Nov 10, 2002

Business hour of shops お店の営業時間

Most of shops are open from 10 to 18 o'clock. Newspaper stands are open a little earlier than others where magazines or cigarettes are sold. On Saturdays the shops will be closed at 17 and they are not open on Sundays. There are no convenience stores such like seven-eleven, only possibility to buy something is to go to gas stands. There are very little vending machines here, we have to go shopping every Saturday. In a big tourism city like Vienna, there are some shops are open on Sundays.
Banks or post offices are open differently from Monday through Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In order to close them earlier on Friday at about 14:00, they are open until 17:30 on Thursday. The windows at banks are also open as far as they are open, not like banks in Japan. ATM is available all the time, we do not have to care the time to withdraw money. Here is the opening time of Bank Austria as an example. In Japan it is quite usual to go to banks during lunch time to transfer money, here at most of the banks provide Internet services and do not have to go there.

Mon - Wed 8:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 16:00
Thursday 8:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 17:30
Friday 8:00 - 14:00

 銀行や郵便局は、月曜から水曜、木曜、金曜で営業時間が違っており、金曜日に14時くらいに終わる代わりに、木曜日はだいたい17:30まで窓口も営業しています。日本のように15:00にシャッターが下りてしまうことはありません。ATMはどこでも24時間営業しているので、お金をおろせなくて困ることは皆無です。ちなみに、給料の振込先にしているBank Austriaの営業時間は以下の通りです。昼休みに銀行に行くという芸当は少し難しいですが、こちらは朝比較的早くから働き始めるので、木曜日には少し早めに来て早くあがれば問題ありません。ただ、一般に他銀行に送金するなどといったことは、インターネットで処理できますので、わざわざ出向く必要はありません。

月~水 8:00~12:30 14:00~16:00
木 8:00~12:30 14:00~17:30
金 8:00~14:00

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