Dec 26, 2005

St.Claus サンタクロース

Santa Claus should play the main role for the Christmas, but here a small angel called Christkindle would take the role. In Germany it is called "Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market)" where people can buy candles or decorations and people can also drink warm wine. In Austria it is called "Christkindel market". It is quite interesting to know that in Russia or in Ukraine they have another heroin besides Santa Claus, "Snow girl", a grand daughter of Santa Claus, wearing blue costume in contrast with Santa Clauses' read. I wonder if the angel (Christkindel) and the snow girl have connection to each other. Well, Santa Claus does not just bring presents but has lots to do.

Paramour Prowler Crucified
Honey Drunk with his Child

And this is the image from the angel Christkindel.


Santa Claus would bring presents to children all over the world and make them happy. He is loved by the children. However, he cannot get any present. He is even made fun of by the angel. Really hard work for him. (It is written, there is nothing for you.) Maybe, in order to comfort such the pity Santa Claus, many children in the world would send him Christmas card to the Christmas Post in Steyr.


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