Jun 6, 2013

Flood of the century 100年に一度の大洪水

Continuous rain from last Friday, topic is always about flood and whole Austria. Of course, not only in Austria but also in Czec or Hungary. Every day, newspaper brings damage report of Austrian cities along the river. The current situation written in newspaper seems to be worse than the one in 2002. The situation in Salzburg is slowly calming down, then the affected area just comes down to cities downstream along the river.


Vienna was suffering from flood since long long time, they built Danube channel to avoid it. Until now there is no trouble within the city except for bars or restaurants along channel and the cancellation of Danube island grill party. The situation in Prague or in Budapest seems very bad now.


I also got involved into troubles due to this flood on Monday; the Inter City did not run through between Amstetten and St.Valentin, the rail was under the water and there was bus replacement for this part.


Area where could have been under the water

Then again on Wednesday after work, I am but not sure if it really was for the flood, the train toward Vienna were not operated.

A very kind Polish guy, whom I see every day for last three years in the train from Vienna to St.Valentin where I would change my train, saw me on the platform in St.Valentin station and asked me if I would like to go back to Vienna in his company car.  We have never spoken each other before.


We introduced each other and talked about our job, job market in Poland and economic trend in EU countries.


Kitchen Club キッチンクラブ

This is the third time to cook Japanese food for other regular customers at my regular bar. The day was on Friday but between national holiday on Thursday and Saturday, I was free from work.


I first thought of cold food, but the weather was going to be cold. I just changed my plan to cook something make us warm from inside. I heard that surely more than 12 people would come, it is always difficult to think of how much ingredients I have to buy. Looks like there are some core fans of my cooking.

There are people who do not especially like fish in Austria, I decided to cook everything; beef, pork, chicken and fish but in Japanese way.


And the menu in that way was
  • Spring cabbage soup with harusame rice noodle
  • Bamboo sprout rice
  • Spinach salad marinée with tomato and tuna
  • Asparagus tsukune (grilled chicken)
  • Hanburg steak with Tofu, fried bean sprout
  • Chili shrimps
  • Annin tofu with strawberry sauce ( creamy almond gelatin dessert)

  • 春キャベツの春雨スープ
  • 竹の子の炊き込みご飯
  • ほうれん草、トマトのツナ和え
  • アスパラつくね
  • 豆腐ハンバーグ、もやしと桜えびの炒め物
  • エビチリ
  • 杏仁豆腐のいちごソースかけ

Quite interesting was, that people did not noticed that grilled asparagus with chicken was out of meat and asked me what kind of grain I used for that. I chopped chicken fillet actually.


I got 110 Euro in return, I added 90 Euro and donated to red cross to help people suffering from flood in Austria.
