Dec 24, 2012

Oden meets Austrian 外国人がおでんを食す

I was asked to cook something on the last day before Christmas holiday by the owner of my regular cafe bistro in neighborhood, I had been wondering what to cook for the occasion. I decided to cook oden and soba, which are very timely dishes.


I was told that they would have 15 or 16 guests, actually they are regular customers as I am there, I had to buy a lot. On the day, I went out from the middle of the day to buy ingredients. My backpack will not be enough to carry all what I would buy, I lent a bagger at the cafe. I had never bought so much at once at the Korean supermarket where I often go to buy Japanese ingredients.


The cafe will be open from 16:00 on Saturday, but I asked it open from noon. I brought ingredients and cooking tools into the cafe more than two times. Actually I started cooking from 15.30.


It is not very interesting to cook oden just to put ingredietns bought at the supermarket in a pot, I made kinchaku-mochi (mochi in tofu bag) and chicken ball by myself. I wanted to have atsuage-tofu (thick sliced fried tofu) or ganmodoki (fried mixed vegetable and tofu ball), but in the cafe I was not able to fry.


To begin with, I washed rice and then started to cook rice, then I cut daikon radish and gave them half cut, cooked in the water I used to wash rice. I do not know why but I saw my mother did so at home in my childhood. To cook oden in a short time, I brought my high presser cooker, too. I then put daikon radish, boiled eggs and peeled potato in the cooker in dashi out of konbu algae and bonito.


Then put all fried ingredients in boiled water to cut excessive oil. After that I started to make kinchaku mochi. Ewa, the Polish cafe owner came into the kitchen and saw the tofu bag and said "Wah Taschen, süß, wahrnsinn! (Wow, sweet and incredible!)" She told me more than once that she wants to hire me to cook in the cafe.

それから揚げ物を一度沸騰したお湯に入れて油切りをする。その後で巾着もちを作り始めた。エヴァが、ここのカフェのオーナーだが、キッチンに入ってきて巾着を見て、「あぁ、これ袋になってるの? かわいい。信じられない!」 彼女はどうも僕をここで雇いたいらしい。

For chicken ball, I bought 1kg chicken breast. I minced it first with food processer and then added eggs, fine cut onion and then mixed them well. I made balls in my hand and then dropped them into the cooking soup. Everything was cut and just needed to be cooked in the pot, I started to prepare for soba. Cooked spinach, soy sprout, mashroom, sliced carrot.


For dessert, it was very difficult, I bought yo-kan when I saw it at the Korean super market, then bought mascarpone after that. From home I brought green tea powder and cococuts milk. I did something similar to this recipe for the first time when I was in Moscow. I did not find anything there or too much expensive to make some Japanese sweets, I somehow created something tastes like Japanese. I also bought strawberry so that it might add some sour-sweet taste and would be fine with yo-kan's straight sugarly taste. Some experience is necessary for this kind of inspiration.

 デザートには何がいいのかずいぶん悩んだが、韓国スーパーで羊羹を見て、その後マスカルポーネを普通のスーパーで買い足し、家からは抹茶の粉とココナッツ ミルクを持参。これに近いものは、前回モスクワに行ったときに始めて作った。食材がなく、あってもものすごく高かった。そこで何とか日本の味に近いスイー ツをこさえた次第。スーパーで苺を見て、羊羹は下手に甘いだけだから、甘酸っぱい味があるといいかなと思って買い足す。こういうのはある程度経験しないと思いつかない。

I first mixed green tea powder with mascarpone, then made 1cm thick bed in the bowl, them but three different taste of yo-kan, topped half-cut strawberry in the middle and poured coconuts milk from the top.


Almost everybody was at the table when the clock showed us 20:00, actually only ten were there. I needed time to notice that table induction heater will not work with a porcelain pot, we actually started eating from 20:30.


Inspite of my worry I had in advance, oden seemed to taste fine for all of them. For rice, I mixed chopped umeboshi (sour plum) and bonito flake I used to make the oden soup, together with black sesame, this seemed to be also good. Nobody asked me for salt, maybe because of mastered I put for oden.
I was still not quite sure if I needed to cook rice once again, I just cooked for 10 people first and we did not know if more would come later.


I went back into the kitchen and started to boil soba, quickly fry spinach and carrot in a pan with sesame oil, then put them with soy sprout, mashrooms, then pour the soup for soba. Then two pieces of sliced kamaboko (fish cake). I told them that we would eat soba on the last day of the year. Ewa really loved kamaboko when she picked up and tried in the kitchen.


Ewa brought sweets to the table. They must have tasted yo-kan for the first time in their life, but their reaction was very positive to my surprise. I told them to mix them all together before eating, thus only yo-kan has sugarly taste.


Finally I sat at the table and ate oden, both daikon radish and potatoes were very soft, it was Japanese oden for sure. Then everybody together started to give me applause by Ewa's remind call. I did not especially adjust the taste for Austrian, I did what I would usually like, although I was not completely able to stop worrying that it is too less salty for them. So I was glad to hear that everybody told me it was fantastic.


I was fully exhaused after working for 4 hours, I sipped some glasses of red wine, listened to what others were talking and sometimes answered to their question about food. It was fine to be really a nice dinner, I just felt sad that some of the regular customers with whom I talk often did not appear.


As same as last time, I was not able to take any picture. I cooked oden and soba topping for about 16 people and I brought it back home. So this is what I am eating at home now, leftover oden for a several days.


I am now sure that almost none of the guests would remember what they actually ate.


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