Mar 31, 2006

Japan, the Country of 3Hs 2 3Hの国日本2

"I really enjoyed your article about Japan in weekend edition of last week. As you indicated, I also feel often that some Japanese people are suffered from hygiene irritation. However, I think it a violent assumption to say that Japanese would not shake hands because of that. Greeting in Japan in general is concluded by bowing. According to Japanese etiquette, it is not polite to touch other people's body. In the background of European people's tradition of shaking hands, there might be an implied idea to show hand to others will prove that he does not hide have anything to harm the other. Japanese bowing tradition however, is to expose defenseless pose and avert eyes for a moment from others, to show that he relies the other from the heart. Moreover, there is also a difference between European and Japanese, how two people get close to each other. When two of European people get to know well, their physical distance will be shortened. On the other hand, there can be seen a tendency about Japanese people that they try to keep more distance after getting to know each other. This can be easily explained by giving an example of trains in rush hour. Of course it is not possible to stay in the trains without touching or being touched by others, needless to say it is uncomfortable. However, if a people got the train with his accountants or business partners, they would feel more uncomfortable. After their relationship is more than strangers, it would not allow them to keep the zero distance.


In the truth, there is the tradition in Japan to shake hands. Under following situation it is often seen in the daily life in Japan;

1. Restoration of friendship after quarrel, especially by children, but usually they would be forced by adult people to do so.
2. At the ceremony of company merger or integration, both ex-presidents would shake hands in front of cameramen.
3. After baseball games, every players would shake hands with every member from other team.
4. To thank people for, for example, saving his life
5. To say good bye and thank the people, not knowing when to be able to see again.

Considering the situation about Judo or Kendo, that nobody would shake hands before and after the game but just bow, the shaking hands in baseball case might be come from USA with baseball itself. It speaks well that it might be, that soccer players would even hug on shoulders and exchange their shirts. When saying good bye, people usually mean thank you to have been working together or being kind. In briefly, Japanese shaking hands can be seen when something gets together with the other, or to show great thankful feeling to others. Therefore, usual greeting does not match both cases and Japanese do not think it necessary to shake hands."


1. けんか後の仲直り
2. 会社の合併、併合などでその社長同士がカメラマンを前に
3. 野球の試合の後選手全員が
4. 命の恩人に対して感謝の際に
5. いつ会えるか分からない分かれの際に


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