Feb 3, 2006

Rich Dad 金持ち父さん

I wonder that I first read the book about five years ago, when I felt something very disgusting. I thought as if the author just laughs at whoever works earnestly. Of course just to work earnestly does not always make sense, nobody can find hot spring without researching where to dig. However, his book advises how to get much unearned income and it is important to get out of "rat race" to spend a rich life. I just felt it a typical American idea and they love money games. Maybe such idea may not be very special nor odd in America.


When compared among European, American and Japanese if they want to keep working after pension, very many Japanese would prefer to continue to work after retirement. In Europe the word "pensioner" sounds very cozy, but in Japan nobody would introduce themselves as a pensioner. It comes just from an idea how to find own value in the society and it differs very much from Euro-American one.


Recent Japanese news is full of the issue of Livedoor. The media criticizes politicians, political parties or even other media that cheered the former president of Livedoor. But how can a man just criticize those who cheers him after knowing that Japanese pension system is almost broken up. There should have been many people that started buy stocks to multiply their pocket money. If a politician says loud, "any person should work earnestly", then she should be just a liar. It is the politician that have been making fool on citizens to plug for daily life.


Pension problem is a common issue in Austria, too. However, the system is completely different from Japanese one. Austrian people must not pay from twenty years old, they can start to pay after starting work. They can receive full payment if they have paid for forty years, then may highly educated people that study in universities do not have the right from the beginning. Engineers especially, there is just degree from master and doctor, when they got a academic title they should already be at youngest 25 years old. Therefore they have to compensate the loss with personal pension. This is the current situation in Austria. It is much healthier than Japanese one. Of course the people should contribute to pension system and if they would refuse to pay, they can also be fined. But still mass media is just trying to find fault with others. I think they do not know what is more important. To work earnestly is important, and to think it very precious is something and admirable, only if everybody does not especially have to work for living after pension time.


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