Dec 7, 2009

Christmas market クリスマスマーケット

It is already in the middle of advent, I saw Christmas market with customers, friends for several times. Very close from my apartment there is also a Christmas market at Charles Church and I went out to warm myself from inside... it was a cold Sunday night the day of St.Nicolaus and children would receive sweets. I personally call it Chocolaus day. Here is the post from last year about Christmas market in Steyr and you can see Nicolaus there.


Actually this Nicolaus and Krampus which is so-to-say a devil come together. First Krampus and then Nicolaus on Dec.5 and 6. Krampus cannot be seen in bigger cities but in a small city like Steyr, there will be held a parade of Krampus and they frighten children such as Japanese "Namahage". Correctly this parade in the picture is called "Perchten" and it is slightly different from Krampus, but almost nobody can exactly tell the difference between these two.


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