Sep 6, 2009

Thai foods and Japanese in return タイ料理とお返しの日本料理

Posts during my stay in Moscow, I have another blog for traveling. Please take a look on that too.


Since last post, I changed my side to eat what others would cook. A girlfriend of my friend was enjoying her stay in Europe for a while and she cooked for us a lot of yummy Thai foods. I love Thai dishes beside Vietnamese ones and was very happy to know more about Thai dishes through her recipes.


The day before her departure back to her country, I cooked some Japanese foods for her and friends. I thought about the menu very carefully, I had so nice dishes from her and I wanted to make her stomach happy in the way she did to us ;)


I wanted to stress the difference of cuisines of our countries in the way, to cook as simple as possible to enjoy the original taste and flavor of each ingredient. This time I had to avoid using any soybean products including soy sauce which is rather hard to cook Japanese dishes, but I somehow figured out my menu. This time I looked for menus in cookpad site, the biggest Japanese cooking recipe site.

1. Radish and Okra salad with chopped plum
2. Cucumber Pickles
3. Miso soup with mashroom and seaweed (wakame)
4. Cooked rice with seaweed (hijiki), carrot and shiitake mashroom
5. Chawanmushi
6. Healthy salisbury beef steak with perilla frutescens and grated radish
7. Salmon and potato steamed in butter

Instead of using miso out of soybean, I used the one of barley.
And for soy sauce, nam pla from Thai dishes.


1. 大根とオクラの梅肉サラダ
2. きゅうりの即席漬け
3. わかめときのこの味噌汁
4. ひじき、ニンジン、シイタケの炊き込みご飯
5. 茶碗蒸し
6. 和風ビーフハンバーグ
7. 鮭とジャガイモのバター蒸し


I was not really happy about Chawanmushi, it was much harder than I imagined. I was cooking several things in parallel, I think I forgot to put mirin into the soup... (^^; But they are always very kind to say that it was nice... nice to have such friends. And I also had a souvenir after cooking, Thai noodle!

茶碗蒸しに関してはあまりうれしくなかった。予想したよりもかなり硬くなってしまった。同時に複数のものを調理していたので、どうも味醂を入れ忘れたような気が。。。(^^; でもみんないつもやさしいので、おいしいと言ってくれる。持つべきはこういう優しい友達。それに料理を食べ終わってしばらくして帰るときにお土産までもらった。タイのラーメン!

My friend always generously offers me the place that we can gather and he seldom appears in the picture because he is the cameraman. I cannot thank him much enough.


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