Dec 26, 2005

St.Claus サンタクロース

Santa Claus should play the main role for the Christmas, but here a small angel called Christkindle would take the role. In Germany it is called "Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market)" where people can buy candles or decorations and people can also drink warm wine. In Austria it is called "Christkindel market". It is quite interesting to know that in Russia or in Ukraine they have another heroin besides Santa Claus, "Snow girl", a grand daughter of Santa Claus, wearing blue costume in contrast with Santa Clauses' read. I wonder if the angel (Christkindel) and the snow girl have connection to each other. Well, Santa Claus does not just bring presents but has lots to do.

Paramour Prowler Crucified
Honey Drunk with his Child

And this is the image from the angel Christkindel.


Santa Claus would bring presents to children all over the world and make them happy. He is loved by the children. However, he cannot get any present. He is even made fun of by the angel. Really hard work for him. (It is written, there is nothing for you.) Maybe, in order to comfort such the pity Santa Claus, many children in the world would send him Christmas card to the Christmas Post in Steyr.


Dec 24, 2005

Shops on Sundays 日曜日に働くこと

There used to be a time in Japan that people enjoyed open discussion programs on TV, there is one in Austria and also invited audience can partly join in the discussion. Well, which kind of topic would interest them? "To open shops on Sundays" The topic can never been discussed or be never taken as a topic for discussion in Japan. The people invited to the discussion were Richard Lugner who cannot be forgotten to talk about business in Austria, the owner of a huge shopping center in the outskirts of Vienna, a person from Viennese tourism association and a representative from the Labor Ministry.


The insistence of the executive officers is as following; "as the EU expands it is meaningful to open shops on Sundays especially in Vienna or region close to the border to other countries to lure more customers. It is strictly limited how long can a person work in a week and it is just an inattentiveness of the Labor Ministry not to allow manager to settle the time table freely. Currently the domestic consumption is about to reach the ceiling, it is necessary to loosen the regulation to attract foreign customers coming to Austria by car. Besides of it, there are possibilities to offer mothers jobs on Sundays that cannot work during week days due to family matter." On the other hand, insistence from opponents. "There is enough time for shopping now. Even if the shopping time would be extended, sales would not greatly improve. It is questionable if the shopkeepers can afford to pay additionally to whom works on weekends." During the discussion, there were no points of view from customer side. Somebody fears if family would be destroyed by working on holidays, and the others insist that the nation should protect families somehow.


They have an idea deep in their original thought, that nobody may work on Sundays. Then they cannot answer directly to the question why there is a problem to comply with the market demand. It is no question that family would be destroyed by working without any holiday, but it seems that they have their own answer from the beginning. They may not work on Sundays. However, there are exceptions. It is quite difficult to hold a discussion with such people. How the people living in such a country would feel when they travel to Japan? Convenience stores opened every time every day, vending machines everywhere...
