝でプレーしたことがないにもかかわらず何かしら懐かしい感じがした。

I was not able to watch the game until the end that day, but I decided to join the team. I am very looking forward to it. I have to go and buy my glove.


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