Apr 19, 2010

X Day VCM (Vienna City Marathon) ウィーンマラソン

The weather was very fine that day, slightly cold early in the morning but this would be the optimal temperature for marathon. For the start from 9:00 I went out at 7:30 to Alte Donau station where there is the UNO building. In the subway I saw lots of runners carrying their light blue plastic bags, they are from many different countries speaking English, Spanish, Italian and etc. I have never seen that subway was so crowded in this early time on Sunday. I put off my clothes and pack them into the plastic bag and gave it to the truck waiting near the starting place and I can receive them at the goal area. While waiting for the start I talked with or was talked to people around there. Everybody was here to enjoy the marathon wihtout caring their time. Top athletes were in the front of all starting blocks, far more than visible distance, and we were in the end, so many people cannot start at the same time. At 9:00 we caught a sign that they started at 9:00, slowly people started to walk forward and our start delayed for about 10 minutes from the start of top athletes.

その日は快晴に恵まれ、早朝は少し寒さを感じたほどだがマラソンをするには最適の気温になった。 9時からのスタートに合わせて7時30分に家を出て、UNOのビルのあるアルテドナウ駅に向かう。地下鉄には水色のバッグを抱えたたくさんのランナーを見かける。たくさんの人が海外から参加している。英語にスペイン語、それにイタリア語も聞こえる。日曜日のこの早い時間にこんなに混んだ地下鉄はこれまでに見たことがない。水色のかばんに脱いだ服を詰めて、スタートライン付近に待機していたトラックに手渡す。これをゴール地点で受け取れることになっている。スタートを待っている間、近くに居る人に話しかけたり、話しかけられたり。誰もが時間を気にすることなく、マラソンを楽しむためにここに居る。トップランナーたちは最前列のブロックからスタートする。目に見える距離ではない。われわれは列の最後尾。みんな一斉にスタートするのはどう考えても不可能だ。9時になってトップがスタートした。少しづつ周辺が前に向かって歩き出し、我々のブロックは先頭に遅れること10分でスタートした。

It was almost impossible to run properly after the start; too many people were there but I did not try to overtake many so that I would lose my pace. I wanted to run 5km around 27 to 28 minutes for the first half. My friend told me that she would come and see me at the goal, I registered her cellular phone number to the service that a short message would be sent at every 5km check point. I can only know my pace with my watch but not quite sure when exactly was my start time.


Crossing over Danube, passed by the ferris wheel, then we run along the Danube channel toward the ring street, slowly we got more room to run from each other, but I tried to keep my pace. When we reached ring street, it was about 10km, as far as I thought I kept my pace quite good until then. In front of the State Opera we took the Wienzeile street toward Schönbrunn, and then back to Mariahilfer street. Again back to ring street, it is about 20km. Once I had to take the rest for the toilet, otherwise everything was OK. I was in the best condition, I did not hear anything bad from my body. I wanted to pass 20km at latest 2 hours, I was on the right track. Official record says that I passed 21km at 02:04:10. I took a pice of banana and Gatorade for every 5km service point, I felt really good then. As the man I talked with the day before, I followerd his advice to once stop when I took water, and not the mineral water but Gatarade. I enjoyed the streets in Vienna and fine weather. People standing along the street and even from their apartment window wove their hands and cheered us up.

ドナウの本流に架かる橋を渡り、観覧車を通り過ぎ、そのあとドナウの運河沿いにリング通りを目指す。少しづつ人との距離が開いてくるが、それでも自分のペースを守る。リング通りに着くと10km地点だが、ペース配分としては申し分ないと感じた。国立オペラ劇場の前からヴィーンツァイレ通りに入り、 シューンブルンを目指し、そしてマリアヒルファー通りから再度リング通りまで戻ってくる。そこで20km地点になる。一度トイレに駆け込まなければならなかったが、それ以外はすべて問題なし。体の調子は万全で、体もどこも何も不調を訴えない。20km地点を遅くとも2時間でパスしたかったが、順調そのもの。公式記録では21kmの通過時間が2時間4分10秒。5kmのサービスポイントで必ずバナナとゲータレードと採り、とてもいい気分で走れた。昨日のおじさんが助言してくれた通り、立ち止まってゆっくり水分を取ること。水ではなくゲータレードを採れと。ウィーンの通りと気分のいい天気を楽しむ。通り沿いに立っている人や、自分のアパートの窓から顔を出してマラソンを観戦している人が手を振ってわれわれに声援を送ってくれる。

After seeing off runners who participated in half marathon in front of Heldenplatz, we left the ring street toward north, yes I still had all the way once more until there. During the training I did not run more than 20km, usually 15km. Recently I was not able to run properly due to my foot, I could have once hurt when I was playing the squash. That was the only fear that I might not be able to train much enough for the marathon.


From around 30km, my legs and thigh started to scream. I sometimes had to stop and strech them on the side of the street and then went further, but at 35km I was not able to even walk properly. The very straight street in the park for more than 3km seemed to me endless and I was able to see runners back from the turning point. I decided to have the massage to go further, or I was not sure if I was able to reach the goal where my friends were wating. They gave me a piece of banana and Getorade while the other was working of my feet. I was not sure if my training was not much enough, actually I wanted to slightly pace up after 35km. After the massage they told me not to haste but slowly start to run. I tried to run but sometimes walk until I again reached Danube channel at 37km point. The massage helped me very much; I was able to run slowly and for longer distance at once until I had to walk again. When I came back to the ring street again, I have only 2km left until the goal, my wrist watch said that already 04:54 have passed after the start. Actually I expected to pass this point 1 hour earlier for my wish time. There are lots of thins that we can say something without experiencing even once, but this is absolutely not the case. I have never imagined that I would have such the serous trouble with my feet. On the ring street, I was able to run but slowly. It was amazing and really thanked for people at the massage station.

30km地点を越えたあたりから腿とふくらはぎが悲鳴を上げだした。時々コースの脇に止まってストレッチをしてさらに先に向かうが、35km地点ではもう歩くのもままならなくなる。公園の中を通る3km以上のまっすぐな通りがエンドレスに感じられる一方で折り返して走ってくるランナーを横目にする。ここでマッサージをしてもらうことにした。このままではどう考えてもゴールに着けない。友人たちが待ってる。一人が足をマッサージしている間、他の人がバナナとゲータレードを手渡してくれる。トレーニングが不十分だったかどうなのかは定かではないが、実際35km過ぎから少しペースアップするつもりだった。マッサージが終わると、ゆっくりと、無理をしないように走るよう言われ、走ったり歩いたりを繰り返しながらゆっくりと37kmでドナウ運河合流地点を目指す。マッサージはとてもよく効いた。ゆっくりとだが、再度立ち止まって歩かなければならなくなるまでに走れる距離が少しづつ長くなってきた。 リング通りに帰ってきたとき、そこはもうゴールまで2kmを残すだけだが、時計は4時間54分を指していた。実際このポイントを1時間早く通過したかった。経験しないでも言えることは世の中にたくさんある。でもこれは明らかに例外だ。足がこんなになるとは全く予想していなかった。リング通りではゆっくりだが普通に走れるようになっていた。

In front of the State Opera, a young woman came up to me and run along me for some 100m, talked to me first in English and then praised my German as perfect, then asked my start number and congratulated me for my reaching the goal and left me. Everybody stainding along the street said "you did it, great!" and I was very happy to reach the goal in the end.


I do not like to let ladies wait in any case, but I did almost for an hour. When I run through the gate to Heldenplatz, I quickly recognized my friend in light blu cardigan calling me aiming her camera at me with other friends. I was not able to run as I imagined, thinking it was not far beyong my expectation and was possible. I again learned lots of new things through this event, also from training. I will run the marathon next year again for sure. And above all I thank all people who supported me until now. My official record for the first full marathon was 05:10:00. I am not satisfied with it at all but it is the reality at the moment. I got a good reason to motivate me again for the marathon.


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