Dec 15, 2012

Christmas party クリスマスパーティー

I used to live in Steyr until three years ago, but after then I have no reason to go there except user meeting event and company's Christmas party. Steyr was in white and cold.

3年前まではシュタイヤーに住んでいたが、それ以降、ユーザーミーティングと会社のクリスマスパーティー以外では 行く理由がなくなっている。シュタイヤーは真っ白で、寒かった。

One of the most beautiful city squares in Austria, as far as I saw until now, has buildings in different architecture styles from Gothic, Neo-Gothic and Barock.


Steyr has one of seven Christmas posts in the world.
And at the church by the post, not the Jesus Christ but the Baby Jesus is in the middle. That is the reason why they call Christchild market instead of Christmas market.


After a short walk in the city square, I went to the event hall, museum Arbeitswelt where the development of industry is shown, as Steyr was the center of industry from medieval time.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas.


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