Oct 18, 2003

Children in Austria オーストリアの子供

If a friend of a father comes home, how can the children talk with the friend?
In Japan, the children can only greet them (maybe they will be forced to by the father or mother) and have to go into their room. Here it seems that there are not any ideas like, "tales within adult people" or "Children should not take part in talk within adults" which are quite normal in Japan.When the friend goes back home, the children will ask him to shake hands for good bye. What a country!! Perhaps it is quite common within European countries.
Maybe because they stay among adults and listen to their conversation and say what they think, they will be able to talk properly at the age of high school graduation. In Japanese society silence and not to say clearly has been good. Surely children did not have this training. It is apparent that only school education is not enough. Although it is our culture, not to say it clealy but people sould be able to say when it is necessary, or it endangers country's future. Added 12.20.2004

そうやって子供のころから大人の会話の中に身をおいて、大人同士のやり取りを聞き、自分の考えを述べる習慣があるからこそ、彼らは高校を卒業するころにはきちんとものを話せるのでしょう。ただでさえ物事をはっきり言わないことをよしとしてきた日本社会。子供にこの"訓練”が確実に欠けてきたはずです。学校教育だけでは足りていないのは明らかです。はっきり言わないのが日本文化だとしても、明らかに言うべき時に”言えない”というのでは、国の将来を左右しかねません。2004.12.20 追記

Oct 5, 2003

How to cook Wienerschnitzel ヴィーナーシュニッツェルの作り方

"Wiener Schnitzel" (Viennese cutlet)is the famous cuisine in Vienna, but it is quite common within Austria. It looks like Japanese "Ton-katsu". I learned by colleague how to cook it and introduce here.

Wiener Schnitzelと書いて、ヴィーナーシュニッツェルと読みます。ウィーンの名物ですが、オーストリア全土で好まれる食べ物。いわゆる日本のトンかつのオーストリア版。同僚の家で作り方を教えてもらったので紹介します。

* Meat 5x20x0.5cm for one person. Beef, pork or chicken anything is possible, but not fatty one)
* Flour, fine bread flour
* Beaten egg
* Olive oil
* Salt, pepper and mustard
* Sliced lemon
* Raspberry or blueberry jam (not very sweet one)

・お肉(5x20x0.5cm=1人分 牛、豚、鳥なんでもお好みで、脂の多いものはあまり適しません)

1. Unfold meat and season with salt and pepper evenly on both sides.
2. Paste mustard on both sides.
3. Put meat in order into flour, beaten egg and bread flour.
4. Heat enough olive oil in a rather big pan so that the meat can be soaked.
5. To fly both sides (roast) until it gets beautiful brown.


[Bon appetite]
The common relish here is boiled or baked potatoes with herb or butter rice.
The most important point is to eat meat with raspberry or if it not possible blueberry jam. It suits very much unexpectedly. Of course for the meat sliced lemon will be squeezed.
Then Guten Appetit!!


For original cutlet, lamb meat will be chosen, but it seems that anyone will suit for this cuisine. It is much easier than "Ton-Katsu" we do not have to care how we use used oil after that. When you cook rather much volume, maybe you must keep it warm in oven after you cook once, or use microwave just before you eat. Instead of mustard, in addition to salt and pepper some consommé could be possible. Putting herb in flour makes flavor rich, I think.
