Oct 5, 2002

How about Austrian food? 食べ物はおいしい?

As many of our customers from Japan would often say, I personally think the Austrian dishes generally match Japanese tastes. Bread tastes really nice, as it also does in Germany, or Poland. When we order salad as primary dish, some pieces of bread will be also delivered. If we are busy trying bread with many kinds of butter which contain herb or pepper, we would soon get satisfied and be not able to eat any more. The portion of dishes is less than in the USA but surely much more than in Japan.
In general, it could be said that the balance among meat, fish and vegetable tends notably to meat. At supermarkets fish departments are rarely seen, instead of that there are huge ham or cheese departments. As for fish, some popular ones like salmon or trout which could be caught here could be bought. Most of them are chilled or already cooked and chilled. Sometimes it could be possible to eat rather fresh ones in Italian or Spanish restaurants, but they are rarely above our expectations which we can expect in Japan.


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