Jul 27, 2003

Business hour of supermarket スーパーの営業時間

I wrote before that the shops here will be closed soon in the evening, there seems to be demands to let the business hours extended. In practical in lower Austria province next to started to new regulation so that they can open their shops until 19:30. The problem with us is that the Steyr lies on the border between upper and lower Austria, shops near the border are fear of being got rid of their customers by shops in lower Austria side. Other provinces take a stance to keep watching for a while, in any case it will be extended also here, I think.

以前こちらのお店は夜すぐに閉まるということを書きましたが、こちらでも商店等の営業時間延長に対する要求というのは現実にあって、事実お隣のNieder Österreich(lower ロワーオーストリア)州ではこの8月1日から19:30までの営業が可能になりました。それで最近のニュースをにぎわせているのは、ここSteyrはOber Österreich(アッパーオーストリア)州にあっても、Nieder Österreichとの州境に位置しているため、その州境に近いお店などからお客を取られるから何とかしなくちゃという不安があるからです。しばらくは他の州でも現状のままで様子をうかがうようですが、これはどう考えても営業時間が延長になるだろうなぁ。

Jul 20, 2003

Austrian dialect2 オーストリアの方言2

I read books which say that Germany after the WWII could have been divided according to the spoken language. Not into East and West Germany, but North and South. The dialect here is similar as is spoken in Bavaria. What I could find until now...


1.Rule for vowels and consonants:

g => k
a => o
ö => sometimes ih
ei => "ah" or mere "a", "o"
l => "e" or "ö"
h => very week
s[z] => s

2.Basic word which sounds differently or completely different one:

neu => neich
alt => eud
bisschen => bisserl
Kartoffel => Erdapfel
Tomaten => Paradeiser
Sack => Sackerl
Kloß => Knödel
Brötchen => Semmel


ein Mal, zwei Male => ah Moe, zwoh Moi
ich => "ih" or "i"
auch => ah
gegangen => "genga" or "ganga" or "ginga"
zusammen => zaam


Es geht auch nicht. => Es geh tah neet.
Ich weiss auch nicht. => Ih waas ah neh.
Ich habe es gar nicht verstanden. => In hops goa net vadjenga.
Ich bin nach Linz gefahren. => Ih bin noch Linz kfoin.
Wir können es schaffen. => Mia kienan es schoffen.
Er ist schon nach Hause gegangen. => eA is scho Hoam ganga. (nach Hause = Heim)
666 => Sex hundert sex und sechzik

* but sieben is [zi:ben] for what reason.

※でもどういうわけか、sieben は シィーベンではなく、ジィーベンです。

Then I would like to say that you can understand the dialect perfectly with the tips, but unfortunately it is still impossible for me to understand them. I think it needs me at least five or six years or more, but I wonder at the same time I could possibly leave here before then.
