Jan 1, 2018

A Happy New Year 2018 あけましておめでとうございます 2018

The more I got used to live like local people in Vienna, the less meaning I would find to write this blog. The only contact with Japanese society in Vienna was to play badminton or baseball.


There are many ways to survive in a foreign country; to live within a Japanese society and refuse to contact outer world, or to just keep myself open to the local society.


Any way, if I intended to or not, I am glad that I can speak German that many Austrian people would tell me that I speak perfect German, they respect my effort at least. To live in Austria, I thought I have to master German. This was very important for me from the very start and still now.


After living in Austria for 15 years, I still have sometimes problems to communicate with Austrian due to dialect, but the task I thought I should do is over.


I kept this blog actually for me myself, as if it were a diary. To live abroad for the first time, was a big event for me. I wanted to keep my thought or feeling for me. Nothing was sure to come to Austria without knowing anybody. Now the time tells me that I need a new place. I still have no idea what to do or where to go, but I believe I can enjoy this again.


Today, the first January 2018, I walked through the city. What I would miss to leave here should be,

1. The art history museum
2. many theaters and music halls where I heard world-class music
3. my favorite beer pub 1516

Of course I have some very nice friends here in Vienna, but I do not think that I will lose contact with them. It does not matter where we live. Really nice friends can be nice friends wherever we live, and with others that even live in Vienna, I would lose contact. It is quite normal and it cannot be avoided.


1. 美術史美術館
2. たくさんの劇場に音楽ホール。素晴らしい演奏を聞かせてもらった。
3. 贔屓にしていた近所のビアパブ 1516

もちろん、ウィーンにも気の置けない友人が数人いる。 でもウィーンを離れたからといって疎遠になるとは思わない。どこに住んでいようが、いい友人はいい友人だし、同じウィーンに住んでいても疎遠になる人はそうなる。それは当たり前のことで、どうにもならない。

We have many fears in our lives; for what we have never done before or for what we are not sure what would happen. Then we have just to try, otherwise we can never know if it might be correct or not. Or if we would love to do it or not. I want to keep honest to myself.


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