Apr 1, 2012

Eating spring vegetables 春野菜を食べる

Now is the season that vegetables from new year will appear in the market. I cooked some dishes to enjoy new vegetables with friends. New potatos do not have to be peeled because it is soft enough. Just slice and fry with bean sprout. Cabbage was into salad with well fried bacon.


Asparagus which is the spring teller in whole Europe, was cooked together with shrimps. Simple is the best with this dish with seasonal ingredietns, no extra seasoning but slight salt is enough to enjoy both.

アスパラガスはヨーロッパでは春を告げる野菜だ。今回は海老と一緒に炒めることにした。旬のものはシンプルに調理するのが一番。 塩以外に特に何も必要ない。

Many European would say that vegetables do not taste at all and this is thre reason that they prefer meat. They only THINK that it is healty and eat vegetables. But surely it does taste like spring. Vegetables in general taste much better in Russia than in Austria in my personal opinion. For its taste and also for smell. Of course there is not like in Japan that we can find in any supermarket "Spring" something for potatos, onions, cabbage. It seems to me that many of them are not really interested in that.We have to admit that Japanese are much more sensitive to nature change.


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