Oct 5, 2002

What is Austria famous for? オーストリアって何が有名なの?

What could be imaged from Austria... should be Hapsburg family and Hungary=Austria empire, Vienna orchestra, opera and so on. Otherwise the first image for most of the people seems to be "Australia". For sure it is easier to think about that a Japanese could find a job in the country, because they speak English there and a foreign language means normally English, and also Australia is one of the most favorite countries for tourists in Japan. Therefore the first reaction from my friends was "Australia" without any exception. Moreover their question would be "why?" when it turns out to clear that I had meant "Austria".
Such a tendency exists not only in Japan, there are some souvenirs in irony. On T-shirt it is written, "There are no kangaroos here." If I have a chance to go to Vienna, I would like to put the picture here.
What is also famous in Austria is sweets. Except for Sacher torte there are many kinds of sweets. Austria could be an ideal country for sweet-teeth holders.


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