Oct 31, 2011

Walking through vineyard ブドウ畑を歩く

One of my friends called me to go for a walk in vineyard in a small town near Baden. Usually we would think of Grinzing where there are lots of Heurige (wine restaurant) in 19 district of Vienna, this small town seems to be much bigger than that. It seems that not many tourists would visit here, wine out of this region would be consumed around this area.


From the train station we walked along vine yards toward Baden. The view from Grinzing over Vienna city is wonderful, but the scenery here was also excellent. Grapes have been already cropped, there were still some left.


We wanted to try Sturm, a typical drink of this season which is a sort of wine before starting fermentation, but unfortunately it has already gone at two locations.


Oct 6, 2011

Wiener Wiesn 2011

This happy event first took place from this year in Vienna at Prater park. Having been so busy for a long time, first post after almost three months. This 10 days event was wonderful, I went there twice on weekend. They had four different tents. 1L beer costs 7.7 Euro, was absolutely ok price. There was no huge selection of beer but I am sure to go there next year again.


0.5L and 1.0L

For those who wants to sniff the atmospare, a short video stream is from here.


I just happened to sit in front of three people from Vienna that are to travel to Japan next year, we started to talk about it on and on.
