Oct 2, 2004

Why Japanese can not English3 どうして日本人は英語がだめか3

It is impossible to learn English as English native learn because of the time. It might be the reason that there are so many books on market titled "Master English without effort". Some learning programs force learners lots of big words. But just remember it. Who will need a word in foreign language which he seldom needs in his mother language? It is meaningless to continue "T*ME Marathon" for whoever would not read magazines or newspaper about politic? It is just a time killing to try to learn phrases or terms which is not necessary in Japanese. It is definitely impossible to use foreign languages more than mother tongue.


How about shifting usual environment into English? It is ideal if usual papers or magazines are available in English. It is impossible to keep motivation if the content is not interesting. Although the English level is not very high, it is not the best to choose a text whose content is actually for children. I think it the best way to replace the environment completely into a foreign language because of efficiency, continuity and for the opportunity in the future to express thoughts freely. It is also possible to think loud in the language. If an electric dictionary is available, anybody can learn anywhere.


If anybody has his own specialty, it is very good to start with vocabulary in that field. Nobody expects a specialist on steel material to know names of special vegetables or original title of great writer's works. However, many Japanese would be puzzled. I can not image that an adult people can enjoy a text like "red, blue yellow, blue sky and white cloud", although it is written in foreign language. Those who does not read usually novels, it is not efficient to use novels to learn languages. Whoever likes cooking, it is the best way to use cooking books written in English of course.


What I have written in three times, I think it would be agreed by people who has learned non-English foreign language by himself. To go back and forth with mixture of such method and normal text book, the understanding of basis would be deepened and what have learned would be forgettable. The important point is to use anything matches real life and Japanese level. To replace usual life into other language is much more efficient than to stuff words without any connection.


What I can recommend for businessmen and engineers, I would take Nikkei Weekly and Nikkei Science. The former is the weekly version of Nihon Keizai Shinbun. Trend in Japan or in Asian countries are often introduced and it is useful to get information briefly. Actually I subscribe this newspaper and I put that in my company's lounge for my colleagues after having read it. The latter is an scientific magazine with figures. Original is Scientific American. This magazine is translated into German, French and other languages and it is suitable for engineers who are eager to master a certain language.

実際にお勧めできる新聞や雑誌として、週刊のNikkei Weeklyと日経サイエンスの2つを挙げてみます。前者は日本経済新聞の週刊英訳版で、日本やアジアの国々での業界のトレンドなどが頻繁に紹介され、短い時間で日本やアジアの情報を得るにはとても適していると思います。実際にはわたしも定期購読をし、読み終わったあとは会社のラウンジに置いています。後者は図解付きの科学雑誌ですが、オリジナルは英語のScientific American、この雑誌はドイツ語、フランス語やその他の言語にも翻訳されており、語学を真剣に勉強する必要のあるエンジニアには教材として最適だと思います。

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