May 9, 2014

Russia in Vienna ウィーンの中のロシア

Today is May 9th. My neighborhood was filled with lots of Russian.
Hard to believe that here is Vienna.
Every people has a familiar ribbon in orange and brown stripe. In Russia, today is War Victory Day. It was exactly the scene I saw in St.Petersburg in 2008. Rows of police cars and police officers are standing around the Schwarzbergplatz. Maybe because of Ukrain issue, they are nervous about the Russian event held in Vienna.


People those who does not know the history during the War may wonder why Russian monument in the middle of Vienna. Austria was occupied by Allied nations, and Vienna was splitted and ruled by England, America, France and Russia. The Schwarzbergplatz, 4th district where I am now living was under Russian territory. I heard that this is why the schools in the district students would learn Russian as the second foreign language. Actually there are lots of Russian living in the district.

大戦の時のことを知らない人は、どうしてウィーンのど真ん中にロシアの記念碑があるのだろうと不思議に思うだろう。オーストリアは連合国に占領され、ウィーンはイギリス、アメリカ、フランスとロシアによって分割支配された。 今住んでいる4区はちょうどロシアの管轄になっていた。そのためらしい、4区にある学校では第2外国語としてロシア語を教えているらしい。実際この区にはロシア人が多い。

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