Sep 23, 2010

One summer experience ひと夏の経験

Before the summer really ends, I had a small break. At the reception of my accomodation I subjected my card and everything was treated very smoothly. At first, they asked me of some pictures and took me into a shooting chanber. They took pictures of me but just a certain part of my body from some different angles. A female staff came out of the shooting room and asked me with excitement how I could have done with it. I just answerd to her that I just played with balls. Maybe it might have been rare for her. Other people also took a look on my pictures and accepted me to stay there soon and for a while. Then they asked some questions how I like to feel the pain, this time I prefered not to be painful as they recommended to me; I was kjust a beginner, and they signed up with my signature. For the first night they told me to be naked except while net stockings and white net brief, I was very surprised and somehow ashamed of it, but eveything is experience, There are not many chances to do that in my life.


They told me that they would call me to the bed as soon as they got ready. I waited and waited. From 5:00 in the morning till 21:00 without eating nor drinking. Everybody who sometimes showed up told the same, "I do not know, I am sorry". I really thought I could have been the wrong place. It was just after 22:00, they called me finally. It seemd that they had very many customers and had problem to entertain them all.


When I lied in the middle of a bed under dazzling light, surrounded by two men and two women, one of the women asked me to get naked. I set up my mind. They did not seems to be tired at all, they started businesslike to touch my swallen part, tried to strech the crooked part and so on. Some time later I felt comfortable and slightly tired, I felt asleep. It was my first experience in Austria.They were very professional and I did never have fear for that. When I woke up, one of the women told me that I am very slow and was very surprised.


I went back home satisfied. My broken thumb was connected with bolts and I have to wait for some weeks to heal. I learned somwthing new during this experience: How to ask "when to go to the rest room last time" in German in academic way, "When was the last stool?". And my heart seems to beat much slower than average people; about 44 times a minute. Every nurse who took my pulse asked me if mine is OK with this, and they took me as a marathon runner.

満足して家に戻った。折れていた親指はボルトで止められ、数週間もすれば治るようだ。この経験で新しい発見があった。ドイツ語で、「最後に便通があったのはいつですか」をどうやって学術的に聞くかということ。 (最後の椅子はいつ?) それから、普通の人よりもずいぶん脈を打つのが遅いらしいということ。1分あたり44拍くらい。脈を採りに来た看護婦全員がこれで普通なの?と聞き、マラソンランナーということになったらしい。

Empty stomach / 絶食

Sep 19, 2010

Wachau marathon ヴァッハゥ=マラソン

I joined the marathon held in Wachau, one of the most famous places for producing wine grapes in Austria. I did not well train at all and I run quarter marathon; half marathon was actually fully booked when I enrolled via Internet.


8,500 people enrolled to the marathon; full marathon, half, quator and team. Also Nordik walking. Early in the morning it was cold and it was still enough cold when we got there at the start point in Dürnstein. There was a special train arranged from Vienna to get there, train ticket fee was also included in the entry fee. The connection train delayed more than 20 minutes from Krems.We walked down to the Danube through the vineyard from Dürnstein station, and when we get to the start point, it was already just 15 minutes before the start.


The path along the river for the first 1km was very narrow, it took me almost 7 minutes to reach 1km point where we came into a wider street, it was so crowded and very hard take over other runners by then. I was already not quite sure if I qualify my aim for the day, to run within 50 minutes, then I raised my pace to take the delay back.


The weather was very fine by then, sun started to shine and got warm, ideal for marathon. The course just led us directly to Krems, there was almost no curve nor up-down. Danube on the right hand, vineyards on the left hand. This scene continued till 8km point. When I arrived at 5km point, my wrist watch showed me the time of 24 minutes from the start. I thought then I ran maybe too fast and I slightly lowered my pace. After leaving the course by Danube at 8km and we headed toward the center of Krems,The last 2km was not very easy this time. I wanted to pace up again but I do not think that I was able to.


The official net time was 51.49, I was not able to reach the goal as I expected. There was no measured lap time as in full marathon and I was not sure how I run the last 2km. Maybe the reason of this might be that I actually did not count the last 500m at all and thought only 10km. It seemed that more than 1,000 people joined the quarter marathon, it was at least nice to be able to keep the last number within 200, 199 / 1550. Further information: 52nd place / 206 from male 40's, 175th place out of 753 within whole men.

公式タイムは51分49秒。残念ながら目標のタイムには届かなかった。フルマラソンと違いラップタイムは計測されていないので最後の2kmをどれくらいで走ったのか知る由もないが、おそらく最後の500mを全く計算していなかったのも原因だろう。ずっと10kmで考えて走っていた。クォーターマラソンには1000人以上の人が参加したようだが、なんとかぎりぎり200番以内, 199 / 1550位に入れたことは喜んでもいいかもしれない。更には40代男性の部で52 / 206位、男性全体では175 / 753位。

There were eder runners, too, really surprised that winners of 60 or 65 years old class ran the quarter marathon within an hour. Honestly I will not try that for sure.


Sep 17, 2010

Street festival ストリート=フェスティバル

I was working from home as usual on Friday. It was around 17:00, I heard people were singing to the music from outside, it was from the direction of Bulgarian embassy. I thought they had some special event then.
I was working hard on debugging our software program, worked and forgot that time passed. It was almost 20:00. I tried many things that day and finally find a clue to the solution. So I went out to have something to drink; where there is a festival, there should be something to eat and drink.


It was actually from the Croatian center about 30m away from my apartment on the same street. The festival was organized by the district's cultural event organizer, Burgenland Croatian festival. Burgenland is one of Austrian states which lies on the border between Austria and Hungary, and also touches a part of Croatia and Slovakia. This area is famous for its wine. Many people there were talking in German and also Kroatian, possibly. Some words are similar to Russian.


It was after sunset and already cold outside, I sat at one of the tables on the side of the street, finished my bean soup and two glasses of red wine. Then I once returned to my room and fetch warmer clothes; it is much nicer to enjoy live music with others than from my room, although I can listend to it from my apartment. The festival finished at 23:00.

もう日が暮れて少し肌寒かった。通りの脇に置かれた机に座り、豆のスープと赤ワインをグラスに2杯頂いた後、一旦家に帰って暖かい服を取ってきた。家からも聞こえるが、そこで周りの人と一緒に音楽を聞くほうがいい。 お祭りは23時でお開きになった。

Sep 4, 2010

Night ride 夜間運行

The Vienna subway started to operate 24 hours a day for weekend from Sep.3rd, and the "Foreigers in Vienna" group gathered to celebrate this event together. In Europe there are cities where they operate subway all the time and there has been discussion in Vienna since years. During the night we would have trains every 15 minutes, it is surely better than the night bus especially in winter. We do not have to wait for the bus outside.


We met up in front of Burgtheator and ordered some drink at bars opened in front of city hall. For the day, there was a special Internet site to get the combi-ticket for the ride and entrance fee for bars. Almost all of us printed it out and took with us, but actually it was never checked at the entrance of any bar in the list of this event. There were new faces in the group but they recongnized me very quickly as a Japanese baseball guy. They were talking about seeing me play baseball last weekend even without knowing the rule at all. A  Lithuanian girl came up to me saying that she wanted to talk with me. She talked about a Japanese supplier's visit in Vienna some weeks ago, was really impressed by the perfectionism of Japanese working mentality. I talked about some of my experience in Japan, the USA and in Europe. There was also an American guy who lived in Japan for three and a half years as English teacher, I talked with him for a while and then we all took subway to go to Karlsplatz.


I seldom go out late to go to bars but I can make some exceptions. Group members are very easy going and fun to talk to, maybe I can join the monthly brunch again from the next time which I skipped for several times due to baseball games on Sundays.


Certification 認定証

Living in a modern society, we actually rely on benefit of cars and cannot deny the fact that we are somehow dependent on it. There are some types of people about cars; those who do not drive at all, those who can drive fast and even earn money for that and those who can pay money by driving fast. People in the last category may earn money in the future if they can drive much much faster.


I did not belong to any of these until last Friday, I had been just a people who sometimes drive. I finally successfully got a certification for the first time in my life and joined the last group. But if I could have known it much earlier, I would feel much easier.... It was a month ago when I drove to Salzburg and back to Vienna on highway. I just paid 60 Euro to join the group, but there are much more generous people in the world...


Sep 3, 2010

Classic guitar festival クラシックギターフェスティバル

My Hungarian teacher asked me if I want to go to the guitar concert held at the conservatorium and I would never hesitate to say yes to such the offer. Her boyfriend is studying classic guitar at the conservatorium. The festival is actually a competition and there are some concerts by invited guests.


After my private Hungarian lesson, we went to the conservatorium near the Naschmarkt. I have passed the building many times to buy something in Naschmarkt but have never been there actually. While waiting outside of the building, I saw some Japanese students talking. I do now know the detail but there are lots of Japanese students living in Vienaa majoring music. In my baseball team there are also some students; they are studying trumpet, violin, opera and so on.


The player of the day was Carlo Marchione from Italy. The concert started from 19:30, he mixed some contemporal music in classical ones, fascinated us for more than two hours including pause. It was amazing. He appeared four times due to our encore after he had finished his program of the day. I was very happy to be there.

その日のギタリストはイタリアのCarlo Marchioneさん。コンサートは19:30に始まり、クラッシック音楽に最近のものを交え、休憩を挟みながら2時間以上に渡ってすばらしい演奏を披露してくれた。予定終了後も観客のアンコールに4度も応えてくれた。行ってよかった。

In the concert hall I happened to find a familiar face; a badminton club member. I heard that he works as a tour guide in Vienna, but he told me that he finished his study at the Kunitachi musical university and studied at the conservatorium, then teaches playing guitar in Vienna. I remembered that I happened to see him last time at a guitar concert held at the Japanese embassy two months ago, so it was not a coincidence.


Sep 1, 2010

Borsh party

There was a borsh party organised by one of my Russian friends. People gathered together were the regular members for monthly Russian evening, where we try to communicate in Russian as much as possible. Other people studied the language at school or in university, most of them speak Russian very fluently. I still speak the language awfully despite almost two-year online private language course. At least I noticed my change in the ears, I can pick up words they speak well.
Any way, the first hurdle is very high for Russian; to be able to speak in some easy situations, I have to know a lot. How to conjugate numbers due to case, which verb of presence or perfect to use and first of all, the cojugation of verbs, nouns and adjectives are very intricate. It is too much for the beginning.


Borsh is originally from Ukraine, but many people do not know it and think it is Russian. I tried some variations in Russia, I generally like Russian soup. Well, some day I will add these to my repertory. We emptied two entire pots of borsch with 8 people, enjoyed the mafia game and Russian conversation, promised to meet again for Russian movie evening for the next time. It is a benefit to live in Vienna to meet up easily for such the event.
