Nov 21, 2002

Greeting あいさつ

Whoever has learned some German knows "Guten Morgen" means good morning and "Aufwiedersehen" is goodbye. But it can be seldom heard here. Only the people from Germany or foreign people would say so. "Grüß God" or "Grüß dich" means good morning, hello and good evening. There is also "servus" which comes from Latin word and the origin of the word "service" will be commonly used for both meeting and saying goodbye. Beside "servus" "pfiat euch" or "pfiat dich" is also used for saying goodbye, but I can not find the term in dictionaries.
When I leave others, I have to say "pfiat euch" and others would tell me "pfiat dich". Around noon time until 15:00 we would say "Mahlzeit". The meaning is "meal time". Added 01.19.2003
A German teacher in Salzburg had told me that "Pfiat dich" and "pfiat euch" come from a expression "Ich empfehle mich dir" and "Ich empfehle mich euch". Added 08.17.2003

少なからずドイツ語を習った人であれば、Guten Morgen(グーテンモルゲン)がおはようで、Aufwiedersehen(アゥフヴィーダーゼーン)がさようならであることはご存知でしょうが、ここではそれを言う人は1人もいません。逆に、そう言うとよそものだとばれてしまいます。(笑) Grüß God(グリュスゴットゥ)、または Grüß dich(グリュスディッヒ)が、ここではおはよう、こんにちは、こんばんはになります。servus(セャヴス)という、いわゆるサービスの語源でもあるラテン語も日常よく使われます。そのほかに、pfiat euch(プフィアットイヒ)というのがよく使われます。辞書にも載っていません。
自分が他の人たちのもとを去るときに、pfiat euch と言い、言われた人は帰る人に pfiat dich(プフィアッディッヒ) と言うようです。またお昼時になると、だいたい15時くらいまでは Mahlzeit(マールツァイトゥ)と声を掛け合うことになっています。そもそも、もうめしだぞ!という意味です。2003.01.19 追記
pfiat dich、pfiat euch は、実は Ich empfehle mich dir. Ich empfehle mich euch. から来ていることを学校の先生が教えてくれました。追記 2003.08.17

How difficult to get a visa? ビザってやっぱり取るの大変?

It is always necessary to be patient to wait for the visa in general. If there is a good reason to be hired, (they are looking for a Japanese in order to widen the project plan also in Japan etc.) the company arranges everything they need to hire the person. At first the company have to apply a temporal work permit at the local labor ministry, so that the applicant can apply for his stay permit from his country. (Only for the first time, the stay permit has to applied from foreign country.) Then when the stay permit has been issued, the temporal work permit can be replaced with official one. It took me about five and a half months since I heard "yes" from my company until I get a work permit officially. (June.5th - Nov.22th) I think everything was carried out quite smoothly.
I have done everything except for the first application to the local labor ministry of course, (this should be done by the company.) myself, I do not say that the to gather documents or procedure is complicated, but it was rather hard just to have had to wait. Because during the time I had nothing to do to it. If I had had looked for a job while working at the previous company, I could have quit after everything was ready and almost no problem. But I was looking for a job without any job, it was hard to decide if I could continue to look for a job further or exactly until when, because of the financial problem. Of course I could lend money more, but there was nothing reliable that I could really get a job. I was annoyed myself between the reality and target. Without luck I could never make it.
Requirement for visa application of Japanese people differs from country to country in Europe. The most important thing is that the employer really wants to hire Japanese. In the view point of social insurance, now only in German system can over the contribution of the pension in Japan and vice versa.


Shaking hands 握手をする

In Japan we rarely, or almost never shake hands even with very close friends, but here we shake hands with every person in office. Not only just in the morning, but also afternoon or night, when they see each other at the first time in the day.
There is a slight difference with the tradition between other countries such as Germany. When we would shake hands?? From shaking hands we would associate mutual agreement or amicable settlement after quarrel or fight. Except for these situation maybe when someone has saved me from the lethal situation, or to save a drowning children, from the bankruptcy and so on, then we would hold his hand with our both hands to show our thankfulness. Added 09.13.2003

ただ、これはヨーロッパがどこでもこうだというわけではなく、ポーランドからの来ている同僚や、ドイツはドレスデン近辺から来ている同僚も、そこではさほど重要じゃないと言っています。郷に入らば~というやつですね。ところでいつ握手をするのか。握手をすることで双方の同意を確かめ合ったり、喧嘩のあとの仲直りをすることができます。 それ以外には誰かが生命の危険から自分を助けてくれたとか、おぼれている子供を助けるとか、会社が破産しそうなのを援助してくれたとかなどで、そういう時には心からの感謝で相手の手を握るものでしょう。 追記 2003.09.13

Nov 10, 2002

Business hour of shops お店の営業時間

Most of shops are open from 10 to 18 o'clock. Newspaper stands are open a little earlier than others where magazines or cigarettes are sold. On Saturdays the shops will be closed at 17 and they are not open on Sundays. There are no convenience stores such like seven-eleven, only possibility to buy something is to go to gas stands. There are very little vending machines here, we have to go shopping every Saturday. In a big tourism city like Vienna, there are some shops are open on Sundays.
Banks or post offices are open differently from Monday through Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In order to close them earlier on Friday at about 14:00, they are open until 17:30 on Thursday. The windows at banks are also open as far as they are open, not like banks in Japan. ATM is available all the time, we do not have to care the time to withdraw money. Here is the opening time of Bank Austria as an example. In Japan it is quite usual to go to banks during lunch time to transfer money, here at most of the banks provide Internet services and do not have to go there.

Mon - Wed 8:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 16:00
Thursday 8:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 17:30
Friday 8:00 - 14:00

 銀行や郵便局は、月曜から水曜、木曜、金曜で営業時間が違っており、金曜日に14時くらいに終わる代わりに、木曜日はだいたい17:30まで窓口も営業しています。日本のように15:00にシャッターが下りてしまうことはありません。ATMはどこでも24時間営業しているので、お金をおろせなくて困ることは皆無です。ちなみに、給料の振込先にしているBank Austriaの営業時間は以下の通りです。昼休みに銀行に行くという芸当は少し難しいですが、こちらは朝比較的早くから働き始めるので、木曜日には少し早めに来て早くあがれば問題ありません。ただ、一般に他銀行に送金するなどといったことは、インターネットで処理できますので、わざわざ出向く必要はありません。

月~水 8:00~12:30 14:00~16:00
木 8:00~12:30 14:00~17:30
金 8:00~14:00