Apr 17, 2010

The day before X コトの前日

The day before the VCM, Vienna City Marathon, I went to fetch my start number. In the hall they also sold sport goods such as running shoes, spots drink, training goods and so on. It seemed to be very reasonable. There was even a massage corner.


Time of each runner is recorded via chip which will be attached to shoe. There is a free service to send short message to a certain cellular phone number at each 5km and the goal. This year is the record year and more than 32,000 people registered to all categories; Coca-Cola run 1.0 and 4.2 (1km amd 4.2km each), ANKER half marathon, relay marathon and full marathon. I got a plastic bag sealed with my number with some information prints on the day which can be used to let them transfer runners' clothes from the start to the goal. Well it is pretty well organized.


There was also an event, international friendship party at the city hall held by the marathon organizer, a Kaiserschmarrn (Austrian pancake speciality) paty. At the standing table I got to know a man who used to participate in triathlon or biathlon quite often who is now teaching ski at Hochkar in lower Austria. After 35 years run, he got problems on his knees and he does not run any more. He also told me about his story when he joined in marathon held in Berlin in DDR time, or when only about 600 people run in the Vienna marathon long time ago. In the end, he gave me some very good advice; how to take drink, and just to keep the pace until the end and not run too fast even for some 10 seconds per 1km. I want to reach the goal without spoiling his precious adivce. As I would repeatedly said to myself that it is only for four hours....there is nobody but only myself to trust during the event.


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