Dec 26, 2013

A night in Venice ヴェネツィアの一夜

I went to see an operetta "A night in Venice" to Volksoper. This operetta was composed by Johann Strauss II. Actually I do not remember when I went to see opera or theatre play last time. I just remember that I only worked all the time.


I took a seat the the first row of the block just behind the aisle, I was able to enjoy the show very much. Live music is always fantastic, indeed.


Dec 22, 2013

Sukiyaki time すき焼きの時間

At my regular cafe in the neighbourhood, I cooked sukiyaki this time. I knew that this kind of taste is exactly the straight to the point of Austrian people, they should love it. I bought a Nanbu iron pot from Japan for that.


For the last Japanese evening events, fish were mostly the main dish. This time surely beef is the star. There are only some meet shops in Vienna where we can ask for slice it for sukiyaki. I went to the Nashmarkt to my shop, but they were closed for refurbishing! I was very lucky to find beef for sukiyaki in Japan shop by Nashmarkt. I bought three packs of 500g beef for sukiyaki there.

これまでの日本食イベントでは魚がメインだった。今回は間違いなく牛肉が主役。ウィーンにはすき焼き用に肉をスライスしてくれる店が何軒かある。ナッシュマルクトの行きつけの肉屋に行ってみると、なんと、改装のために閉まっていた! すぐ近所の日本屋さんですき焼き用のお肉が見つかってとてもついていた。500gの肩ロース肉を3パック購入する。

For the rest, I prepared rice with dried young sardines, soybeans and carrot, and a bowl of tuna fish, avocado and tomato marinated by soy sauce with wasabi. I happened to find really nice block of tuna fish at Nashmarkt, I heard myself said, 800g please. It cost 45 Euro.


I started cooking from 17:30 and found that I forgot wasabi at home. On the way back home I came across to a Spanish guy who seemed to have some problem looking for the way to Spanish embassy. He did not speak any German nor English, but I understood that he was speaking Spanish and then I told him that I speak Italian. First I told him that there is no Spanish embassy around here, I tried to give him the way. Smart phone is really a help in such the situation. He told me that he did not eat for two days, wanted to sell his gold necklace to me. I walked to where I could show him the way easily near ring street, then gave him the address of the embassy with 10 Euro bill for something to eat. He wished me a Merry Christmas and left looking back sometimes.


Regular guests were there, this time 12 people were at the table, I also need some portion for Ewa and me. One of the regular customer, Polish guy who called me that day "Anjin-san", a famous Japanese word from Shogun movie for many east Europeans in his generation, set up the table for the pot and ingredients. Finally sukiyaki had started.

常連客は12人がテーブルに付き、食べる準備万端で待っていた。その他エヴァと自分の分も作らないといけない。 常連客の一人で、この日僕を「按針さん」と呼んだポーランド人のおやじが、すき焼き鍋の隣に具材を置くためのテーブルをセッティングしてくれる。「按針さん」はこの年代の東ヨーロッパの人にはとても知られた日本語だ。みんな映画の将軍をよく見ている。やっとすき焼きを始める準備が出来た。

I made warishita-soup out of soy sauce, after cooking sliced beef in the pot, added the soup. Then tofu, shrataki-noodle made of starch, Chinese cabbage, shungiku (Garland Chrysanthemum), shiitake mashrooms, field peas. The cafe was filled with really nice smell.


I was not able to prepare for all at once, I served each people one after another.
It was the best Japanese evening event ever. So told me everybody.


Dec 8, 2013

Christmas time クリスマス

After the sommer, open cafe will be closed and then Christmas market is the only event for Austrian people.


The Christmas market at Stephan's Cathedral is new, just started last year. I just tried to find glühmost there. Most of drinks served at Christmas market are too sweet for me.


Nov 30, 2013

International Bazaar インターナショナルバザー

One of my Spanish friends working at UNO told me of the International Bazaar hostey by the United Nations held at Vienna International Center. This Bazaar was held only one day, countries all over the world has a tent to sell their speciality.


At first I went to Spanish corner and had a cup of wine and tortilla. My friend came out from the other side of table and talked to me. They had lots of Spanish wine and wanted to try some, but there are lots of countries.


I selected Nepal as the second. They had curry and it smell really nice. It was really delicious. A couple came up to ask me to share the standing table with me. Looked like they enjoyed the curry very much, I told them that we can stay here all day long to enjoy food from the world and left.



In American corner, they sold hotdogs. There was no reason to pick up a hotdog to eat next.


I heard some music, there were people flocked together. It was from the stage by Argentinian corner. Steak is very famous for Argentina, but I did not want to try. I just stayed there to enjoy the dance and music.


I saw many wine bottles at South Africa corner. I tried some glasses there. Some Austrian help them to produce wine there, we can buy really nice African wine at wine shops here.


After enjoying coffee and a cake at Colombian corner, whose coffee was really great, I went to the other building to find further something to eat. Next station was Laos. They had some piraf left in their pan. I tried it.


I also saw Hungarian gulash, Russian vodka, Polish beer, gorgious Thai food corners. But it was too short to enjoy whole in only one day. I wish that it would be held at least three days...


Sep 9, 2013

Marathon de Médoc 2013 メドックマラソン2013

I posted in my travel blog. Please refer here.


Aug 31, 2013

Cafe in the sky 空中カフェ

I found something odd in my neighborhood.
A crane lifted something and some people were there.


Dinner in the sky.... this might be great chance to see the city in light from the sky.


Aug 24, 2013

Presentation for election 選挙演説

My friend at the regular bar in my neighbourhood asked me if I would like to join presentation of Team Stronach held at Hochburg. He is a lawyer but works for the political party for half a year. I cannot vote but it seemed to me quite interesting.


Frank Stronach, he was born in 1932 in Steiermark in South Austria, and is now 81 years old. He is counted as one of the most successful Austrian, as same as founder of Red Bull.

He used to be the chairman of the board at Magna conglomerate in Canada, where I have been working for decade. He started his own business producing car parts and selling them in Canada, then made his business grow and aquired other companies, then Steyr Daimler Puch in 1998, the company became the 4th biggest automotive supplier in the world.


It is said that he retired Magna and then decided to come back to Austria to found a political party out of fear for Austrian future. For that reason he invested his own money. It can be somehow similar to Mr. Ishihara who used to be Tokyo mayor and then founded a political party. They are in the same age.


The presentation was guided by Ex-Miss World, Ulla Weigerhofer, and three politicians presented their opinion in emotional tone. Then Frank was called from the stage and he talked for about 30 minutes in front of packed audience from all over Austria.


He cannot be so old as he is, he should have been spending very healthy and busy life since his foundation of the party. He told that this might be the last chance to change the political system in Austria. In media, there are still many critiques. But who knows what will happen in two weeks.


Aug 17, 2013

Ottakring オッタクリング

In Vienna there is an old beer brewery called Ottakring. Ottakring is also one of Vienna's words, 16th district. Beer from the brewery is locally called "16th Blech" (Blech means here alminium plate) which means Ottakringer beer in alminum can.

ウィーンにはオッタクリングというビールの醸造所がある。オッタクリングはウィーンの区の一つでもあり、16区になる。この醸造所のビールのことは地元の言葉で「16区の板」 (板はアルミ板のこと)と呼ばれ、ここの缶ビールのことだ。

16th can is not alone. 16区の缶は一人じゃない
I seldom go out with Japanese people except baseball teammates or badminton club. This time, a baseball teammate invited me to join "boys" meeting and I got to know some other Japanese whom I have never heard of. They are working  in tourism, musician, university student and a practitioner in acupuncture and moxibustion. They are all from different field.


My teammate also likes beer, we decided to visit Ottakring where there is beer festival held until September. There are some music play and some small events every day including free brewery visit.


There were 8 different kinds of beer. We fully enjoyed food, beer, talk and the atmosphere until midnight.

8種類のビールがあった。われわれは食べ物、 ビール、会話に雰囲気を真夜中まで心ゆくまで楽しんだ。

Jul 13, 2013

Mosquitos 蚊

After the flood, then mosquitos came. It is said that it would be 10 times more than usual year.


Now in the middle of baseball season, we have 10 games more to play. At the ball park in Vienna where we use as home ground this year, we see much more mosquitos than the last year. We have to fight against the other team and also mosquitos...


I really wish that what the paper says right; it would be end in the middle of July.


Jun 6, 2013

Flood of the century 100年に一度の大洪水

Continuous rain from last Friday, topic is always about flood and whole Austria. Of course, not only in Austria but also in Czec or Hungary. Every day, newspaper brings damage report of Austrian cities along the river. The current situation written in newspaper seems to be worse than the one in 2002. The situation in Salzburg is slowly calming down, then the affected area just comes down to cities downstream along the river.


Vienna was suffering from flood since long long time, they built Danube channel to avoid it. Until now there is no trouble within the city except for bars or restaurants along channel and the cancellation of Danube island grill party. The situation in Prague or in Budapest seems very bad now.


I also got involved into troubles due to this flood on Monday; the Inter City did not run through between Amstetten and St.Valentin, the rail was under the water and there was bus replacement for this part.


Area where could have been under the water

Then again on Wednesday after work, I am but not sure if it really was for the flood, the train toward Vienna were not operated.

A very kind Polish guy, whom I see every day for last three years in the train from Vienna to St.Valentin where I would change my train, saw me on the platform in St.Valentin station and asked me if I would like to go back to Vienna in his company car.  We have never spoken each other before.


We introduced each other and talked about our job, job market in Poland and economic trend in EU countries.


Kitchen Club キッチンクラブ

This is the third time to cook Japanese food for other regular customers at my regular bar. The day was on Friday but between national holiday on Thursday and Saturday, I was free from work.


I first thought of cold food, but the weather was going to be cold. I just changed my plan to cook something make us warm from inside. I heard that surely more than 12 people would come, it is always difficult to think of how much ingredients I have to buy. Looks like there are some core fans of my cooking.

There are people who do not especially like fish in Austria, I decided to cook everything; beef, pork, chicken and fish but in Japanese way.


And the menu in that way was
  • Spring cabbage soup with harusame rice noodle
  • Bamboo sprout rice
  • Spinach salad marinée with tomato and tuna
  • Asparagus tsukune (grilled chicken)
  • Hanburg steak with Tofu, fried bean sprout
  • Chili shrimps
  • Annin tofu with strawberry sauce ( creamy almond gelatin dessert)

  • 春キャベツの春雨スープ
  • 竹の子の炊き込みご飯
  • ほうれん草、トマトのツナ和え
  • アスパラつくね
  • 豆腐ハンバーグ、もやしと桜えびの炒め物
  • エビチリ
  • 杏仁豆腐のいちごソースかけ

Quite interesting was, that people did not noticed that grilled asparagus with chicken was out of meat and asked me what kind of grain I used for that. I chopped chicken fillet actually.


I got 110 Euro in return, I added 90 Euro and donated to red cross to help people suffering from flood in Austria.


May 25, 2013

Onigiri made in Vienna ウィーンのおにぎり

At one of the Austrian chain supermarkets in my neighborhood in ring street gallery, I happened to find onigiri at a snack corner. I took a close look on that, an Austrian company in Vienna makes that. Usually, it is available only at some Asian shops.


But isn't it too much for 2.99 Euro? Well, rice is not that cheap here. In Japan it should cost around 150 yen, so in half price.

でも2.99ユーロはちょっと高いんじゃないの? まぁ米が高いからしょうがないか。

May 11, 2013

Fire festival rice cracker 火祭り煎餅

I received a parcel from Japan.


The sender of the parcel was Mr.Y whom I got to know during my volunteer in  Ohtsuchi-cho in Iwate.


In Aomori where he lives is cold. Snow has just melted before Golden Week Holiday and it will be the best to see cherry blossoms.


He is eager to go back to Tono, where the volunteer work is arranged, it will be his 10th visit there.


He cares if I have found somebody, it was the first time since years to read such the heartwarming letter. It reminded me of his slow talking with typical Tohoku accent.


Wiener Beer Festival ウィーンビール祭り

After softball training in Donau park, I stopped by the city center. I heard that there is beer festival is held during May 3rd and 5th for free entry.


Lots of people were there,  I was back from softball and wore training ware. Maybe seemed quite strange there. But I needed to let beer through my throat.
At a cafe by the Donau park, a beginner waiter was very inattentive to our table. We sat there for more than 2 and a half hours but I had only one beer.

たくさんの人で賑わっていた。ソフトボールの練習をした後だったのでジャージを着ていたが、 さぞかし場違いに映ったろう。でも喉が乾いていてビールを流し込みたいところだった。ドナウパークの脇にあるカフェでは、新米?のウェイターがこちらのテーブルにまったく気を利かせることなく、2時間半居てビール一杯だけだった。

I was not able to find any free place to sit, first I tried some beer at standing table. A jazz band started to play, I ordered an Austrian pasta dish at my table.


Then I found a free space at a table, I took the bench. There were two old ladies by me spoken in Vienna dialect, then a young girl behind us just lowered her head under the table, she looked like she did not feel very well.


The ladies also noticed and started to worry about her, if she drank too much. Then I saw her making call with her cellular phone. I told the ladies about it and they started to laugh. And we somehow started to talk together.

おばさん方もそれに気がついたようで、彼女のことを心配しだした。多分たくさん飲みすぎたんじゃない? すると彼女が手に携帯を持っているのに気がついた。おばさんたちにそれを話すと笑い出した。そうしていろいろと話を始めることになる。

They did not ask me at all where I am from, we just talked about other beer festival; in Prague, or in Prater. They moved to Vienna and lived there for over 40 years, they really enjoyed the festival.


After they left the table, I tried other beer which I found very nice. One is the beer from Floridsdorf, this is the 21th district of Vienna, and the other is from Gols, Burgenland. Gols is quite famous for wine and I have never heard of such a nice beer there.


Next day, I heard from my friends that they were also there, the one I play baseball in the same team told me that the beer from Gols was really nice before I mentioned it.


Apr 21, 2013

Drink Pilsner beer in Pilzen ピルツェンでピルスナービールを飲む

I posted in my travel blog. Please refer here.


Apr 6, 2013

Job ticket ジョブチケット

From this January 1st, government introduced the system job ticket. This is for employees who commutes in public transportation. In this system, company would pay for commuters but this extra income will be treated without tax. Actually, goverment accounced in February and it should be in act from January 1st.

この1月1日から、政府がジョブチケットを導入した。 これは公共交通機関を使って仕事に通う全ての人の定期代を、会社が支払い、その収入分を税金の対象外とするもの。実際には2月に発表されたが、1月1日まで遡って有効ということになっている。

There was the system since 2011. But it was just for employees who commutes more than 20km. From this year, this was expanded to all commuters.


In Japan, it is quite common from long time ago. The fee for 3 to 6 months pass will be transfered in bank account from the company before the ticket becomes invalid. Many Japanese job seekers would normally select companies that will pay for their transportation. But this is not legally defined in Japan and its handling differes from company to company.


The leader of worker's union in my company asked me the other day, how much I pay for my ticket. I had to buy my new ticket until the end of March. All paper job seemed to take much longer, so I already bought the new one. Maybe from the next year, I do not have to pay for it.
先日、組合の世話役がチケットにいくら払っているかを聞いてきた。手続きにもう少し時間がかかるとのこと。今回は3月末で定期が切れるので、結局自分で買ったが、 来年からはその必要がなくなる。

I would buy the Austrian card which is valid for a year and all Austrian railway nets, and it is not very cheap. From this year, it costs 1640 Euro, but to my surprise,  it costs cheaper than the last year for more than 100 Euro! 


Mar 23, 2013

Winter again? また冬?

The weather this year is changing all the time; In the middle of February, we had record snow in Vienna. Then it got warmer to hit 16 degrees and after that snow. On the day, when I tried to back home around 18 o'clock, the rotating gate did not work and I had to go out by ladder.


According to the government, the expense for clearing snow was the record hit. Last week, Austrian team was sent to help cars on highway which were stuck in the snow in Hungary.


It got warmer at the beginning of this week, but weekend again to minus temperature. We expected to train baseball in practical combination play, but it will be too cold to do that. So just warming up.


When it was very warm in Austria, it was much colder in Japan. Now they are enjoying cherry blossoms while we have to take a thick coat back to life.


Mar 13, 2013

Delay public transportation 公共交通機関の遅れ

In 2012, Austrian Airline succeeded to be one of the most punctual flight companies. And the difference between All Nippon Airways at the second place is just 0.1%.

Not only flight, trains in Austria are said to be very punctual, at least in Europe. On the next day, my train to office delayed for an hour; departure for 25 minutes, and the train stayed on the track for 35 minutes. Due to a technical problem as usual.


Feb 3, 2013

Salt intake statistic 塩摂取量の統計

I found the article in the newspaper on weekend about salt intake statistic in Austria. I have written in my old posts that Austrian food is in general salty. This statistic says, men would have 8.5g of salt per day. Of course the question will arise how much Japanese would take salt.


According to the statistic of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, salt intake of Japanese in 2010 is 10.2g. This statistic also shows that Japanese have been reducing salt intake for years. In Japan there are products like soy sauce or miso which contains less salt and we can easily buy them at supermarkets.


So, Japanese people intake more salt than Austrian. It is quite interesting. It is maybe because of soy sauce and miso. Salt in pickles cannot be ignored, too. We would eat miso soup almost every day and soy sauce is one of the most important seasoning. WHO suggests 5g salt per day.


Jan 25, 2013

Cleaning beach in Santa Monica サンタモニカで海岸の掃除をする

I posted in my travel blog. Please refer here.


Jan 13, 2013

General view about marriage 結婚観

I came to Steyr again soon after the company's Christmas party, which is quite a rare event for me now. When I left Vienna early in the morning, it was shiny and the sky was blue. In Steyr I saw all in white and it was slightly snowing there.


Today's ceremony was held at the Lamberg castle, where they have a hall to admit a couple officially. The castle was meant in document first in 980 and in 11th century, it was the residence of Otakar Dynasty from Bohemia. Now the building is used by foreign police and some other city administration offices. When it comes to Otakar, I still remember Otakar square in the middle of Ceske Budejovice (Budweis in German), where I went to spend my first New Year in 2003 after settling in Austria. Just because the name sounds very treasurely. (In Japanese o-takara means treasure)

今日の式はシュタイヤーにあるランベルグ城で行われた。ここには婚姻を正式に認めるためのホールがある。この城は980年に歴史書に初めて登場し、11世紀にはボヘミヤのオタカラール王朝の屋敷として使われる。今現在この城は、地域に住む外国人の権利を守るための警察署や、一部の市組織の事務所として使われている。オタカールと言えば今でも思い出すのは、オーストリアに居を定めて初めての年越しの2003年に、名前があまりにも有難いので出かけることになった、バドワイザービールの発祥の地でもある、チェスケ ブドゥィェヨヴィツェ市(ドイツ語名:ブドヴァイス)の中心街にある、ヨーロッパでも一番綺麗な広場の一つとも言われている、オタカール広場のことである。

I have attended more than 5 marriage ceremonies in Austria by now, but it was the first time to see ceremony at a ..... a normal hall. I mean that I saw most of them at churches and one at wine cellar.


When they have a ceremony in a church, the couple have to visit the city hall to sign a document. The one at a wine cellar was a very interesting case that the mayer of the village came to the wine cellar and the couple and their best friends signed in front of all of us. It was like a part of all community reviralization to move their office to the wine cellar due to couple's wish.


All their relatives of the couple were with their children and children were enjoying playing together at the restaurant where we went hereafter. It was such a huge party for all of them. It just reminded me of my childhood; 11 cousins got together in New Year or Obon time, throw cushions against each other on futon.


The couple, actually the bridegroom is my team leader, he is together with his wife for 21 years and they have two daughters. And this is not necessarily rare here. In my department, there are many couples that have not yet married each other yet, and I will receive their baby's pictures in office attached in mail.


One reason for this might be that they want to be careful, otherwise they should have a huge trouble or effort to parepare documents for the second marriage. It is also true that people will not suppress their unhappiness and break up much easier than in Japan. It can also be the reason. The different view of relationship between other people and him/her-self, and of happiness.


Jan 5, 2013

Cook okonomiyaki お好み焼きを作る

For the first dish to cook this year in Japanese cooking group was okonomiyaki. This is actually easy and much more popular in Japan than sushi, as same as ramen noodle. Fish in Austria is quite expensive. But sometimes such a luxurious should be allowed for sure. We used fresh shrimps and squid!


Oden was really good last time, this okonomiyaki, too. It was beyond my expectation.


Jan 1, 2013

A Happy New Year 明けましておめでとうございます

This is my 11th year in Austria, the New Year's day I cooked zenzai and thought about what would happen in the new year. Yesterday I heard continuous fireworks outside, and today somebody still enjoys it.


I wish that this year would be the year of change. Long standing Japanese deflation and econimy, development of Tsunami suffered area in Japan. And maybe for myself, a new challenge.
