Mar 17, 2011

Helping Japan 日本を助けよう

Since last week I was so sticking to the Internet news in Japan, felt very shocked and painful, almost lost motivation to do anything. But after several days I changed my mind and went out where there are many people. I went to my salsa course and asked One of the staffs maintains the Cuban club, if I can put a paper to call for donation for Japan. I am already a so-to-say regular customer, I have taken salsa course continuously for almost six months. But still I was not sure if they would say yes.


Actually I did not have to worry about it at all, they even offered me to put a banner linked to a donation site on their home page, and told me the dimension of the jpeg file. Sometimes things go so easily as imagined and this was the case. If I would get a print out, I may put it on the wall, they promised. I was not able to concentrate on dancing during the lesson, but I got some ideas how I want the banner look like.


It took me about an hour to finish the graphic. I have seen so many tragic pictures in the Internet and did not want to use it which would depress people. I wanted it to be as simple as possible like the Japanese flag. And I just wish that we can hear good news from Japan soon. I sent the file to my friend who told me that she really liked it.


I was invited to an opening ceremony of an art exhibition of an artists' group which my Hungarian teacher organizes, I sent her an e-mail if it is possible to put the banner somewhere in the event space.


I have to find somebody to print it for free so that I would be able to hand over to people in the street. I only have Saturday to do that.


Mar 12, 2011

Japanese cooking 1 日本料理の会 1

I have been asked since a several months by some of my friends if I could show them how to cook Japanese food, I somehow arranged our first meeting. This time, one from Finnland, one from Austria and one from Japan. We met outside of Zieglergasse metro station. I already heard some about Japanese earthquake broke out the day before, but there were not much detailed information available. The Japanese woman who sometimes comes to play badminton in our club also worried much about it. Of course we did. We talked about it while we were waiting for other members. Actually there were still nothing to do without knowing what really happened in Japan.


For the first meeting, I thought about what we would cook. Many foreigners do not have rice cooker at home, but they surely think of sushi as Japanese dish. I wanted to do something different and picked up soba and tofu to use.


We went to an Korean food shop from the metro station, they have lots of Japanese products. We bought some ingredeints which are very important for Japanese food, I added some explanation to it for each. We bought soy sauce, mirin, konbu algen, rice noodle instead of soba due to wheet allergie of one of the members and sake.


First I started to cook kaeshi, basic sauce for noodle mixing mirin, sugar and soy sauce. I told them that it should be kept for some days before using it and it can also be used as teriyaki sauce my mixing more mirin. Today we have to use it just after making it, I added a bit more miron as usual. To procure Japanese ingredients are sometimes very expensive, but sometimes to use alternative made in other countries would cause problem, it does not taste as expected. Difficult decision to take a risk or save money.


Then we stated preparing tofu, cut in pieces and puffed potato starch. I cooked that for the New Year party and many of my friends liked it. Today I wanted to cook tofu with garic stem, but was not able to find at the store. So I used pea insted of that. I let them puff tofu, it is surely not difficult but tofu is very soft and hard not to distroy while cooking.


I fried carrot, onion and soy sprout, then started to cook soup base out of algen. For them it is very hard to imagine to such a black sheet for cooking. Just cook water until it boiled and took algen out of the water, then added the sauce into it. This is for the noodle. My friend had some shrimp and onion in her fridge, I made salad with wakame-algen, shrimp, onion and vinegar with some drops of sesame oil.


Doing all by ourselves usually takes time, but it is not very difficult and can control salt or sugar as we want. I already got used to it, I cannot imagine if I could have such time when I was in Japan. But it tastes much better than to used "already made" products.


Honestly, mirin made in Korea was somehow different as I imagined, but I thought I was able to cover up. Dishes were nothing gorgeous but just a typical daily Japanese food. It seemed to me that they were all happy with it and wanted to cook sushi for the next time, offered the date already. I wish I could have time for that.
