Nov 4, 2007

Religion 宗教観

I found a newspaper article the other day that Spanish court brought a sentence of a 40,000-year prison. It is quite familiar that American court would say 150 or 230-year prison for murders. But this one is far beyond by figures. As commonly discussed with such punishment is capital punishment. On the background of such an absurd judgment there is a warm merciful idea that human being may never kill other human being that God created. However, who on the earth in this current world would believe in God as people used to? After the World War II, people in many of Western Europe would not visit Churches, especially in Scandinavian countries. So-to-say this is being skeletonized.


On this point, it is quite interesting and impressive that Chinese and Japanese can share the similar view. People do not have to promise human right to those who would ignore human right of others. It is out of reason that murders would live comfortably in prison being fed and general people would live in efforts with least public assistance. It is common sense in Japan that whoever broke the rule and brought turbulence in the society should be punished. I do not think that death sentence would disappear in Japan.


As quite usual then would come Japan reproach. It seems very often that European or American would believe without any doubt that what they think is absolutely right, as if it is the very their task and fate to broaden their idea to primitively developed barbarians. Well there is no other developed countries but Japan to have a capital punishment. Japanese are brute, and they eat whales, too... In general, European or American are open, reasonable and kind. I have no doubt about it. But once we are standing on the other side due to benefit, they would ware the superior air and just push their idea to other, without imagining even to hear a single word of people living in "different" world. They are too busy to have interest what an idea Japanese would have for the capital punishment and for how European would think about it.


Japanese common sense is out of reason in the world. This common phrase is but used just to look down to what Japanese would do. But it should not just be that. Lost camera or wallet was found at police station, a stranger helped me at train station... If such unreasonable happening would happen in Japan, why can we be proud of it? Even if European would call us barbarian, we would not intentionally open old woulds of Europeans. Such common matter in Japan would never happen in poor Europe! As we already know that they have no idea to have respect for others, Japanese should justify themselves. No way to europanise Japan! In such decade with so the unreliable government, the idea is quite important.


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